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About eternalargus

  • Rank
    obsessive precious hoarder
  • Birthday 06/14/1984


  • Location
    The Stomach Of A Rancor Beast
  • Country
    United States

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  • Pronouns
  • Interests
    Hobby farms, Freisian horses, dogs, gremlins, conservation, getting people to leave the damn wolves and whales alone, non-Orthodox Kemeticism, Anubis, Sekhmet, Khnum, Thoth, comic books, Dungeons And Dragons, movies, Christopher Walken, Henry Rollins, heavy metal, books, soapmaking, knowledge, snakes, scorpions, goats, gardening, herbalism, George Carlin, South Park, The Simpsons, Futurama, geekery, Macs, Linux, Pennsylvania, North Dakota, going invisible and pretending I'm a Romulan, kitties, history, polite debates, barefoot social work, understanding my own insanity, things what smell, organic foods, H.P Lovecraft, Douglas Adams, and so much else.
  • Mood
    It's The Smell!


  • Favorite Scents
    Moon Rose, all of Ars Draconis, Gluttony, Candy Butcher, Green Tree Viper, Boomslang, Loviatar, Jack, Anubis, Theodosius, Severin, De Sade, so many others... Foody notes (except for caramel), red and black musks, moonflower, metal, leather, Earl Grey, dragons blood, and myrrh all work well on me. I can't wear much cinnamon because it burns me. Satyr turns me into a ravenous psychopath, which means of course I want more of it. You give me now *makes grabby hands*.


  • Astrological Info
    "So, let's dance onwards a bit and take a look at this Gemini chart (same year of birth as sideviewhotel, and there are some interesting similarities--do you know each other?). Of course some of the similarities are to be expected--eternalargus is just a month and 4 days younger than sideviewhotel, gotta be some generational patterns going on). eternalargus is a Sun sign Gemini with Sun conjunct Venus in the 2nd house. Her moon is in Capricorn, and is flanked by Neptune and Jupiter. Moon is in the 9th house, and is in opposition to the Sun (even though it's a Cappie moon, it is in way early Cappie, and the Sun is late in Gemini). She has Taurus rising, with Ceres close to the ascendant in the 12th house. Pluto in the 6th house in very late Libra, trines the Sun, and is sextile the Moon. This is another chart with intercepted signs: Libra and Aries, 6th and 12th houses. There is only one fire energy in the chart: Uranus in Sagittarius in the 8th house. So, what exactly is our story? (something eternalargus might enjoy, because like Sagittarians, Geminis love stories a lot.) Self worth is a big theme here, with the Gemini Sun in the 2nd house: how do I establish my worthiness? Can we talk about it some more? She has here both Mercury and Venus in Gemini as well: so a multitasking communicator, someone who needs to move, needs change, needs spontanaeity(sp?) and hates the thought of being bored. Affectionate, and probably attractive, with the Venus conjunct her Sun. With some inner power, some strength of will, from the trine from Pluto. Sun in the 2nd house might also get into "if I have lots of stuff--oh, lookie, my pile of wonderful books...then I am a great person". Lots of need to figure out what she values, what's worth investing her life in, how she claims her place as a wonderful person in this life. People think she is very--earthy, stable, sensuous, responsible, perhaps stubborn, but very comfortable to be around. They may see her as perhaps a tad materialistic--focused on the good tasty stuff in life, fond of good things. Ceres is close enough to her ascendant to give that projection from others that she's a nurturer--but in the 12th house she may be kind of sucking up her own needs, her own tenderness, not willing to be vulnerable to admissions of wanting care from others (could be very caring OF others, but that doesn't scare her--vulnerability is what is scary here). Which brings us quickly to the Capricorn Moon (I didn't notice if you posted on the Cappie moon thread? Lots of Cappie Moons in the BPAL realms). And the Moon/Sun opposition (this is an unusual opposition because the more usual one for a Gemini would be something in Sagittarius). Capricorn Moons can be very deeply emotional, but please don't tell them to show that--they hold emotion in careful control. Now, for this particular Cappie moon something a bit different might be going on, with Neptune and Jupiter trying to shake the stable and responsible and "I Must Be In Control" Capricorn moon into both hopefulness ("come on, lighten up a bit!" says Jupiter) and empathy and idealism ("yeah, you can let those tears out, sure--see the sad, sad little puppy??" says Neptune). This is a fascinating (look, I didn't say "interesting"!!) counterpoise. Gemini would, left to herself, just chatter away (and tenderly) about everything, look at everything with keen intellect, and perhaps chat in order to keep feelings...at bay. Or intellectualize things (air signs are terrific at this). People with a Cappie moon often (but not always) had moms who thought that the best way to love their little kid was to teach them self control and discipline. For some this seems to have worked well, for many there is a sense of...loss, or suppressed longings. With a Taurus Ceres it might be that eternalargus would have liked a bit more cuddling and literally hands on care (but in the 12th house, she is suppressing that need). Still--with the Jupiter conjunct, her parents really did treasure her, and with the Neptune conjunct there may have been a touch of nice fantasy going on. This Gemini has the very interesting situation of having Chiron in Gemini, conjunct her northnode, in the 1st house. As if her whole challenge in life is to express herself, be herself, her best self. (the southnode is conjunct the 7th house Mars/Saturn in Scorpio.. there might be issues around self assertion, around learning to trust her own strength.) Chiron in Gemini often has felt ignored, unheard, unattended to--and often works to see that by gum and by golly I WILL BE HEARD...and also mentors anyone who can't speak for themselves. First house Chiron tends to be the knight in shining armor aspect--feels impelled to go forth and defend, care for, take on the windmills... Mars/Saturn conjunct in the 7th house--well, there is discipline, for sure, and energy, though the energy may work in spurts, in stops and starts. There's a lot of passion for partnership here, but perhaps also a lot of intensity, turbulence. This is the Saturn in Scorpio, after all, which is so in need of, so longing for deep relationships--and so likely to get spooked when things are going really well (and then there are fights..over little petty things...) Let's see what sorts of partners are likely to show up in her life, and where---Juno is in Cancer, in the 3rd house. Okay, so tender and emotional (that should be very interesting for the Cappie Moon/Gemini Sun !)...and...kind of like her brothers and sisters--there is a feeling of a family bond "one of my people"; they tend to be from her immediate environment. Cancer is the cusp to both her 3rd and 4th houses, and Vesta is at the nadir, the bottom of the chart, in the 4th house--she needs to get out of the cozy nest, out of the secure and tucked away "home", beyond her roots--from time to time--or she will feel kind of smothered. And with a 9th house moon, travel and/or exploration is a big need, she needs to be able to go beyond all the boundaries (with a Cappie moon, probably in a very disciplined way, but nonetheless beyond). Might be ambitious, certainly will benefit from travel and education and exploring different structures, different ideas, different stories. She has the Pallas/Black Moon Lilith conjunction in Pisces straddling the 11th and 12th houses. Pallas is in the 12th, and perhaps she..represses her deep understanding, her ability to solve problems, to see what is right and true. Black Moon Lilith in the 11th would connect both to her friends, the qualities of her friends and friendships. Aquarius is on the cusp of the 11th--original, eccentric people in her group of friends, and original life goals in life. But she may...somehow, through those friends and goals, connect to the spirituality/magic/strangeness of the Pisces Black Moon, to the mysticism (an inadequate word, here)...to the center of all, to what sustains us, finally, in our journey on this planet. How about the intercepted signs? In the house of work-for-pay, service to others, and health (odd how those connect, isn't it?) the sign on the cusp is Virgo. So, in the workplace, in service, it is her dedication, precision, devotion--all the Virgo qualities--that are apparent. Her need for equality is not apparent, and may be a source of struggle (actually, with Pluto in the 6th she'd do best either in control--as the boss--or on her own, working for herself, lots of autonomy). In the house of hidden things, it's Pisces on the cusp: okay, lots of lovely fantasies and day dreams and such. But how to act on these? Is there a way to spring the beautiful day dreams into something real? (maybe through the partnerships--that's where Mars, ruler of Aries, is) Right now (and for a while) transiting Pluto is opposite your natal Sun. This is challenging. (Pluto is meandering in the house of sexuality, death, karma, joint ventures, etc) The Pluto opposition to the Sun can make you feel really drained, as if everything that used to be..if not easy, then kind of okay--has become mysteriously terribly difficult. Things may be really irritating, things that wouldn't have bothered you a couple years ago. You may find it is difficult to get sufficient sleep. Please know, if this is in fact happening, that it is a slow aspect but it will change in time. Pluto is also opposite Venus now, and if you have artistic or literary or any creative leanings, you will be wanting very much to do things that are significant (so, this is a not terrible aspect). (can be a bit obsessive, however). Pluto in the 8th house might have to do with sexual relationships (kind of increasing the energy)...or, sometimes, with contact with deaths (but don't be afraid; might just be that your mind is being much more...pondering, thinking about deep stuff). Jupiter is transiting the 7th house, so..maybe opportunities in partnership. Saturn is transiting the 5th house (might be getting serious about romance or creative work or kids). Uranus is dancing around the 11th house, changes in life goals or with friendship circles. Since the natal Pluto connects the Sun and Moon in this chart, it may be that the Pluto transit is going to be felt more creatively by eternalargus, rather than all "oh no, must transform everything". Pluto does bring transformation, and although the process often feels very hard (*flashback to my heavy Pluto transits years ago*) the final results are most often very good. Let's talk a bit more, before we go, about Gemini in general, since this is such a Gemini chart. Gemini thrives on movement and stories and not being bored in the least. Often considered the flirt of the zodiac, Gemini means well--it's just--oh, look, shiny pretty person over there...! oh, my goodness, another interesting thing to do back over there...!!! Communication is key to Gemini, but this doesn't necessarily mean that they are all extroverted chatterers. They are delightful souls to have around, the Geminis in life (like pretty butterflies with great minds--oh, what an image). And...I wonder about that Uranus. As the sole Fire energy it would be considered a singleton planet, whose energy might just spark all over the chart. In the 8th house. Hmmmm. Well--could make for really sudden and intense karmic connections (or the feeling that that person you just met is The Great Soulmate...and way sexy). Could just make for a very open approach to the realm of sexuality, death and transformation, joint ventures, etc.. Probably keeps everything shaken up just a bit, which Gemini would enjoy (though the Cappie moon wants stability and will be objecting strenously). Might be particularly energized in the area of friendships and life goals. Nice.
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