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Everything posted by aquazoo

  1. aquazoo

    Bijoux Y'ha-nthlei

    Pretty and floral. It's a wet floral, not heavy. A little bit if a soap note.
  2. aquazoo

    Signior Dildo

    Definite violet and spice. It's pretty, but then it gets a little soapy on me. :-/
  3. aquazoo

    Saint Foutin de Varailles

    Peaches and sugar. There's the beeswax / honey note. Ordinarily I don't like peach scents, but this is when a rose smells like a peach or vice versa. Yum, really beautiful!
  4. aquazoo


    Definite sandalwood — ooooh, and the honey is right behind! That's all I need, but then the other ingredients add another layer.
  5. aquazoo

    Prosperity of a Country

    A little bit of citrus edge, but maybe that's the ginger. Everything is warm and cozy. The leather must be very light. It's like a lemon cream.
  6. aquazoo

    Pink Mood

    Yummy yummy licorice. Wow that's nice. The vanilla adds a sweetness that is exactly a good licorice stick. I know there are other things in there, but they merely support the wonderfulness that is licorice.
  7. aquazoo


    Starts with that sharp hairspray smell. Luckily that tones down fast into shoe-store leather. Makes me wonder what those guys are really doing when they go in the back to get the shoes. Leather always seems masculine to me, but I would like to wear this.
  8. aquazoo

    Octopus and Abalone Diver

    Yep, that's salty beach! It's got some flowers wafting through. It fades fast, but some nice wood at the end.
  9. aquazoo

    Konseishin the Penis God

    Sweet sweet powder! I'm getting all sorts of lovely and warm scents here. It's a little spicy and sweet floral. A little bit dry like powder, but not in a baby powder kind of way.
  10. aquazoo


    A bright, golden scent! Lemony, and also metallic. I get a little licorice; I think that's the caraway. Maybe a little fresh bread, too.
  11. aquazoo


    Nice & woody. And leather, yum! Is it the cognac that gives it an iron feel?
  12. aquazoo


    A little soapy to start. A little bit floral. A touch of fruitiness. A lot that does not work on me.
  13. aquazoo

    Beanman & Beanwoman Prepare to Attack the Vagina

    Orangey to start and then OMG Coconut!!! Maybe a tiny bit like suntan lotion. :-) The musk and amber come up slowly. People on the beach, wearing coconut scented suntan oil. I never wanted to get close enough to touch, but they sure smelled lovely.
  14. aquazoo


    Dusty — that's the sandalwood. Spicy and an almost wet sense. I can smell the nutmeg, too. Masculine.
  15. aquazoo


    This has some heavy exotic blooms in it. Beautiful blend, with the musk hanging underneath.
  16. aquazoo


    I smell the florals first. Then I get the orangey spice. A little bit creamsicle.
  17. aquazoo

    Voodoo Lily

    Heavy, exotic flowers. Sweet and thick.
  18. aquazoo


    Starts nasty, but luckily that fades fast. A little spicy, a little fruity. I can tell the ginger is there.
  19. aquazoo


    Wow, hyacinthe! Then it gets a bit fruity, kid of an orange pineapple.
  20. aquazoo

    Sudha Segara

    Starts up as baby powder, very light. The milk and honey is there. It stays light.
  21. aquazoo

    Strangler Fig

    I get dust and dirt first. The dust settles and I get the wood and vines.
  22. aquazoo

    Splatter Comedy

    Bubblegum and then the banana. Overripe with sugar thrown in to mask it. Then I start to get the grease. And then the blood, but still lots and lots of banana.
  23. aquazoo

    Ü Mütter Museum

    Starts green, then old library books and vanilla. Crisp paper and leather. It's glorious!
  24. aquazoo

    Snooty Rose

    Really soft rose. The plum adds a nice note to it. The wood and bergamot really ground it.
  25. aquazoo

    Season of the Emergence

    Spicy and a little bit minty. It's an unusual incense type of scent, warm and subtle ad kind of creeps up on you.