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BPAL Madness!


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About ND¢

  • Rank
    temba, his arms wide
  • Birthday 04/08/1977


  • Location
    slouching at the gates of Hell
  • Country
    United States


  • BPAL of the Day
    Mum Moon
  • Favorite Scents
    Pinched With Four Aces, Chrysanthemum Moon, Snake Charmer, Glowing Vulva, Severin, Slime Queen, Phyllocrania Paradoxa v1

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  • Interests
    reading, perfume, cats, trees and dirt and nature, feeling good, cooking, getting by, boots, long hair, shades of red, eliding and elision, music, leather, traveling, being rich, writing
  • Mood
    the krakencaller


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  1. ND¢

    Beaver Moon: Violet and Vanilla Chiffon

    it goes in the cloud of wistful, light sweet days-gone-by scents and is very pretty. Agree the vanilla is a sweet one. Gonna be popular.
  2. ND¢


    ooh, that's a sweet little musky delight. Sexy! I didn't expect sexy and a bit impudent. BARELY any clove. It almost reminds me of the 'chord' note I mentioned in To A Wreath Of Snow (re-release) but with a sweet vanilla musk... yeah I'm loving it Edited to add: I wrote this in my car driving away from the post office and I stand by it!
  3. ND¢

    Pink Fuzzy Handcuffs

    Wow. Sweet, but not too sweet, and a perfectly jammy but very unique rose I really like! I never, EVER go for rose scents. Pretty unprecedented. Fun, cute, and settles down to a nice not-too obtrusive rose skin scent. Absolutely a mood elevator. Impossible not to feel like this is fun.
  4. ND¢

    Glowing Vulva at Ryogoku Bridge 2024

    I broke out my low partial of the original to see what I thought, for those interested in direct comparison. The wood? or something in the 2024 reads as slightly more aromatic when it goes on wet? Original, the first impression is a thump of teak that is absolutely smooth, twined with a yogurt cream note. Here there is more, IDK, fuzz surrounding. Not overwhelmingly so. The drydown is not identical; there is more of the sweet fuzz with a pretty, light, non bubblegum throw. HOWEVER, it is close AND I think the re-release would have wider appeal for some reason. There is something a little more... obscure about the drydown of the original. Apologies for not having a better way to describe all this.
  5. ND¢

    Lavender Coconut Cream Pie

    So it's night time here in ND¢towne and thus you're going to get a review of a lavender scent. If you are like me you have a collection that includes Lavender and White Chocolate Madeleines, TKO, Two Frames, Daybreak, and generally regard any new scent in that constellation as a potential member in the gang. I am pleased to say this one delivers. What I was worried about was this would just be a lav coconut scent, but you know that would never happen. The Black Friday release really allows the buzz to develop for this scent, doesn't it? Basically a free sample of a Yule? Well, the 'pie' aspect of this is the make it or break it and it is letter perfect, uncannily WTF like coconut creme pie almost. I agree with amoray that throw is light and it doesn't stick around, but that's the only ? and honestly I don't think you could just turn up the volume on this scent without it collapsing on itself like the ephemeral, yummy thing it is.
  6. ND¢

    Vampire Milk

    Unfortunately the combo of goats milk and clove bud has done what other BPAL cream scents have done on my skin, which is to smell extremely gross and animalic in a bad way, like pee or??? (had this with Young Pine Saplings too, and Chibi Skull, which did not have clove.) So frustrating, skin chem fail, just posting in case others get this reaction-- not alone.
  7. ND¢

    Vintage Ghost Blow Mold

    The initial wet smack was a bit stronger than I expected. It dries down to the sort of light, sweet, liltingly gorgeous sugary warm smell that no one would ever complain about. ETA: you definitely must get this. I find the opening/initial overtone that many have mentioned to have eased up/integrated into my understanding of this scent and it is fabulous. There's something about the drydown that's so compelling (it's the 'initial wet smack' and WoolyBee identified it as a 'clean overtone') but cannot identify anything close to the notes) I can't stop hoping for more whiffs.
  8. ND¢

    To a Wreath of Snow 2023

    It's a beautiful and haunting four-note chord, slightly dissonant... a classic left long, and long missed. Spectral, slightly twisted, aching vibe. Sooooo atmospheric. If you don't have it you really must. I would say it is for fans of Vision of the Courtesan, Zorya P., the lavender note from A Place Of Seeing maybe? So, very good.
  9. ND¢

    Batty Lace

    I would say that initially the caramel musk and leather do make it seem less like the precious, but that it also smells very good. The caramel musk and leather are very reserved and not at all overpowering. Quickly as it dries down I discern the resemblance coming out. I feel like the drydown is considerably Antique Lace like... it is definitely not identical but I am surprised at the similarity. Okay, I've matched OG and Batty. OG is very... brittle? Fragile? It's much more 'faded perfumes' dominant. The caramel musk and leather (extremely well balanced) provide a sort of here and now feel that Antique... well, hence the name obviously. Antique Lace has the high note of Pediophobia, Batty is definitely a gourmand style tribute with some sugar and a firm base that AL lacks. ETA have had it for a week and am thoroughly pleased. This is a scent that stands on its own, opening a warm and beckoning door into BPAL current and past, at the same time it pleases those of us who miss days gone by.
  10. intrigued by the reviews though generally not 'a floral lover,' I grabbed a bottle. you know what, I almost get the comparison to apricot. it's such a unique floral, not at all brash or overbearing. I think I remember this from They Shut Me Up In Prose, but I prefer the simpler chord this combo strikes. Fuzzy apricots, heh, because of the benzoin. I wish the vanilla were a bit more dominant, but there's time.
  11. ND¢


    One of my favorites. Was difficult to find and I'll always be grateful someone decided to pass this on to me. There's a definite orange blossom floating delicately over the sensual mix that is honey and brown sugar with saffron sprinkled recklessly atop. There is something to that 'tonka and tobacco leaf' and I think it's another leg of this stool. Adding the nonvanilla of tonka and the tobacco's bright note to the honey et al.
  12. ND¢


    wet: this is fuckin' sassy. drydown: this is a lace. I like this. Tom mentioned the sass on another SMS, and it's here. There is an element of definite 'frill' that keeps this scent right at the front of your consciousness. You wear this when it's a big day and you're a big deal. It's not a strong rose. I say this as NOTTTTTT a rose wearer. I can bring off this amount of rose when other players are carrying their weight-- it's just so often they don't. I feel like....yeah. It's sweet, and the satin note/musk/fougere chord may be a bit high, but I feel like it goes overboard in precisely the way the art dictates. And a good vanilla as the wearing continues--really more of a lace cousin since it hasn't got the lace components and is using the fabric notes, silvered frill, musk/fougere base instead. A good representation of the art.
  13. ND¢

    A Girl Knitting

    The opening was a bit brasher than I was prepared to handle (not sure why as the word 'battle' is in the description.) I compared it to a white tea scent or something herbal.
  14. ND¢

    They Shut Me Up in Prose

    so this is a very unique primarily floral perfume. I wanted to say, when it was on wet, that it was sexy in a demure-but-very-up-close way. Very intimate, very sweet, and about 45 minutes in giving me an impression of a perfect rose, carved in lipstick. There's just this light layer of unreality about it.
  15. Initially this made me think, 'huh! Ghost Milk!' and indeed it felt like a simpler sandalwood version, but dried down emphasizing the very smooth sandalwood. If you are like me and don't know your sandalwood, this is not the same as And Though They Are With You. It is equally lovely in its own right; a bit brighter or more textured sandalwood.