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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by earring

  1. Now I tend to amp BPAL fruit and I've had to pass on a couple of scents for that very reason however being a patchouli lover I was really wanting this to work and it does :D In fact it is so fantastic it may be bottle worthy and it takes a lot for me to think that! Anyway onto the scent:


    In the imp the patchouli does shout out but there's a definite hint of fruity sweetness behind it.


    Wet on the skin that pretty much prevails but the fruit is now bursting through and dominating the patchouli although the patchouli is definitely there in the background. This smells absolutely divine if a little fruity.


    On drydown the patchouli comes through a bit more, warming up the apricot and tempering the sweetness perfectly. Something slightly peppery to my nose as well but that just adds to this. Yum :P
