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Posts posted by Maia

  1. Wet, this is slightly smokey, sweet and woody. Once dry, however, the vanilla comes forward and once dry Tombstone is almost pure vanilla on me. The cedar gives the scent a warm, dry base, but it's barely detectable. It's a very nice vanilla, maybe my favorite BPAL vanilla so far. And I loves me some vanilla, so this is a winner. :thumbsup:



  2. I love the smell of chai tea and was hoping this would come close. I am not disappointed; this is the scent of spicy chai tea on me.


    Now, I love Bengal, it's cinnamon tea with honey on me. However, I tend to amp the honey in Bengal which sometimes makes it too sweet and cloying. The Lion is only cinnamon, dry, hot cinnamon on me. This, however is perfect. A well blended mix of exotic spices, just as I had hoped for. It's sweeter than I expected and the cinnamon behaves very nicely towards the other spices. Once fully dry, there's a lovely warm, smooth glow to this scent.


    Medium throw and staying power.


    Spice heaven. A new favorite. :wub2:

  3. Wet, this reminds me a lot of White Rabbit - milk and clean cotton sheets. It sweetens as it dries, however, as the honey steps forward. At one stage it reminden me of a lighter, cleaner, more innocent version of O mixed with a dollop of cream.


    It dries down to a clean, "natural" skin scent. Creamy, sweet in a non-cloying way with a hint of powder to make i even smoother and softer. Lovely.

  4. Milk is one of my favorite notes, so obviously I had to try Nonae Caprotina. I love Milk Moon 2007 and I hoped that this would be similar, only without the tangy grape note that MM07 has.


    I am not disappointed. It's sweet, almost sugary, creamy milk with the myrrh to give it a bit of depth and smoothness. Depending on my varying skin chemistry this almost gets a little too sweet and sugary at times, but most of the time it's just right.


    Beautiful and just what I hoped for. I'm glad I have two bottles of it. :heart:

  5. I made an order (european order) for two bottles of Nonae Caprotina on June 30. I havent got any CnS and international orders that was made after June 30 has been shipped. I e-mailed the lab last week to inquire about my order but I haven't had any answer from them.


    Should I e-mail the lab again? How long does it usually take for them to answer e-mails? Is Nonae Caprotina backordered?



    Ooops! The e-mail from the lab was in my junk mail folder! I feel so stupid.


    It turned out that there was a problem with my order (no shipping address) and the lab did e-mail me about it.


    I can't wait to get my order.

  6. I made an order (european order) for two bottles of Nonae Caprotina on June 30. I havent got any CnS and international orders that was made after June 30 has been shipped. I e-mailed the lab last week to inquire about my order but I haven't had any answer from them.


    Should I e-mail the lab again? How long does it usually take for them to answer e-mails? Is Nonae Caprotina backordered?

  7. The most lily-of-the-valley scent I've found (and I've tried just about everything in the GC at least) is.... Squirting Cucumber. Depending on how impressionable you are to scent names, you might have to psych yourself out of thinking it smells like cucumber, but really, it has a light and sweet and very fresh lily of the valley scent. Get an imp, check it out!


    I thought it was just me having weird skin chemistry - Squirting Cucumber smelled exactly like lily of the valley on me too when I tried it.

  8. Croquet starts out juicy, sparkly and fruity. As it dries down it gets a little rounder and deeper as the musk and patchouli comes forward. It settles in to a fruity-green musk. Summery and bright without being too sweet or too citrussy-tangy.

  9. Thanks, everyone, for all the suggestions! My wishlist just got a mile longer. :P


    I saw that nag champa was a common suggestion. Actually, I've been burning that incense since I was about 13, and while it's one of my favorite scents ever, it's not what I'm looking for. The Hindu temple smell I'm thinking of is a lot less earthy than nag champa...I'm starting to wonder if it is a type of rose. I will check out neem, though -- that could possibly be it.


    Actually I was thinking rose, too. One scent that smells indian to me is the scent of rosewater. The rosewater I sometimes use smells like incensy rose. Scherezade smelled like rose incense to me when I tried it, but maybe that's just my nose being weird.


    Just a note on neem - neem oil smells vile, like burned garlic. I assume the fresh or dried plant smells better? I've never heard of it being used in incense though.

  10. None of the other Ars Draconis scents I've tried has worked out for me, but this one kind of does. I guess I'm not a big fan of Dragon's Blood. This is deep musk combined with the resiny sweetness of Dragons Blood - sexy and a little dark. After a while it gets lighter and even sweeter and almost floral, but with a warm, musky undertone. I'm not in love with it, but I'm pleasantly surprised.

  11. Yep, there's the furry coyote basking in the sun on the dry, grassy plains.

    Oh, and look, it has cubs! Sweeter, softer, not quite as musky as their parent and very cuddly.


    Dry, sweet grass, dirt and musk. After some time the amber comes forward and makes the scent smoother, sweeter and almost a little creamy. It's a wonderful, comforting scent in all it's stages and my favorite bpal-musk so far. I can't categorize this as feminine or masculine; I love this on me and I think this would totally work on a man as well.


  12. Samhain 2007 on me is: eating spicy apple-pie outside on a crisp autumn day. It's all apples and spices: foody and slightly sweet, and the apples gives this scent a fresh, crisp quality. After a couple of hours it becomes creamier and sweeter and almost vanilla-y. Good staying power, not too much throw. Very nice.

  13. Oh, this is gorgeous! Once dry Antique Lace is almost entirely vanilla on me, but it's a dry, soft vanilla with a hint of something that could be white musk in the background. As for the flowers – I'm not even sure I can smell them at all, they are very, very faint. Lovely.

  14. I ordered a bottle of Alice unsniffed, because I love most of the notes in it: bergamot, honey, milk and carnation and I needed to spend money on new and shiny bottles at the time. I was a little afraid of the rose, and yes - the rose is there, but this rose is pale, light and fresh and doesn't bother me at all. At first the bergamot gives Alice a fresh, slightly sour (but nice) quality that soon fades to give place to a lovely scent of honeyed carnation and milk. Softly spicy and creamy, sweet but still fresh and light.


    Absolutely lovely and one of my favorites. :P

  15. Once applied on skin it's like the notes take turns at first, introducing themselves; lemony ginger, and yes, there's the tea - crispy clean linen, milk, honey. I don't really get the pepper. The clean linen note is really strong for a while but soon fades a bit to blend with the milk. The honey sweetens the whole thing up after a while and the ginger fades.


    White Rabbit is clean and milky but still quite warm. To me, the perfect day to wear this scent would be a rainy summer day with the sun peaking through every now and then. Clean and cozy at the same time. I think I love this.


  16. In the imp: almonds.

    Wet on skin: marzipan, clay and dirty sandalwood. Weird and almost unpleasant. Me don't like.

    Luckily, my skin tends to amp honey, and after a while the weirdness fades away giving place to the sweet and round scent of honey and fig (I think I still can detect some sandalwood, but it keeps nicely int the background). It's quite yummy - I think I like it. I am a little worried that the weird, unpleasant marzipan clay will reappear when I least expect it as I don't trust my body chemistry, but for now it's :P

  17. Warm spicy tea with a zest of orange. I think it's maybe the cherryblossom that's giving this a slightly "perfumey" quality - and is keeping it from going foody. I get the amber musk as well. A nice scent for fall or winter I would say. Warm, spicy in a soft way and kind of sexy. It's "dry", rather than sweet to my nose. I like, but right now I'm into sweeter scents.

  18. At first - amber and wood incense sweetened by honey - I can't decide which notes that are most prominent in this blend, they all seem to get along and blend nicely. For a while there is a note in the background that smells slightly off (the currant?) but it's barely noticeable. The honey really amps up after a while, which I'm perfectly happy with, and the amber incense note is still there, giving Svadhinaopatika a sexy creamyness. It's warm and sweet and very sexy, I must say. I like it.

  19. A fertile scent, generous, life-affirming, and swelling with a sense of triumph, warmth, and abundance: sweet milk, golden honey, fig fruit, pomegranate, dates, and white grape.

    Milk Moon to me, smells like, well, like the description says. In the bottle and at first on application it's milk and fruits, a bit citrussy/sour in a good way. It's a bit sharp at first, but the scent deepens and the fig and honey comes out adding warmth and sweetness. It's a fruity, creamy, sweet and happy scent and it's quite lovely. I'm glad I have a bottle.

    Edited to add description.

  20. I don't know if it's because my sense of smell has developed since I tried this the first time, or if it's because it's spring now (first tried this in the fall/winter). When I tried this the last time I was kind of meh about it, but this time I really get it. It's ginger and milk, and after the initial sharpness (which is nice and fresh) of the ginger has mellowed I am left with a warm yet fresh, milky/creamy, sweet ginger. Spicy in a very soft and comforting way. Sadly it doesn't have a lot of staying power and I have to slather and reapply a lot. I'm considering ordering a bottle of Sudha Segara anyway. I like it a lot.


    ETA: OK, I'm confused about this blend. It behaves different every time I wear it. Sometimes it just goes soapy on me and it's just meh again. Body chemistry issues? I don't know.

  21. Sophia starts out as musky rose on me, and something sharp and almost funky is saying hello too. As it dries the scents lightens up and morphs into a soft, herby floral warmed by musk. Sweet and light. As flowers (and especially roses) normally isn't my friend perfume-wise I am pleasantly surprised. A while later the gentle spices emerges and Sophia turns into sweet, soft spice and musk with a hint of flowers. Still light, fresh and very soothing. It goes through some almost soapy stages and it borders on becoming powdery, but I must say it's a quite beautiful scent.

  22. Initial on application: Roses. Fresh, damp roses. Quite nice although not what I expected. As the blend dries the scent turns greener - roses with green stems and lush, damp, green leaves. Still very nice.


    Once dry the scent sweetens and and a weird plasticky note transforms Vinland into the scent of sickly sweet jelly candy - a cheap, not so yummy kind of candy. :D Obviously it doesn't work with my chemistry and I blame the rose note for this. It's always the roses. :P
