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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by aquazoo

  1. Wow, that's a beautiful citrus floral! The tangerine fades fairly quickly, but now those spicy things are coming through. The rose is coming through nicely, not the least bit overwhelming. Really pretty. Keeper!

  2. Whew, that's a very sweet red wine! It is what it says, but the same problem as I had with Tintagel — do I want to smell like a drink? This is very strong. I really am enjoying it, sniffing and re-sniffing myself. Ok, it's turning to grape cough medicine on me. No worse than the wine. Not something I would wear.

  3. This is a subtle spicy scent. Is there really fruit in this? It hasn't appeared yet. Oh, here it comes a little bit! This is such an odd little scent. I'm not sure if I like it yet or not. The orange is coming in kinda sharp, more like lime. Nope, not good for me.

  4. You know when you notice you have chocolate on your fingers and lick it off? I did that just after I touched this imp. Not bad, though... This is a nice floral cherry. This reminds me of something — a soap? Except it's not "soapy." It's getting a little salty tang to it.

  5. CHERRIES!!!! Something else is coming up, which is good otherwise I would be licking my arm. Ooh, I do like this! I got it as a rather over-fondled imp from the "bag of joy," but I think it's found a home now.

  6. Yay! Starts happy fruity!! Kind of melon with a teensy bit of citrus. Sweet, and happy! It settles into sweet with fruity overtones. I thought it would not last long, but it’s lingering nicely. Keep
