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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by aquazoo

  1. aquazoo

    Red Phoenix

    Sweet and sharp! The orange is there. It's a candy kind of scent. This is one that keeps drawing me back to sniff and sniff again.
  2. aquazoo

    The Ragged Wood

    The vanilla comes through first, with the flowers close behind. The pine and juniper give it a slight edge. Hmmmn, that edge may be going a bit salty.
  3. aquazoo

    The Miller's Daughter

    This is really mild, I had to re-apply to try to smell it. Ok, there it is. I can tell there is some rose in there, but it must be mostly the amber. It's nice!
  4. aquazoo


    Bleah, I don't know what it is, but something is turning sour. All the elements should be nice, and I usually really like scents with honey. This has some sour milk in it. No, it doesn't improve. :-(
  5. aquazoo

    Gypsy Queen

    This is soft and pretty, I'm not getting the smoke but the spicy incense is there. The flowers are up front but not overwhelming. Beautiful!
  6. aquazoo

    Golden Priapus

    Ooooooh, vanilla! That's what jumps out first, nice and sweet. Right behind it is the pine/juniper. It my be a man's blend, but it's really nice on me.
  7. aquazoo


    I like the opium! This is a mix of spiciness. It's interesting, maybe not the greatest on me, though.
  8. aquazoo


    Wow, this is a hot tropical floral! Heavy thick petals of something. Sometimes it gets a little salty.
  9. aquazoo

    Bruised Violet Compound

    Yep, that's violet all right! It starts out really strong, but then fades back nicely. The other elements stay in the background, but do have a presence.
  10. aquazoo


    It's soft and a little bit spicy. Fades quickly.
  11. aquazoo

    Snake Oil

    Weeeellll, so far it has a chemical overtone. That fades as it dries down, and it is very nice. I can see the appeal, but Snake Charmer and Phallus work much better on me.
  12. aquazoo

    Snake Charmer

    Oh yum! This is lovely. I think I get the vanilla most of all. It's that warm baking scent (I seem to like those quite a lot). It really does draw you in.
  13. aquazoo

    Sed Non Satiata

    This starts as a warm, almost edible note that I've only ever found in BPAL. The honey is coming up nicely on me. It gets slightly salty at one point, but overall a lovely scent. Definitely a keeper!
  14. aquazoo

    Reindeer Poop

    Starts sugary/rummy. This is a nice candy scent, maybe a bit of raisin in there. It's not overly foody, just sweet and delicious.
  15. aquazoo


    Pretty pretty floral! I tend to sense florals as more innocent than sensual. The roses really pop up here, and it remains nice and not heavy at all.
  16. aquazoo


    Well, that starts out dusty and dirty! While I usually like the dirt scents, that one has a nasty start. It fades down and is much better. Actually quite nice once it gets settled down. The amber and floral is what I can smell the most.
  17. aquazoo

    Man With Phallus Head

    Goes on soft, but comes up fast! Wow, this is very warm and delicious. All the notes seem perfectly blended, with an overall effect of sexy and warm. I'm so glad I got the bottle!
  18. aquazoo


    Spicy and a little smoky, just the way I like it. Sometimes the florals rise up to the top, and then they sink down below the spices again.
  19. aquazoo


    A gentle vision of purity, goodness and virtue: white tea, carnation and Damask Rose. Starts with lemony lilac. Maybe there is lemon in the tea? Now the lemon appears to be the sharp end of the rose. It's a nice floral, but with that lemon overtone not the greatest on me.
  20. aquazoo

    Love's Philosophy

    Oh, wow, pretty candy! Cream soda, I just want to slurp it up!
  21. aquazoo

    Love Me

    A pretty floral, definitely a nice scent to wear. No way to test the effects at the moment, but it smells lovely.
  22. aquazoo


    Nice, I like the vanilla, although the orange is coming up on top.
  23. aquazoo

    Horn of Plenty

    Dusty, spicy, maybe a tad medicine.
  24. aquazoo

    Ho Ho Ho

    This is a lovely holiday scent, like Tintagel gone right. It's a mulled pear, warming up on the kitchen stove.
  25. aquazoo

    Fire of Love

    Where there's smoke... This starts with smoky/dusty. It stays smoky/dusty. No changes. With its purpose, I could see wearing it at the same time as another scent. By itself, not so much.