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Posts posted by ipb

  1. right hand: spooky 03

    wet - coconut. cocoa. lightly minty.

    drying - coconut. mint. cocoa

    dry - cocoa. boozy. mint. thin mints and booze indeed. *happy sigh* still like this alot.


    left hand: spooky 04


    drying - MIIIIIIIIIINT. coconut. something slightly bitter, the cocoa no doubt.

    more drying - thin mints. no booze. no real coconut. sad.

    dry - ooo there's the boozy coconut. now it's a boozy thin mint! though more cocoa than mint and both had backed off QUITE a bit.



    dry, the difference between the two is pretty simple: last year's is definitely thin mint and booze. this year's is more coconut than thin mint, but the thin mint's still there. it's quite nice. :P

  2. They pass before me, these Eyes full of light,
    Eyes made magnetic by some angel wise;
    The holy brothers pass before my sight,
    And cast their diamond fires in my dim eyes.

    They keep me from all sin and error grave,
    They set me in the path whence Beauty came;
    They are my servants, and I am their slave,
    And all my soul obeys the living flame.

    Beautiful Eyes that gleam with mystic light
    As candles lighted at full noon; the sun
    Dims not your flame phantastical and bright.

    You sing the dawn; they celebrate life done;
    Marching you chaunt my soul's awakening hymn,
    Stars that no sun has ever made grow dim!

    A luminescent red scent: breathless with passion, flickering with desire, and glowing with ardent and reverential love.

    in a word: YUMMY

    it's very well blended, hard for me to pick out individual notes. there's a sweet floral (a strong floral, like gardenia or jasmine), a musk (but i don't think it's red musk), slightly foody (maybe a hint of vanilla) but overall it IS red. it's a bit warm on my wrists. it's very well balanced - not too musky, not too floral, not too foody. i wish i could be more specific but ... c'est le vie.

    it stays pretty much the same wet as dry on me (something "o"-y comes out, but the flowers and musk keep it from getting all icky as o does on me), which is great because i love how it smells. and i am SO thrilled i have another bottle coming.

    40 minutes later, the musky o-y smell is more to the front than the florals. and that's ok coz it still smells great. 90 minutes later, it's now more of a slightly smoky, musky vanilla with a very faint florals. still very lovely and i want to go grab the boy and have my way with him :P two hours later, it's back to the balance in the beginning, like the room's cleared out from the smell of diryt fun.

    and girlfriend*, it is NOT too late to go buy it - so rush out before my desire to horde grabs the rest :D

    since i was asked: it's not red like cinnamon or cherries - while i won't say 100% they don't have them, i'm pretty sure they don't because my skin loves them both and they haven't peeped out. it's more of that "i'm so in love with you, the flowers were gorgeous, and let's go make love (not just fucking, but a passionate emotional kind of love, if that makes sense)" scent (since there's that note that's similiar to o in the background that comes and goes). i don't think it has dragon's blood in it (but i *could* be wrong).

    *..or boyfriend, whatever the case may be

    edited for the second bottle. i don't think i mentioned it, but my other bottle is a prototype. one i love very much. the final one smells somewhat similar, but there's nuanced differences and i do prefer the prototype, but the final release is quite nice too

  3. It seems that the jojoba oil is the most highly recommended. However, if I use this in a roller bottle with the scent, will the roller still roll?

    for what it's worth, i'm going to try diluting with the fragranceless neutragena body oil that andra mentioned, and see if it does a decent job of rolling. i just need to remember to stop by walmart/target/walgreens to get some

  4. this is one lovely oil! definitely has the lush florals going on, but i keep smelling something else that i can't quite put my finger on. not going to worry about it, though i think that i will have to look into getting a good-rolling neutral-smelling carrier oil because it's just a little to strong for me to wear full strength. i can smell it right now as i'm typing this, even though i only put a drop on my hand (which is, of course, down by the keyboard).


    it really reminds me of datura, though! i bet they'd partner together very well.


    :P to clover for sharing an imp with me :D

  5. I wanted to take care of all my peeps here.  I don't want anyone getting gouged for a word document when y'all can get a really nice excel one here for FREE!

    Once I get my hands on a copy, I might try and hack together an Access database from it. I need a little practice with my database skills, they're getting rusty.

    if you're just looking to populate, i can poop out some of the tables from the search engine (edited) for you.


    and i am really tempted to report that as infringing on the information in the search engine - especially since there's NO WAY they could have gotten everything from the search engine, as i record all of the searches and i am the only one who does wildcard searches that involve SF restrictions.


    in any case, i've taken down the search family results in there and may get rid of the wildcard.

  6. while ted (who usually responds to email) is at a conference until the 3rd, brian and anthony are answering email, though it may be a bit more of a delay than normal as they're doing their normal thang (and possibly packing up the lab!) on top of that.


    i imagine it'd be easier for them if you inquired about specific scents rather than ingredients, for what that's worth. you can get scents without those things by going to the advanced search and searching for "% patchouli rum rose cinnamon" and selecting the "and not" search type underneath it. --- you'll have about 230 options :P


    when beth (who's with ted) gets back, i can talk to her about possibly adding an allergen filter to the search engine, but until i've had a chance to make some better management tools for it, it's not likely to happen IMMEDIATELY... but perhaps in the next year or so.

  7. the search by scent families is now live.


    the reviews have been updated, as well.


    there are 5 scents not in there for scent families. coincidentally, they also don't have reviews. i'm sure you'll all be surprised to hear that they are the 5 new scents from the wolf and storm moon updates. i'll hopefully have that information up there this week.



  8. we want to take a more pro-active response towards thread hijacks. there is nothing wrong with threads deviating from the original conversation (and it's quite natural), but there comes a point in time where the primary conversation is different enough from the first that the original subject gets lost (which is a clumsy way of saying that if the thread's initially about beth's latest updates and all of a suddent it's about midget porn, it needs to be split)


    we will do one of two things to a hijack:

    - split it into its own thread

    - split out and merged with the 'thread hijack refugees' thread in randomness.


    at this time, there will be no warning given to thread hijackers (in part because it takes several people to hijack a thread), but if there is a pattern of continual hijacking, things will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.


    while there are now fifteen people involved in moderating the boards, we still can't be everywhere at once, so please feel free to report threads that have been hijacked.

  9. i love rose red, it's the smell of a JUST cut rose, i was and am absolutely amazed that elizabeth captured that smell

    i got it for my mom and my apartment smelled so pretty for awhile because there had been some on the plastic or on the box

    i'm sooo sad i didn't get to buy some

    but my mom is thrilled beyond belief, it's the rose scent she's always been looking for

    almost a year later, my original review works for 04 as well as 03, though now i've got two bottles of my own *glee* for what it's worth, the rose red 04 is greener wet than the 03. the 04's got a bit of a chilly dampness to it that the 03 didn't have.

  10. bottle: i am such a geek that when i smelled it, i didn't think "hey, banana," i thought "hey, isoamyl acetate" -- a unique ester that happens to be a component in artificial banana flavorings and fragrances. it's a very compact, in your face banana, something you don't see everyday. but, there's a vibrancy and greenness to the banana that the ester lacks that comes from the leaf no doubt.


    wet: almost immediately, there's a one-two punch: a lush juiciness (more than just banana) comes out, as well as a floral. relaxing. i like


    dry: it still keeps that lush juicy floral.


    i'll be taking it with me on the cruise... it's another light scent. yum.

  11. i haven't tried it on yet, and with all the sniffing i've done, its quite possible my nose has quit on me, but i smell NOTHING in the bottle even though i see the yellow-tinged oil inside. i shall try again tomorrow, and update accordingly...




    in the bottle: verrrrrry light. and sweet. i really can only smell it when it's moving. i'm not sure if it's vanilla or the sweet opium that i'm smelling, but it's very faint -- i can see why i smelled nothing yesterday.


    wet: it's still that faint sweetness. hardly there. i can't smell it enough to pick it apart. i rubbed it in my skin and added some more and i still can't smell it more than a few inches away.


    drying: the sandalwood peeps out, but it's still very faded and light.


    dry: more of the same.



    conclusion: what i can smell is nice, but it's so light that i had to use a huge amount, rubbing it into my skin and adding mre, before i could smell it on me. and i'm NOT a slatherer, my skin's on the dry side so just a little oil sinks right in usually. i may use this to help tone down the queen as her sandalwood can get quite agressive, but otherwise, it's going in the swap pile.

  12. A victim of her own arrogance, conceit and hubris, Arachne, the greatest mortal weaver, had the temerity to claim herself superior to Athena. Arachne was truly gifted: not only was her art astoundingly beautiful, but the vision of her in the act of weaving was a joy to behold. When one observer commented that her skill was so great that she must have been trained by the goddess Athena herself, the proud woman scoffed: she was insulted, and proclaimed aloud that the goddess could do no better than she. Athena heard this, and, as she is not a vindictive or jealous goddess, gave Arachne the opportunity to redeem herself. Disguised as an elderly woman, she came to Arachne and warned her against hubris. She laughed at the old woman and declared that she would welcome a contest with Athena. The goddess accepted the challenge. Athena wove a stunning tapestry depicting her victory over Poseidon, thus gaining patronage over the city of Athens. Arachne, who couldn't leave well enough alone, wove a vulgar piece that depicted Zeus' dalliances with Leda, Europa and Danae. Appalled at the woman's audacity and blasphemy, Athena tore Arachne's tapestry to shreds, crushed her loom, and bonked the mortal on the head, forcing her to feel remorse for her actions. In guilt and grief, Arachne hung herself. Again, because the goddess is merciful, she took pity on the woman and, after sprinkling aconite upon her corpse, transformed her into the first spider.

    A gossamer scent, as light as a spider's footfall, touched with sighing mists: pallid flowers, dusty woods and soft herbs.

    in the bottle, it reminds me of the prototype dublin. soft, misty, floral with a light deciduous woods somewhere.

    wet on my skin, it's a soft aquatic floral. very damp and wet.

    as it dries, that *dirty* taste to it that zombi and (to a lesser extent) seance had, that dusty dirt that you can not only smell but taste on the tip of your tongue as you sniff it... it starts wafting in and out.

    it's a very *clean* light floral (in a natural kind of clean), but as it dries, i think there may be lily in here because it starts going slightly soapy the way lilies do on me. i'll be honest, it's not really my type, and i'll see if layering dublin with it helps get rid of the slight soapy and dustiness of it... but i suspect it'll end up in the swap pile.