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Everything posted by Iceblink

  1. Iceblink

    The Winter of Our Discontent

    The cypress and balsalm absolutely own this one in the early stages, and they're quite intense. As time passes I'm getting more myrrh and clove, though--I'm liking the drydown a lot more than the wet phase. No mandarin here. This is almost just a teeeeeeny bit too masculine, mostly because of that initial stage...but it's nice and would probably be a great room scent.
  2. Iceblink

    Midnight Mass

    ... This perfume is a traditional Roman Catholic sacramental incense, most often used during a Solemn Mass. Traditionally, five tears of this incense, each encased individually in wax that has been fashioned into the shape of a nail, are inserted into the paschal candle. This is, of course, represents the Five Wounds of Our Risen Savior. Symbolically, the burning of the incense signifies spiritual fervor, the fragrance itself inspires virtue, and the rising smoke carries our prayers to God. Very much like Cathedral in the wet stage but the drydown is cedarcedarcedar. Cedary incense.
  3. Iceblink

    Jacob's Ladder

    I'll agree with the review above mine--SHALIMAR! This is very old-school, lady's-boudoir perfume, and like a lot of those classic perfumes a little of it goes a long way. Strong like whoa, this stuff. I'll be interested to see how this changes with age, since I suspect a lot of the powdery-perfumeyness of it is coming from the amber, which sometimes does odd things on my skin when it's fresh. Still, very ladylike and pretty.
  4. Iceblink

    On Darkness

    If I hadn't seen a couple of other reviews mention fruit here, I'd think my decant was mislabeled--On Darkness is deeeeeeeply fruity on me and I have no idea what's doing that. I really don't smell most of the listed notes at all. It's lovely but wow, this is odd. I'm going to give it some aging time and revisit this one.
  5. Iceblink


    Spicy, warm, earthy patchouli and oakmoss. This reminds me a teeny bit of Luperci. It's very warm and snuggly, and could be unisex although it doesn't strike me as being overly manly. The sandalwood is becoming more prominent as it dries and it's just gorgeous. I love this!
  6. Iceblink

    The Gaoler's Daughter

    Sweet, honeyed peaches! The gardenia here is so well-behaved, thank goodness--I can tell it's there but it's not turning into the Gardenia of Doom. The neroli note is strong and I think without it, this blend would be far too sweet, but with it, it's a feminine fruity-floral with tons of throw. This and Belle Vinu are a great pair of peach scents.
  7. Iceblink

    Butter Rum Cookie

    WHOA this is spicy. Cinnamon? It's not burning my skin but I'll have to test it straight out of the shower one day to be sure. This smells like spicy snickerdoodles with a very, very faint citrusy zest floating on top. Very festive and warm and cozy! If my skin is able to tolerate this one, it's a bottle for sure.
  8. Iceblink

    Le Père Fouettard

    I was nervous about the leather here; I don't think I should have been. This is mostly strong, sweet licorice and I want to lick my arm! The leather is there in the background to keep this from being too candylike. This has great throw! I really like it.
  9. Iceblink


    Very dry powdery cocoa--a lot like Bliss but Bliss doesn't have the dry feeling that this does. Amber ages wonderfully and I don't think Gelt's full powers will really be known for a couple of months, but it's pretty tasty right now as it is!
  10. Iceblink

    Rose Red

    I decided to give Rose Red a try again this year; I liked the previous version I tried (possibly 2005?) but it didn't really last well on me and turned a bit acrid by the end of the day. This year's version seems sweeter and more lush--a beautiful, perfectly-formed red rose. I'll have to see how it wears over the course of a day to know for sure if I need a bottle but this certainly is gorgeous!
  11. Iceblink

    Lick It Like You Mean It

    Pepperminty wonderfulness; this one seems a little more candy-sweet and less sharply minty than last year's. It still vanishes on my skin within minutes of applying, though, darn the luck. I really wish one of these would work on me one of these years.
  12. Iceblink

    Nowhere in Particular

    Clean, green, and faintly fruity. I'll agree that this smells like a really nice soap or room scent, but the faint ozoneyness isn't going to agree with my head too well.
  13. Iceblink

    Sugar Cookie

    Oh wow. I tried a decant of this ages ago--it was most likely 2005's version--and it was nice but just kind of vaguely sweet and foody. 2008 is downright decadent. It takes a few moments to warm up and kick in but when it does it's buttery and rich and more of a flaky-pastry smell than a cookie. Or maybe a really good shortbread! Quite strong, too. I definitely will need a bottle of this.
  14. Iceblink


    Fascinum=mostly a generic amber/musk on me. It's not bad but it's a bit boring, like one of the main components is still waiting to be added or something. Might be nice to layer with.
  15. Iceblink


    Mmm...smokey-sweet tobacco! The leather here is very subtle and mainly keeps the date and tobacco from going sickly sweet; this is a dry, unisex tobacco blend to my nose. A bit like walking into a smoke shop! It's got great throw and staying power, too. Surprisingly good!
  16. Iceblink

    Loup Garou

    This is fresh sticky slap-you-in-the-face pine and eucalyptus. Smells like something that would be great for clearing your sinuses--very medicinal. Way too harsh and green for me.
  17. Iceblink

    Fenris Wolf

    Oh so sexy--red musk is made of win, always and it blends beautifully with the woods here! The rosewood in particular stands out. This is certainly a red musk that a man could wear, but it's by no means exclusively masculine. Strong with great throw too! Very nice.
  18. Iceblink

    The Little Sparrow

    Sandalwood and amber, yep--this is a very dry blend. Kind of incensey. The amber isn't turning powdery on me (yay!) but overall this isn't really me; I tend to prefer amber to be blended with something sweet.
  19. Iceblink


    Thorns: chokingly strong vetiver when wet. Drying into a much nicer's dragon's blood/greenery blend. The wet stage is very hard to get past for me, though. Maybe this'll mellow out a bit in a few more weeks.
  20. Iceblink

    Belle Vinu

    In the imp this is all fresh juicy peach. Wet on the skin I get the woods--strong rosewood in particular, with the peach still there but only just. As it dries the vanilla is coming out. The woods are a little strange blended with the peach and vanilla but I quite like the effect. I suspect with some aging this'll be less dominantly woody and more of a smooth vanilla peach. But it's nice now too!
  21. Iceblink

    The Witch's Garden

    Whew--this is intensely herbal and green. Parsley, definitely. It's not a pleasant smell to me at all--it smells like something used for a certain intent, not like something you'd wear just to smell good. There's a note here that reminds me of some of the sleep blends like Somnus, too. Witchy!
  22. Iceblink

    King Cobra (2006)

    Incensey Snake Oil! The frankincense is very strong here and getting stronger the longer this dries. Overall this is a much less sweet SO blend that a lot of the Snake Pits are. Strong and long-lasting.
  23. Iceblink


    Sweet musky Snake Oil. I'm surprised the woods aren't stronger in this, as teak tends to go crazy on me. I suspect this will smell even better aged.
  24. Iceblink

    The Robotic Scarab

    Add me to the "this is so well-blended!" camp. I can't believe the leather's just a nice little note in here and not the strong Leather of Doom. This reminded me a bit of Sin, of all things, when wet, but dry it's not nearly as sweet. The metal and oil notes are there but they're very smooth. A great cologney scent.
  25. Iceblink


    Bright citrus that becomes...really nice dryer sheets. Dammit. It does have great throw and lasting power.