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Everything posted by supremegoddessofall

  1. supremegoddessofall


    Lots of bay and a touch of gardenia. The vetiver is souring it somehow. Very herbal. It's a nice scent, but I don't think it works for me as a perfume.
  2. supremegoddessofall


    Lots of earth and dirt notes. Something dark that's just not me. Maybe a bit of patchouli.
  3. supremegoddessofall


    I get some patchouli and a lot of amber. Maybe a bit of myrrh in the background? It's ok.
  4. supremegoddessofall


    In bottle: Musk with a touch of booze. On me: God this is good! What can I say that other people haven't said already? I get all the notes, equally - musk, sweet/sugar, and booze. Yum!
  5. supremegoddessofall

    Red Lantern

    A tribute to the opium den cum bawdyhouses of Shanghai in the 1930’s. Golden amber, blonde tobacco, Sudanese black coconut, rich caramel, black currant, white opium and delphinium laced with a sensual blend of Asian spice. In bottle: Foody goodness! Mostly caramel with a touch of coconut. On me: Oh, this is yummy! I still get a lot of caramel, but the coconut is coming up more, too. I get a bit of the tobacco that takes this away from being "foody." Ooh! And there's some amber!
  6. supremegoddessofall


    In bottle: Mostly juniper with a touch of something amber-like. On me: Interesting and very subtle. Honey is amping up quickly on me, and the juniper is fading, being replaced by a warm musk. But there's still enough juniper left to take the edge of sweetness off the honey.
  7. supremegoddessofall

    Lex Talionis

    In bottle: Grapefuit with a bit of spice. On me: A strange combination of sage and violet. There's some spiciness underneath as well that I believe is the myrrh and patchouli. Can't decide if I like it - I think I do.
  8. supremegoddessofall


    In bottle: Amber and wet flowers, no rose. On me: Still wet florals, but there's...something else...I'm getting more rose, but it's mixing very strangely with the others.
  9. supremegoddessofall

    Jacob's Ladder

    In bottle: Citrus-y with some florals behind it. On me: Strong citrus, almost headache inducing. I can sort of get a bit of amber in the background, but it's really being buried by the citrus. Definitely not for me.
  10. supremegoddessofall

    Horn of Plenty

    In the bottle: Cherry cough syrup and White Out. On me: Definitely cherries, but it also smells like something people huff to get high. I'm also getting a hint of chocolate underneath. I think I need to wait until it's dry to get a better feel.
  11. supremegoddessofall


    Strong aquatics that are drowning out nearly everything else. Lightly floral and herbal in the background.
  12. supremegoddessofall


    Now this is pretty. It has a spicy feel, but there's a sweetness from the pear and the poppy, and everything is swimming in amber.
  13. supremegoddessofall


    Soft florals - rose and lilac.
  14. supremegoddessofall


    All neroli and orange. Ugh. Swap pile.
  15. supremegoddessofall


    All rose and citrus. Not my favorite combination. I also get a lot of neroli, which always goes rancid on my skin. Not getting the spices, sandalwood, or almond at all.
  16. supremegoddessofall


    Mostly rose and lily. Getting a little bit of the juniper and sweetgrass in the background.
  17. supremegoddessofall


    Very spicy and sensual. I can't pikc out any individual spices, but this is very feminine.
  18. supremegoddessofall


    Mostly jasmine and sandalwood. The jasmine is going sour on my skin. Lightly musky, but the jasmine is definitely the predominant note.
  19. supremegoddessofall


    Very interesting combination. I'm getting a lot of vanilla and clove. I do get a bit of pine. NOt getting myrrh or lime at all.
  20. supremegoddessofall

    Two Monsters

    Spicy leather that's heavy on the ginger with medium patchouli. Mama like!
  21. supremegoddessofall


    This is strange. Smells like fruit gum of some form. It also somehow reminds me of a carnival midway. Very odd combination, and I can't decide if I like it or not. I definitely get the tea. There's something citrus here, but it doesn't really smell like orange blossom.
  22. supremegoddessofall


    Very sharp, but also spicy. It's almost got a pure cinnamon oil feel, except it's nowhere near as strong. But there's something else, too - allspice or nutmeg maybe? I think there's a touch of cherry in here, too. Very interesting combination that I keep coming back to sniff.
  23. supremegoddessofall


    This smells exactly like liquid amoxicillin. Which is definitely not what I want to smell like.
  24. supremegoddessofall


    The herbs sharpen up the sandalwood quite a bit. The florals are giving me a bit of a headache. Not for me.
  25. supremegoddessofall


    Something in here is giving a "fruit bubblegum" effect. The florals are there, but something isn't playing well with something else.