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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by ipb

  1. oh. my. god. i haven't been able to stop smelling myself all day.


    unlike most winey scents, it doesn't go (GRAPE APE GRAPE APE) on me. creamy coconut, slightly boozey, slightly smokey, just a hint of leather... i feel like i should be out and creating mischief..


    i don't know that i'll buy a bottle, but since i gave my imp to my waitress tonight (she asked what i was wearing because she liked it) i'll definitely be buying another imp of this, specifically for the cruise i'm going on in january..

  2. Used liberally in love magick to ensure tranquility, calm quarrels, and rekindle faltering flames of attraction, sensuality and romance. Used also to put an end to infidelity, and in this aspect, it can be used not only on your mate, but on your self to keep your own eyes from wandering and hands from straying.

    the smell of anise/licorice bark is strong with this one.. i wanna go eat a black twizzler now. (first the skittles astro blend, now this! someone must be hungry...)

  3. Bittersweet yet powerful: salty aquatic notes and bursting with dragon's blood.

    it's somewhat reminds me of tears or jolly roger's salty water... but the dragon's blood definitely gives it a bang. it smells oddly familiar, but i can't place it.

    and i have the urge to lick a salt lick now... (ok, not really, but i smell that tangy freshly licked salt lick smell, from my grandfather's farm)

  4. The dry, thin scent of a draconic ossuary. Dragon's blood resin with white sandalwood, dusty orris and crisp blondewood.

    a caveat: white sandalwood on my just sucks the scent out of everything else and overpowers it. it's not as dry as shroud, but moisture definitely wanted to leave my mouth when i smelled it. it's an interesting smell, the sandalwood and dragon's blood. not really what i thought it'd smell like...

  5. i've got 32.


    -> anyone who wants to swap an imp's of chaos theory, i'd love to try some of these others.


    i smell some musk and maybe vanilla, and sweet.. and a hint of leather. some sort of flower is peeking out. this one smells way different in the bottle than it does on me (bottle->'ick, sharp, what did i get myself into?', me->mmm yummy). this is well blended together enough that it's hard to pick out notes. and the fact that i spilled a little snow white on my desk didn't help much :P

  6. But oh Melpomene! thy lyre of wo --
    To what a mournful pitch its keys were strung,
    And when thou badest its tones of sorrow flow,
    Each weeping Muse, enamoured, o'er thee hung:
    How sweet--how heavenly sweet, when faintly rose
    The song of grief, and at its dying close
    The soul seemed melting in the trembling breast;
    The eye in dews of pity flowed away,
    And every heart, by sorrow's load opprest,
    To infant softness sunk, as breathed thy mournful lay.

    Melpomene is Tragedy, and the sound of Her voice is filled with beauty, power and strength. She is crowned in cypress branches, holds the mask of tragedy, wears the cothurnus and wields a knife or club. Her scent is rife with pathos, and inspires us with the ability to express our grief, loss, and the pain in our souls in a cathartic, creative fashion: dark cypress with mint, geranium, Bulgar lavender, orange blossom and passion flower.

    wet, this is sharp, cutting but not the clean cut that shattered have; this is a nasty gouge.. the mint and geranium are screaming at me, and i want to run away before i get hurt.. something in this is just NOT liking my skin, and i'm going to guess it's either the cypress or the passion flower...

  7. But when Erato brushed her flowery lute,
    What strains of sweetness whispered in the wind!
    Soft as at evening when the shepherd's flute
    To tones of melting love alone resigned,
    Breathes through the windings of the silent vale;
    Complaining accents tremble on the gale,
    Or notes of ecstasy serenely roll.
    So when the smiling muse of Cupid sung,
    Her melody sighed out the sorrowing soul,
    Or o'er her silken chords sweet notes of gladness rung.

    She is the Muse of mimicry, and inspires both erotic and romantic poetry. She is crowned in roses, holding a lyre. Her scent inspires creative expressions of love and lust: a crush of roses with sweet pea, myrrh, ylang ylang, orris and stephanotis.

    soft and lovely, very romantic. reminds me of juliet, only not as young and innocent.

  8. But when, Calliope, thy loud harp rang --
    In Epic grandeur rose the lofty strain;
    The clash of arms, the trumpet's awful clang
    Mixed with the roar of conflict on the plain;
    The ardent warrior bade his coursers wheel,
    Trampling in dust the feeble and the brave,
    Destruction flashed upon his glittering steel,
    While round his brow encrimsoned laurels waved,
    And o'er him shrilly shrieked the demon of the grave.

    The eldest of the Muses, she is Eloquence, and thus, governs heroic and epic poetry, and her eloquence has served to calm quarrels even amongst the surliest of Gods. She is crowned in gold, and holds a roll of parchment or stylus and tablet. Hers is the scent of creative inspiration, and it is a boon to writers, poets and arbitrators: lavender and bright mint with bergamot, verbena, thyme and a touch of sweet orange and warm almond.

    with the lavender, mint, and thyme banging their heads together, this smells like my old kitchen herb garden - the orange and almond are definitely there, which just makes it more of a kitcheny scent. add it a little bubbling wine and some chicken, and you've got a fabulous coq au vin.. yum.

    now i'm hungry.

  9. Notorious for its properties for protection against werewolves and curing lycanthropy, this nefarious plant also has a fine history of use as a virulent poison. Clasically, Medea employed it in her many works of vengeance. This concoction of ours has none of the lethal qualities, but still personifies all of the herb's dark history beautifully.

    very, very woody, with a bite.

  10. Sweet tropical fruits burst through deep, wet rainforest boughs, enormous steamy blossoms, over thin mountaintop breezes, mingled with the soft, rich golden scent of Peruvian amber.

    mmm, i could smell this out of the bottle. it's FABULOUS. the amber and the wetness helps to make this not be so overpoweringly sweet. it smells familiar, but i can't place it. somewhat similiar to the tropical fruits section at the supermarket, only not as rich and without the oomph.

  11. Deep mahogany and rich, velvety woods lacquered with sweet, black-red cherries and currant.

    wet, it's cherries with something tart and woody that i've not smelled before - it's not the currant, so i'm guessing it's the woods. i'm not cherry's #1 fan, so i'm not sure if i care for it wet...

    i'll update later, when it's dry..

  12. I'm thinking of ordering some imps especially for him, but I'm not sure where to start.  He likes fresh, citrussy things grounded by vetivert and spice, but nothing overwhelming.  He likes "understated."  I look forward to experimenting with oils for him!

    incantation comes to mind. i wouldn't really call it fresh or citrusy, but there's definitely the vetiver and lemon going on.


    voodoo might be another good one. again, not so much fresh/citrus, but the vetiver/lime/spice.


    hurricane definitely has the fresh with vetiver thign going on


    serpent's kiss is a great vetiver/spice scent
