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Everything posted by aquazoo

  1. aquazoo

    Mother Shub's Pfancy Pfefferneusse

    Sugar and chocolate first. Cinnamon chocolate, and then cinnamon. But it's not overly sharp, it's the smell of a kitchen after baking. The cookies must be very spicy and tasty!
  2. aquazoo

    Mason & Jenkin's Port Jelly

    Starts with cherry cough syrup. The eucalyptus in the cough syrup is coming through loud and clear!
  3. aquazoo

    Thirteen (13), November 2009

    It starts with the fudge, and a definite vanilla note to it. Lots of different things, I'm getting some herb and a little bit of booze.
  4. aquazoo

    The Black Temple Burlesque Troupe

    Chocolate and alcohol. It's warm, which must be the musk. A bit of a dry dusty chocolate, like it's been sitting around for a while.
  5. aquazoo

    The Adoration of the Mi-Go

    Cleaning product here, with a lemon/lime overtone. I am getting a twinge of flowery lichens, and the lemon-lime is fading.
  6. aquazoo


    The hazelnuts are first to arrive. Then the berries. I really wish the honey was more of a presence, because the nuts and berries aren't doing it for me.
  7. aquazoo

    The Season of Ghosts

    Bright citrus! As it fades, though, it goes through a bit of a rotten fruit phase. Then the soft incenses appear, and a light floral.
  8. aquazoo

    Sacred Whore of Babylon

    Woody and exotic to start. A touch of dust and a smattering of cinnamon. There are a few other spices in there, both hot and expensive incense.
  9. aquazoo

    On Darkness

    A pretty, slightly powdery floral. The powder fades and they are heavy incense and florals. Then they start to get a little salty.
  10. aquazoo

    The Last Squished Jellybean

    It's a black jellybean stuck to the bottom of the basket. Minty licorice and cellophane grass. And a little bit like cloved ham with orange juice and brown sugar glaze.
  11. aquazoo


    That starts with some really pretty floral. Then I get something green and woody. Then I get hairspray.
  12. aquazoo

    The Hell-Gate Of Ireland

    It's hay and wood, and the clove does hang in the air. Not smoky like I would expect. Are you sure this is hell? Sure smells nice.
  13. aquazoo

    L'Ecole des Filles

    That's a light, tasty floral. It dances on the edge of sharp hairspray, but does not go over. Might be the lemon doing that. But it does warm up nicely on the skin.
  14. aquazoo

    El Dia de los Reyes

    Chocolately and a bit nutty, although that may be the coffee. Much as I like chocolate and sugar, I don't like coffee and tat may be spoiling it for me. It's a dry chocolate. Then the cinnamon makes itself known, sweet and pretty at a time where that coffee note has almost faded.
  15. aquazoo

    Crib Girls

    Starts with a sweet yummy yummy lemon candy. That sharp lemon hangs around for a while, but then it becomes pure honey. Sticky, just the way it's supposed to be.
  16. aquazoo

    Countess Willie

    I get that chocolate amaretto. The amaretto and candy comes forward, giving it a sweet drunk feeling.
  17. aquazoo

    Trevor Bruttenholm

    Oooh, Trevor is spicy! Is that the summoning incense? I should try cloves for summoning more often.
  18. aquazoo

    Plague of Frogs

    Starts with that bright lime. It's not the least bit warty, just a fresh aquatic scent.
  19. aquazoo


    Starts sweet & fruity. It mellows into an aromatic wood. I don't know what forest herbs are, but I want to plant some! It maintains the sweet overtone, sweet for wood that is and not in a sense of candy.
  20. aquazoo


    Ooh, that's pretty, feminine with an edge. The floral faces out to leave a touch of leather.
  21. aquazoo

    Mlle. Lilith, Fortune Teller

    Oh, the sweetness! With a little something spicy and complicated following up.
  22. aquazoo

    Lilith vs. the Giant Crab

    What is that? Somewhat foody, a little spicy. It gets a little sweeter later on, with the pear and sandalwood coming up on top.
  23. aquazoo


    It's a machine. Well-oiled and leathery. It's a seriously manly scent, just delicious.
  24. aquazoo


    Aftershave and pepper. Maybe that's the brimstone that smells peppery. It's got a slight candy sweetness. Fortunately I don't smell the cat. :-) It gets a little powdery in the end, but it works ok with the rest of it.
  25. aquazoo

    Falling Leaf Moon

    Starts earthy and a little dusty. Really woody. Definitely leaves with some of them burning in the background. This is right on for a late October or November day, with the sun warming the leaves.