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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by rosefaith

  1. Nod, I'm shipping from the downtown annex at the moment. It seems to be working out -- at least, I hope it is. As far as I can tell, reshipments are getting to their destination domestically within a few days. Internationals remain to be seen.  :D

    You should start going to this new post office in a Groucho rubber nose and glasses, or something - you know, just so some weirdo there doesn't fall in love with you there, too...Got your pm the other day re: my order. Thank you! I'll let you know when it arrives. NO RUSH, okay?! (Really, I'll be disappointed if I see your mood emoticon saying "sick" again. All of the other forumites and I will have to trout you if that happens :P .)

  2. Thank you, shriekingv. They are beautiful! Since sirensongsouth is already using the one I was thinking about ( :P :D ), I was hoping to use an avatar of my own. I did manage to find an avatar and download it to my desktop (thanks, clephan, for the instructions), but I can't find a browse option in my control panel to install it with. Will this bug be fixed, or should I just install one of yours?

  3. I have to second the motion that you just relax and not worry about us until you get back. I am not dissatisfied with BPAL at all...Just the stupid post office. Please, please just relax and enjoy so you come back refreshed.


    I really hope this doesn't get to you. I understand how frustrating things can get and I hope this doesn't discourage too much. Patience has never been a virtue for me.


    Hugs! Go dance at the open air bar that is between Harrah's and the Imperial tonight and forget about us for a while!




    Lisa in Austin


    Yes, I feel this way, too. For me the "Where's my stuff?" threads have just given me a chance to vent - NOT at BPAL, but just to express my general frustration at not having your wonderful oils in my grubby little hands yet. I sometimes have a limited ability to delay gratification :P . Also, I think these threads have helped some of us ease our minds, because we realize that each of us is not the ONLY one having trouble with her early February order. Anyway, I for one am not mad at BPAL or at you! You run a very ethical business, and I have no doubt that if my order doesn't show up, you'll re-send it. I hope you've been able to relax at least a little bit in Las Vegas.

  4. Are you sure you and your lab don't want to move up to Santa Cruz? It's awful purdy up here, and there are great redwood trees. I'd love to do some part-time work for you, if we lived in the same town...But, seriously, I have family and friends down in LA, so I'll keep my ears peeled :P and see if I hear of any creative people with good sniffers who are looking for part-time work.

  5. I'd be happy to contribute, but i dont have paypal. how would i get the money to you?


    It's really easy to join paypal, Fae_Rae. I'm rather computer-challenged myself, and if I could figure out how to do it, I'm sure you'll be able to also :P . Just go to this address




    and follow the directions. Best of all, it doesn't cost any money to sign up!

  6. Hi Kebechet. Not sure whether you're actually looking to hire someone, but I have a friend who's awesome at designing databases. In fact, she designed mine for my massage therapy business. She's up here in NoCal, but I believe she'd be able to do it via phone (not sure about that however - but I could check, if you're interested).

  7. lorajc, sirensongsouth, and laivine: you are all gals after my own heart. As I was reading through the first page of posts, I started to think I might have a problem. Here were people who talked about having 1,2, even 12 new "must-have" fragrances. I was beginning to feel a bit self-conscious, due to the fact that there are about, um, 30 new fragrances that I'd like, and I will probably order 18 Imp's Ears, like, as soon as I finish writing this post 8) . But when I read the posts of the 3 lovely ladies above, I didn't feel quite so guilty. So happy that BPAL exists :P .
