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Posts posted by fairy

  1. This one is amazing. It smells like a beautiful red rose on a rainy day. Added her to my favorites list and probably need a big bottle :P She is a bit on the strong side but I like that...just thought I'd mention it.

  2. I can't believe someone was kind enough to throw this in as a frimp in a recent ebay score. WOW. Anyhow I have half an imp and didn't even want to try it on yet because I don't want to waste any. I can say that in the bottle it smells like heaven. Soft buttery chocolately goodness. I'll put this on for a special occasion

  3. When I smelled the honey I thought oh-no (because O and #20 Love Oil hated me) but for some reason in this blend it worked. And I know it isn't listed in the ingredients but I smell almonds. Wet yummy almonds. When it settles a bit it get a tad powdery soft, which is quite lovely. One of my new favorites :P

  4. This one smelled a lot like O, which on me wasn't a good thing. I'm guessing honey is in there and on me, honey smells like sweaty gym socks. I'll keep this just because I like the concept, but as far as fragrance goes, my body chemistry didn't like :/

  5. I think I'm going to cry, where's that cry icon....oh here it is --> :P <-- that's me right now. Crying :D


    Anyhow, this came HIGHLY recommended by the person who introduced me to the whole BPAL universe so I ordered it like crazy, unsmelled. I just got my 5ml bottle today and have 2 imps on the way. Guess what. I hate it :D See, more crying.


    That'll teach me to overbuy something without smelling it first.


    In the bottle it smells like sweaty gym socks. On me it smells like a combination of sweat and body odor. Musty. I think it's the honey that hates me...I forgot what else I tried that had honey in it and I had a similar response. Or maybe its the amber. It cant be the vanilla because I LOVE vanilla.


    Eh...off to the swap pile I guess :D

  6. This one smells a lot like Snow Moon but less intense. More of a softness to it. Pine needles, fresh snow, watery, winter goodness. I love this one so much I got 2 bottles. I have a feeling this will be worn a lot this winter.

  7. I put this one on last night and kept having to come back to the bottle to sniff...I just could not place the smell. Then I came here to read the description and felt embarrased for missing it. ALMOND! Lots of yummy almonds. Of course!


    This is a very interesting scent. I want to not like it because it doesn't go with what I usually like, but this one is nice! I got a few "mmmm, what's that smell" comments with this one. Sweet but not overly annoying sticky sweet. Just enough to make a statement without overdoing it. Love it!

  8. In the bottle it's pure cookie dough. Deliciousness. On, it takes on a new turn...still smell food but their is an airy quality to it that reminds me of House of Night, which I didn't care for. I smell smoke for some reason :/

  9. interesting. In the bottle this smells like a sweaty locker room. When first applies it kept that B.O. smell for a bit but then a soft, minty scent came forward, thankfully :P Not a favorite of mine but not one I'm willing to part with either, for some strange reason.

  10. Another one that made my top ten. This one is amazing. Definitely one to wear when going out. It has a zing that makes it stand out and lasting power so you aren't constantly re-applying it. It was love at first sniff. I wonder if the description had anything to do with it :P When I first read that I thought to myself "now THATS one I need to try". And luckily enough I love it.


    To me it smells *sparkly*. That's the only word I could come up with.

  11. Named after the Roman God of Sleep. This blend helps bring on deep, restful, natural sleep.

    All I can smell is lavender...which is usually soft on me but for some reason this one is a little harsh. I put some on my temples and wrists and am seeing it it helps me fall asleep (I suffer horrid insomnia). Will update if it works :P

    Edited to add: when layered with TAL's White Light, it makes an AMAZING sleed aid. I had the best sleep last night and it's thanks to those 2

  12. From the description (not the notes) I expected this to be heavier. Surprisingly this is a refreshing, upbeat, flowery feminine scent that I really like. Growing up we lived behind a florist. They'd throw their old flowers in a dumpster that was about 30 feet from our backyard. AS kids we'd go through the dumpster "scoring" lovely unwanted flowers. This is what Dreamland reminds me of. It was nice to revisit my youth in this perfume. I love it.


    ADDED August 10:


    This one is sooooo lovely. Light, flowery, and crisp. Definitely a good bedtime scent, or one to calm you down. A plus is that is smells great too. I love it

  13. This wont be going to the swap pile for the name alone even though I don't particularly care for the scent. It has an almost metallic smell to it. I also smell something citrus...which is normally good but for some reason it doesn't work, for me, combined with the other ingredients

  14. My oh my. This might be my new favorite scent. This is heaven in a bottle. Soft, sweet, subtle, clean, yet intriguing (not dull). I have nothing but praises for this lovely oil. I know this one will get upgraded to a full bottle. LOVE it!

  15. Sensual, decadent, and enigmatic. Lavender, softly underscored by lotus and spice.

    Wet wet wet. Like a wet martini. An odd but intriguing blend. I like this one because it makes a statement but not in an overpowering way. After a bit something orange comes forward. Very nice~

  16. in the bottle it smells a little wintergreen-ish. On it powders down quite a bit. After about 30 minutes it smells kind of sweaty. That said, I'm still not discounting this one for some reason. There is something about it I am drawn to...

  17. Since, so far, the funeral oils havent been working on me I wasn't sure what to think. Surprisingly I really liked this one. Very soft with a little zing to it. Not too strong, but a pleasant smell to those who don't like to overpower people with their perfume smells. The only bad thing with this was its staying power. It seemed to vanish rather quickly. Still, I liked it. Just means you need to keep re-applying it :P

  18. Here is the classic example of body chemistry reacting poorly to different oils. In the bottle this smells wonderful. Exactly how a cool, crisp, autumn night smells like. Winter approaching. Walking alone on a deserted street. Once I put it on all I smell are wet cigarettes with a slight perfume smell. Didn't work on me at all :P

  19. Strong black tea and milk with white pepper, ginger, honey and vanilla, spilled over the crisp scent of clean linen.

    My first imp spill :D and it's a shame too because this one smells really nice. Now it's everywhere and I can't get the smell out of my nose :P

    Anyhow, it's not what I expected. This one smells "foody" to me, which I love. I smell vanilla and tea. I don't smell pepper at all, which for me is good. If you like the food smells, this ones for you :D

  20. EEEEK. Pure cinnamon spice in the bottle. I'm glad I put it on because it settled some and I caught a slight sniff of rose of some sort. But the spice over powers it for me. Off to swap...


    I had to edit this when I read one of the reviews above mine that mentioned Big Red Gum....that's IT! It's like chewing Big Red Gum while standing next to old roses :P
