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Everything posted by sofaking6

  1. sofaking6

    Punkie Night

    Mouth-watering! This is a great fall scent, it reminds me of picking apples when I was younger. It's sooo crisp and juicy. I do get cider on the dry-down, and it's lovely, very much so, but the green-apple explosion in the bottle is what really makes me smile.
  2. sofaking6

    Kindly Moon

    Wow I LOVE Kindly Moon. In the bottle it's a light, sweet floral. Really appealing in that way that makes you smile and get straight to testing On wet, still light and sweet - the beauty of Kindly Moon is that it's sophisticated but totally open and welcoming at the same time. It says, no matter who you are, I want you to wear and enjoy me. Dry, the floral comes out swinging, but the balancing sweetness keeps it lovely. Awesome!
  3. sofaking6


    Jailbait cracks me up! It smells exactly as described. Bubblegum, maybe cherry flavored, maybe orange flavored. When you put your arm up to get a cheerful whiff though, you hesitate a moment...what IS that underneath? Florals and musk? Am I a sexy cougar who can't face middle age, or a coquettish baby with nasty curiosity? Genius! This is such a clever and funny perfume. Get an imp, and a schoolgirl outfit, and have a little fun.
  4. sofaking6


    Imp: sweet, fruity and aquatic. I get more of a banana-type fruit than citrus or berry. It smells familiar but I can't place it. Persimmon? Wet: fruity with a little wood spice in there Slightly dry: very sharp herbal, the fruit is entirely gone and this is just bright green more dry: smells like a fence! 5 minutes later: gone. Arachne is great, it's kind of an experience or activity more than an all-day perfume to wear. It morphs a ton and all of its phases are appealing and interesting. I would like to see it linger more on one of the pre-fence phases, but what can you do? This is the most active scent I've tried on to date. Like a spider spinning a web.
  5. sofaking6

    Antique Lace

    I got this as a frimp from cabinsmama. I was surprised to like it so much. Imp: vanilla and laundry Wet: a really appealing floral blend. Dry: vanilla, flowers and laundry This is a great scent. It's funny...I'm not sure that I want me to smell like it, because it does have a bit of an old lady sensibility...but I do want to smell it a lot. I think this is a great candidate for a sachet or dryer scent.
  6. sofaking6


    Imp: bananas, straight up. Wet: more well-rounded fruit...a little overripe but not unpleasant As it dries, the chili comes out, and it reminds me of eating in Cuban restaurants where plantains and chili are often served. Verdict: I'm not sure I could wear this regularly, but I still think it's a great scent, very evocative.
  7. sofaking6

    #20 Love Oil

    Well, my first negative review and I don't know even know what I don't like.. Imp: fruity/almond (nice) Wet: Herbs and light floral (okay) Dry: Oy - it smells like some kind of evil hell-flower is trying to kill me. Is it tuberose? Rose with herbs? I wish I knew because I would definitely avoid the note or combination from now on. Swappin' for sure.
  8. sofaking6


    Next to Black Phoenix, I think Bastet is my favorite scent so far. I'm surprised I didn't post a review earlier but I was too busy hunting for a bottle in the swaps and ebay I guess. In the bottle: almond and amber. No matter how many times I sniff this bottle, every single time it fills my mind's eye with a golden light. Instantly it has me anticipating the application. Wet: myrr and saffron. If someone made a blanket from a cat goddess' fuzzy tummy, it would smell just like this. Too sexy to be truly comfortable and too comforting to be truly sexy, it's joyous and fascinating. Later: spicy amber. My one complaint is that Bastet fades very quickly on me. Or, more to the point, I love the wet phase so much that I have to keep slathering. Frickin - YUM. Not to mention, it attracts men like flies.
  9. sofaking6


    I'm an instant fan of this scent. I agree that it is candy-sweet orange, but it's not cloying at all and for me, it comes off as very fresh and invigorating. Not a date scent or club scent, but definitely something to keep me focused and cheerful at work. I also really like the drydown, as the orange mellows it lets loose a really cool, interesting juicy pepper blend. One comment: wearing Kunstkammer makes me hungry.
  10. sofaking6

    The Best Ylang Ylang Scents!

    I noticed that ylang-ylang really puts me off (sorry, Skuld). It seems like a nice enough scent, so I googled around and I read that women in the early stages of pregnancy uniformly report a strong distaste for the smell. I'm definitely not pregnant, but I'm on The Pill, which I take constantly (no breaks for bleeding), and I know that can actually mimic early pregnancy in some ways. So...anyone else on BC or preggers who can't stand y-y?
  11. Kunstkammer is killing me, I got a bottle from the swaps and now I'm madly hunting for every drop of it I can find. And I never knew I liked orange so much. It's like...if nature made dreamsicles, this is what they'd smell like. I just got a bottle of Haunted Palace as well, and I haven't tried it on yet but in the bottle it has a great dark, kinda smoky, orange scent.
  12. sofaking6

    Hell's Belle

    One of the happiest aspects of being a BPAL noob has been discovering just how much my skin loves musk. It truly makes me more fond of myself. Is that dorky? Of course. Hell's Belle is a great scent. It starts off all spicy floral on me, but not a real flowery-floral. So far I haven't liked any lemon-citrus scents but I'm finding a strong affinity for orange-citrus scents. As it dries, the musk takes over the floral and this settles into a heady, warm, sexy, spicy lovefest that holds true for hours.
  13. sofaking6


    Penitence is great for those of us noobs who are trying to figure out whether it's resin or incense that we like better. It's a nice balanced mixture of both. For me, the incense is too strong for wearing but I love the strength of the myrrh.
  14. sofaking6

    Sites to Identify Notes in Popular Fragrances

    Funny that's how I found the site - my boss recently finished a round of radiation treatment and I wanted to find something nice and BPAL-y for her, and she said Poison is her scent.
  15. Am I high, or do Queen and Black Phoenix have lots of warm, sexy resin?
  16. sofaking6

    The King of Hearts

    I really like this blend, I'm glad I took a chance on a big bottle. In the bottle: All cherry sweetness and wood Wet: Whoomp! Cherry! Drydown: Lavender makes a short appearance, but doesn't stick around on me. The rosewood comes out to play with the musks in a really nice and clean blend. What I find interesting is that the musk has pretty good throw, and the rosewood stays close to the skin. I don't think this is too masculine - I'm not gay, but I am kind of macho so take that for what it's worth.
  17. sofaking6

    Dragon Moon 2006

    In the bottle: Warm and spicy with a hint of sharpness Wet: Ach! All tangy bamboo and tea leaf...I can barely pull the cherry blossom out from underneath. This is much too green for me. Dry: Same...sharp but with the nice spiciness finally coming through. In the oil burner: WOW! It's all smooth creamy warm spice with the cherry sweetness swirling around it. If it smelled like that on me I'd bathe in it.
  18. sofaking6


    I ordered a 5ml from ebay just based on the description and how much I liked the ozone notes in my Neo-Tokyo imp. I just love Lurid. Bottle: like a candy necklace Wet: at first sniff, lavender overload. But that fades right away and I get a sharp ozone charge with a very fruity overall scent. Dry: this is like a dance of currant and lavender and ozone. I really think this is masterful. On me the notes retain their indivuality but balance one another, with the musk calming the sharpest parts of each. Long lasting, strong throw. Bright and active. Love it!
  19. sofaking6


    *cry* I wanted to love Sin..okay I do love it, but it turns out cinnamon = OW + bright red marks. Note to self: try new scents at night rather than just before heading out to work. 6
  20. sofaking6

    Black Phoenix

    I got an imp of this from eBay. I am loving it. Wet it is total Black Cherry Dr. Pepper, but right away the ...?amber?musk?myrrh? shows up and as it dries, it takes over but still retains that cherry sweetness in back. This loves me as much as I love it! I only pick up a slight almond in the imp but on me there is no nuttiness at all. It gives over to powder only after several hours and right before fading completely.
  21. sofaking6

    CCNow Questions & Problems

    So...in the interest of not bugging the lab, do they consistently post the "orders packed and shipped up to xx/xx/2006" notices?
  22. sofaking6

    The Best Scents for Home, a Room, the Car...

    Neo-Tokyo for a fresh, energizing scent, and Khajuraho for a sweet, my-home-is-a-giant-tent-in-an-oasis kind of vibe. The Scales of Deprivation is my favorite home scent by a mile, it's utterly sexy.
  23. sofaking6


    Usher makes for a wonderful room scent. It's very cool and assertive. The mint comes through the strongest with the tea backing it up. I thought Usher was so clean-smelling that I actually put a couple of drops of this in a bucket when I mopped the kitchen & bathroom floors...nice!
  24. sofaking6

    Annabel Lee

    I really love this scent. Sweet pea definitely seems to agree with me, and even though the pea + peonies is very sweet, the cucumber and moss are perfect balancing notes. I find it feminine and ethereal but not too little-girl for me. My only critique would be that it lasts 5-6 hours at most on me, but I guess I'll just have to stock up.
  25. sofaking6

    Jazz Funeral

    Just a note, HBO is playing a documentary by Spike Lee about Hurricane Katrina and its aftermath. It was really something to see all the footage of New Orleans, including the jazz funerals, while sniffing this scent. A powerful homage to a great city.