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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by sofaking6

  1. '09 blend...this is really a dead ringer for the 2006 version..I've been hoarding my bottle for years and now I can finally use it up. I am such a fan of The Snow Maiden. It's super sweet daffodils, bright winter berries, and the BPAL slush at the base. On me this scent never goes astringent, it's always bright, fresh, sweet and floral. I get more compliments wearing this than just about anything else. Yay for The Snow Maiden's return!!

  2. So here's a blend where I can crow about my lucky chemistry..I get sweet caramel for just a few minutes, and then oh sweet hippy love coming through...champaca, patchouli, sweet honey and red musk, and vanilla flowing through them all. It's really gorgeous, kept me huffing my arm all night..even my cat dug it!

  3. Wow this is a really bright, exciting scent...yeah for me it's all yuzu and lemon, some bergamot..the eucalyptus is pretty faint on me which I think really keeps this from smelling like a cleaner, and keeps it smelling all citrus and floral on me. As it dried, on me the lemon stuck around but mellowed and I started smelling the lovely florals. This is not the type of scent I usually wear, but for people who like citrus blends and clean scents I definitely recommend it.


  4. Oh.my.god this is naaaasty! After I've frantically washed it off and stopped coughing and reapplied my mascara, it has dried down to a bearable autumn candle smell, but in the imp and up front...eeeek. Like, yikes! It's like pure grain alcohol but not as fragrant.

  5. When I first applied Boo, it smelled like pure caramel on me. So I guess that's technically burnt sugar, right? Very sweet and pleasant but not so much my thing for wearing. But now, an hour or later, it smells just like the description..light sugar with a soft, sweet cream and a hint of fresh sheets in the background. I like it much better dry than wet! If it stays like this and doesn't fade too quickly I could definitely see buying a bottle.

  6. I think this is delicious! Right away when I put it on, it smelled like sweet mulled cider with a cinnamon stick. It's been an hour and now the apple has faded quite a bit and it's become a more creamy/sweet nutmeg and cinnamon scent. It's TASTY! This is probably the foodiest scent that I've ever really enjoyed wearing.

  7. I'd love scents that reminded me of:


    - Gary Moore's "Over The Hills & Far Away." Then covered by Nightwish and Thyrfing.


    - Opeth's "Black Rose Immortal." (I imagine this to be a really dark rose scent...)


    - Sarah McLachlan's "Possession" and "Silence" (with Delerium).


    For Black Rose Immortal (I don't know the song though):


    Whip - Agony and ecstasy: black leather and damp red rose

    Zombi - Dried roses, rose leaf, Spanish moss, oakmoss and deep brown earth.

    Lilith - Mother of Demons, Vengeful Fury, Darkest Seductress, Queen of the Djinn, Goddess of the Gate. Red wine, myrrh, black musk, and attar of rose.

    The Obsidian Widow - Pinot noir, dark myrrh, red sandalwood, black patchouli, night-blooming jasmine, and attar of rose.

    And of course Black Rose - Exquisitely melancholy. The background scent to an ancient exequies. Heavy, dark and floral: a blend of roses, with a touch of amber and musk.



    For Silence..only one blend comes to mind, and that is Mania (Screeching white musk collides with a howl of red musk, with sharp white grapefruit and pale strawberry leaf). Just the way it slides up into that high pitch that kind of tickles my back teeth.


    ETA: for colitas...well...the only BPAL that smells like colitas to me is Bien Loin d'Ici. Although there is a cannabis & rose scent that some other etailers use in their products.

  8. In the bottle: Gardenia, rose and honey


    On wet: buttery orange and ginger. The rose is hiding somewhere, but I can smell the gardenia, it's a great pairing for the orange, both bright and mischievous. I can feel the pepper if I hold it up close and inhale, but mostly it's just spicing up the fruity/floral thing going on.


    Dry: More pepper, more gardenia, more honeyed orange, less butter. Still spicy-sweet with florals in the background. I'm thrilled to have a bottle of this! It's such an interesting and complex blend, with so much character and life to it. I could really see wearing this daily, it speaks to my personal femininity. Whatever that means <g>

  9. In the bottle: SO sweet and warm! Honeyed almondy pumpkin, yum!


    On wet..Oh yes...yes..YES YES YES! Pumpkin, tempered by almond, sweetened with honey, softened by musk. This.is.gorgeous.


    Dry: hm well...it is a little plasticky...a little sharper than when wet. I should have brought the whole bottle with me to re-slather with all day long!


    This is an incredible blend. None of the scents are overpowering and it's foody, sexy and warm.

  10. In the bottle I smelled mostly carnation. On my skin mostly the musks, which are light and drifty, over amber. The amber is dusty as a lot of BPAL amber is prior to aging; I think this blend will age really well. As it dries the florals come out more, mostly the carnation but I can get a little rose if I concentrate. I can't pick out the leaves, but can find the vanilla, again if I try hard. I think this is a really lovely blend that will be incredible once the amber smooths out.

  11. Well I have a bit of a cold but I'm giving this a try anyway:


    In the imp: Honey! Slightly fruity honey.


    On wet: Very red and fizzy. I barely smell the honey, am getting tons of red currant and tart blackberries, and I guess the fizz is the pink pepper. Cool!


    Drying: More pepper, mellow sweet red fruits.


    Still waiting for the honey to amp up..nice!

  12. Gardenia is so lovely. I never would have gone for Mad Kate if I hadn't fallen so in love with Torture Queen, so we have to start with that shout-out.


    Now, Mad Kate starts out very floral..I got all gardenia and rose geranium and a little red currant at first.


    As it dries, the honey and vanilla come out more and turn it from a straight floral scent into a creamy, sweet floral blend. Normally I really amp honey but this is nice, the honeycomb is more subdued and it allows all of the other notes to retain their character. Fantastic!

  13. I love this...I knew I would! It is very reminiscent of Milk Moon '07, except that Milk Moon aged past its initial sourness, and I really cope Nonae Caprotina does not. It's delectably pungent and creamy and sweet. It makes me really happy to wear it. I have rounded up a few imps but I may yet find myself a bottle because I want to slather like crazy and inflict it on everyone around me. I love it!

  14. We aren't supposed to talk about other companies on this thread, but you might want to check in the Bath, Beauty and Beyond subforum and ask for vanilla recommendations there - or, there might already be a thread. I am always on the hunt for my perfect vanilla, so I would be interested as well. ;)


    Yeah a certain other company has recently come out with a vanilla line of products which are supposedly super-awesome, and that line includes a solid (I think..may be a liquid) perfume. I will be validating the super-awesomeness for myself over the weekend.

  15. I've been on a major almond kick lately. I recently fell hard for Eclipse, but I have a feeling not all almond scents are for me. I remember Queen of Sheba being a totally overpowering almond and so I swapped it away. I like Voodoo, Black Phoenix & Miss Lupescu, but I don't think any other almond scent will be as perfect on me as Eclipse is.


    I'm also really craving almond pastries right now.


    Have you tried Bilquis?

  16. So gorgeous..


    I put this on this morning while I was getting ready and it was all sweet, ripe, juicy pear with a little vanilla underneath.


    So two hours later I've reapplied and I'm getting a heady sandalwoody floral. I can smell the rose and iris as a blend, not really distinct from one another.


    This is a very, very beautiful scent. Bottles..bottles for sure.

  17. Well I'm not sure what YOU like but I'm going to stretch a little and recommend Hope and Faith from the Carnivale Diabolique. They are both definitely sweet enough to be foody but floral enough to suit a lady; Hope is sugared roses and Faith is sugared violets. They are really vibrant scents and I'd bet enough people have them stashed away that you could round up some decants off the forum.

  18. In the bottle; mmm fruit salad!

    On wet: Creamy Xanthe! Slurpy vanilla guava! Now THAT is what I'm talking about.

    Slightly less wet: Creamy Xanthe with apple. Juicy green apple and guava and passionfruit with cream poured over them. Very, very delicious.


    Looking for: Sweet pea. Where are you? 6 want sweet pea.


    Dryer: spicy...spicy...oh right carnations! OK bye guava...oh bye apple...oh bye vanilla!


    Creamy carnations, spicy/sweet, and very faint. Really interesting drydown but I wish it held on longer in the wet fruit salad stage.


    But...Agape is delightful, fun and gorgeous and I will go through a bottle, no doubt. Awesome.

  19. Skin musk, sugar cane, honey, beeswax, vanilla flower, and copal.

    What the....?!?!?!!?

    Every note in here should be pure, unadulterated extra strength WIN on me, and instead, after three attempts, all I get is faint spices?

    Stupid chemisty. STUPID STUPID!!!

  20. In the imp: totally smells like marzipan

    On wet: wow ALMOND, sweet almond though not bitter

    A minute later: is that jasmine? Why is it so nice? It's all sweet and soft and mellow...yum!

    An hour later: I really need to stop huffing because jasmine gives me a headache but yum the figgy incense!

    Two hours later: Yep I have a headache but it was worth it.
