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BPAL Madness!


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About Aevalin

  • Rank
    1/32 too few
  • Birthday 09/10/1968


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  • BPAL of the Day
    Paper Kite and Gypsy
  • Favorite Scents
    My go to BPALs frequently involve cookies, baked goods, tea or vanilla in some way. And Phobos.

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  • Interests
    I love a lot of British Sci Fi/Fantasy stuff. I work with computers and like it. I bellydance. I spend way too much time online. I think the Old Spice guy is hot - but Old Spice colognes are stinky.
  • Mood
    glad it's Friday


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  1. Man, this week has kicked my ass- I have so much Witchee shopping to get done tomorrow! I think I've missed more questions than these, but they were the ones that caught my eye. Are you interested in trying Super Villainess (from Villainess - the birthday scent that was just released tonight!) and if so, which item do you like the most? (Soap, Whipped, Smooch, Extrait, Smack...) I think no - I love me some Villainess but that doesn't grab me, though the smack sounds good If I were to order you a Smack, which four notes would you like? Here is my list of Smack combination ideas. I think a smack with 2 hits of coconut milk, 1 buttercream cupcake, and 1 lemon meringue sounds divine. - in my brain it would smell like a lemon cake with buttercream frosting and lots of coconut covering it. Would you enjoy receiving a knitted gift from your witch? If so what would you be interested in (scarf, hat, wrist / handwarmers, socks, etc.) and in what colors? A hat but be warned that I have a big head. In chocolate brown or a charcoal grey. Source: Spring Switch Witch Time! Theme: Treasure Hunt
  2. Witch - I'm just cross posting this stuff from the thread - seems like it would be easier to catch everything this way! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oh lovely Witch, the e-card and the accompanying Colour A Dalek entertained me much. Yesterday was another long day so the fun was very welcome I totally wish you could visit too - though maybe you live somewhere warm and I could visit you instead -it's freaking cold here in Nova Scotia today. Lousy Smarch weather. And now some question tomato based condiment Easter Candy - do you like it? If so, what types? Not a big fan of Peeps. Or Cream eggs. I like Cadbury mini eggs a lot, or Turtles Eggs, or Dove Eggs, or Caramilk eggs...sense a pattern... What scent(s) are you petrified of getting DC'd? Dorian or Phobos. Phobos went once I believe, so it always worries me it will get discontinued again. What is a scent that you've been trying to find even a sample of for a very long time to no avail? (What bottle would you die to get your hands on - even a partial?) I've been on a no buy for a while so I've missed a lot. I missed Lambs Wool and I think I'd like it. And a lot of the Amanda Palmer foodie ones. Source: Spring Switch Witch Time! Theme: Treasure Hunt
  3. OOoo a card from ma witch telling me goodies are on the way Excellent choices in Doctor Who ecards btw Do you like poetry? I don't dislike poetry, there are poems I really like, but would I consider myself a fan? I don't know. I'm undecided. What types of scents do you like to scent your home? Which do you totally avoid? Foody stuff - because then I can pretend I've baked awesome things How do you feel about nail polish? What colors do you like? Sparkles? I have a fair bit, I like to polish my toes more than my hands. I go for greens, blues and metallics mostly, but cool colours are always welcome. And sparkles Household/kitchen goods/gadgets? I love gadgets, LOVE them so anything is welcome. Do you have a favorite fabric? If someone were to make you a fabric item, would you prefer it be out of any fabric? e.g. velvet, satin, silk, cotton, bamboo??? Would this change if it were an article of clothing vs. a bag/pillow/blanket/somethingelse I like natural fabrics mostly, and fabrics that feel soft. I don't like itchy. I have a pair of bamboo yoga pants that I adore. Source: Spring Switch Witch Time! Theme: Treasure Hunt
  4. Would you want an invite to a site that is invite-only ex. Diaspora, Demonoid, etc. If so, what? I belong to quite a few member sites - but I'd love suggestions of some maybe I don't know about? Pillows? What size/designs/colors would most interest you? I like throw pillows in browns, apple greens, blues, creams, silvers... purses? bags? What style/colors? A new cool looking laptop back would be awesome to fit my new lappie, but I suspect prices are out of range for this round! I bought a pouch for my Kobo that I love, it's on my Etsy I suspect. Decorative scarves for hair and/or creative accessorizing? What colors? I don't have long enough hair to pull off scarves. Tho scarves I could use for bellydancing would always be welcome (and used is awesome esp. in case I decide to cut them up for costuming) Would you like anything from Starring Fragrances. They make awesome hair stuff, natural deoderant, and home fragrance (and a ton of other stuff, those are just my favs)? Haven't tried their stuff in a while, but they used to make awesome foody things. And I'm always looking for SLS free hair stuff. Are there any fancy/gourmet/special herbs or spices that you'd love to receive? ie: good quality vanilla or other extracts, vanilla beans, saffron, lavender, etc. Yes - any and all would be good. And I'd love to have recipes to use stuff. DVDs, Blu-Ray, both, neither? DVD - I am without blueray. Soaps? Be specific: if there are BPAL soaps you want to try or are dying for more of, tell all here! Also, any other companies people like or love? Villainess, maybe? Or Lush? What flavors??? I have a lot of LUSH soap so I'm good there, but Villainess is awesome, as is Paintbox, Haunt, House of Gloi, Arcana. I'm working on adding what I like to my help list. And samples are awesome. What periods of art do you love most? Like, if someone was going to get you a tapestry or a box or some other item, what period would you want it to most resonate with? the pinks and golds of Rococo? the clean geometry of Art Deco? The romanticism of Art Nouveux? The strange lines of Cubism? Hm. I would say not Rococco but I'm good with the other three. It depends on the piece honestly. Would you like caffeinated lollipops?: http://www.lollyphil...cks-caffeinated Likely no, but I'm not sure. Copied CD's or DVD's? SURE! I'm going to Disneyland in a couple of weeks, is there anything I can get you? I'm likely ok but my favourite disney characters are the Villains...particularly Maleficent.
  5. Aevalin

    More Ketchup

    A dollop of ketchup... Do you like those little crocheted dolls? You know the ones! They have a Japanese name! GAH! If so, who needs to be emulated as one? Yes, though I don't have any. I'd like animals (crows, rats, cats, mice, bunnies or chinchillas) or something related to Doctor Who (cause come on, a Dalek...would that not rock?) Do you like wearing things in your hair? Generally speaking I don't, though my hair is long enough that I could. Flower and feather clips would be awesome for belly dancing though! Chocolate. With stuff in it? Are you more a plain chocolate lover, a chocolate and normal items lover (normal items being nuts, fruit, caramel) or do you like weird stuff in your chocolate? (weird stuff being curry, chilis, balsamic vinegar, floraly things) Chocolate is awesome. Chocolate with stuff is awesome. Chocolate with nuts and caramel is double awesome. I like chocolate with chilis, I haven't tried it with like bacon (which I'd like to) and I haven't tried it with the other stuff mentioned, but I'd love to! For those who like lipgloss, lipstick, tinted balms, etc, what colors do you wear (and warm? cool?) and do you prefer something sheer or more opaque? I like a creamy lipstick in warm colours (I'm a pasty redhead with a neutral skin tone), lipgloss I like some opacity and just a bit of shine, and tinted balms are awesome. OH and I like them to not taste crappy. What's your favorite animal? Or is there one that's particularly significant to you? Crows I think are my most significant animal, I love them. I also love black cats (I own one...or he owns me I think), rats, mice, chinchillas and bunnies. Source: Spring Switch Witch Time! Theme: Treasure Hunt
  6. I haven't moved questions over here but I will. I also have to finish updating my lists. The BPAL is done, just have to do the other stuff. I'm sure I'll be excited with whatever you pick out...I love that we're on a budget because it makes me have to get creative! Aevalin
  7. Do you need another bpal box? If so what would your fantasy one look like? I'm actually pretty well set for boxes for both bottles and imps. Do you have any blogs you regularly read? I like all of the Gawker sites...Food Gawker, Craft Gawker and Wedding Gawker. And Tastespotting. Plus a few that I check off and on. And lastly... surprise! the world has given you the day off. You hear that, no chores, responsibilities, or budget you have to follow. What would you do in those 24 hours? Well if I can be transported to anywhere and not have to include travel time in my day, I'd totally want to be in England or Ireland. If it was something around here, I think there would be a day of relaxing and hanging out with a really good restaurant meal. Do you enjoy gardening? If so, what kind of stuff do you grow? Vegetables, flowers? I love gardening but I have a sucky shady garden patch. So as much as I want to grow veggies and herbs, I end up with some hostas, some violets and some ivy.
  8. My old questions/answers are here, and now...some new ones... Ok - questionairre sent, hopefully it's all ok. I think it was...soooooooooo assuming that it was, I shall answer questions... Would you rather have HUGE list of things your witchee wants to try or just a highlight list? Huge list. I like variety. Baked Goods? Yea Nay? Sure I just worry that Customs will snatch it away or it will be all stale by the time it reaches me. If not Baked goods and you are changing eating habits..a book of recipes perhaps that will help the new eating lifestyle? Recipes would be welcome, I'm trying to eat healthier, on a budget, with limited prep time available for meals. OH and my son is a picky eater...see what I'm up against? If you were to make an order RIGHT NOW (Not that any of you will make any bpal orders until SW is over, because you do NOT want to mess up any plans your witch might have!) What would you order (from lab, forum, DD, TradingPost, etc) Honestly - there's a lot. I've been on a nobuy for a while and I really wouldn't know where to start. Seriously. Too much has passed me by. I guess Lemon Sticky Bat What level of nudity are you fine with on items? Ex: none, tasteful, erotica. Hm. I'm pretty ok with nudity I guess. I know the ?airre asked about gently used books and if you like garage sales, but would you like other kinds of gently used items that may have come from a garage sale? I love used stuff. I shop thrift shops and things. I would likely draw the line at undergarments but then...I suspect most people do. Do you like cooking seasonings, like the kind you can get in ounce sizes? If so, things you'd love to try out? OMG YES!!!! I look longingly at the Penzey's website. Do you like any particular kinds of green or black teas or coffees that could also be gotten in bulk? Teas and coffees, I just ask that they be fair trade if possible. Favorite snack foods (and can they be from bulk section as well?) Nuts. Chocolate. Caramel. And if you combine them into one thing, it's soooooooooo very awesome. Tim Tams? I've never had one... As for classic literature, I'm pretty well set. My Kobo came with a zillion books. Ok maybe it was 100 classics but still. Mixed CDs - yes please, esp. stuff I can belly dance too. My 13 random songs from my MP3 player...Fun Boy Three - Lunatics Have Taken Over The Asylum INXS- Devil Inside Oasis- Champagne Supernova U2 - All I Want is You Depeche Mode - Personal Jesus Shaggy - Oh Carolina U2- Vertigo Carl Douglas - Kung Fu Fighting Uncle Kracker - Yeah Yeah Yeah Beats Antique - Relic Bif Naked - Lucky INXS - Suicide Blonde The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary ( I like newer stuff too honestly...just didn't come up )
  9. Aevalin

    '80s Prom Scent?

    I can't think of BPAL off the bat but I graduated high school in 1986. I wore Love's Baby Soft, Love's Fresh Rain, Lauren, Benetton's Colours and Sweet Honesty. Fortunately my nose has developed a bit since then
  10. Aevalin

    Pronouncing "BPAL" and scent names!

    That sound sometimes crops up in Hebrew, assuming I have any idea what you're talking about. My biggest beef with French is never knowing which letters they've decided to pronounce. Do you think I could get away with regular English rrrs? Or would that sound worse? I've always thought it was more "luhre vairt". You know, super soft t. But I suppose that's a regional thing, and totally based on my french teacher's pronunciation. Ok, I realize I'm replying to something old - but the reason it's pronounced with a harder t is because it ends in e. If it was vert (the masculine) it would have been vair. But it's feminine with the e so it's vairt.
  11. Aevalin

    Butter Rum Cookie

    Oooo this is yummy! Wet it smells like Butter Rum life savers which I adored. It dries down to something spicy and buttery. Very very nice, a definite keeper and I'll need a bottle me thinks!
  12. What is your favorite category of the GC? Hmmmm...Diabolus I think. My favourite category is technically the CD, but for GCs I think yeah, Diabolus Stance on Joss Whedon and his enterprises? I adore him. He has yet to disappoint me...well except for the killing Tara thing, but otherwise, he rocks. Has anyone tried ice wine before? Yep. I quite like it. What other perfume companies (besides bpal) have you been curious about? I own a squijillion Possets ( I do website maintenance for Fabienne), and I own most things in Arcana that I like too. CB:IHP is also pretty cool - I like the accords tho there are others I'd love to try (and Wild Hunt is teh sex on my hubby) I guess for companies I'd like to try I'd have to say right now it would be Cobalt, Nocturne Alchemy and Violette Market. Although Loreto on Etsy would be cool I think. I'd rather not have any Conjure Oils - not really fussy on the mess that went down on the forum. Also not fussy on HAEE. Does anyone here do anything with grave rubbings? I have a couple from a cemetery in Salem that a friend did for me, they're cool. Would you enjoy art based on original Graveyard photography? I think they can be really beautiful. And eerie and spooky. I love grave yards. And heck, weeping angel graves - also awesome (see icon). ***9/9*** Do you play a musical instrument? I played trombone, bass trombone and euphonium for a long time. Haven't picked it up in years tho - kinda sad really. What do you think of Irrelevant Disturbing and Surreal Crawdad Dream? Love it? Hate it? Kicking yourself for not getting a bottle? I wouldn't mind sniffing it - there were notes I was iffy on so I didn't get any. How do you feel about trinkets? You know - tiny toys or doodads that serve no purpose than to be cute, take up space and make us smile. Love them or waste of money? I enjoy trinkets as long as they are not the kind that require a great deal of dusting. I suck at dusting. Can melty things be shipped to you, or will they be in puddles by the time you open the package? I'm in Nova Scotia. It's only gonna get colder from here on out. If candy is sent, would you prefer small amounts to a Halloween sized bag? I enjoy chocolate but it's best in smaller doses so I don't eat it all! Do you like notes in your soaps or bath stuff that you don't like in your perfumes? If so which? Hm. I do like my soap a little earthier than my BPALs - sometimes. I also love foody soap too. My favourites are mostly from Villainess - Scintillating, Ginger Snapped, Discord, Grampa Joe - and I also quite like Silk Road Trading Company's Cafe Gaeleach. Oh and Arcana's Devilish (which I don't love in the perfume oil). Do you like floral soaps or bath stuff? If so, what florals work and what don't? Honestly - it's safest to avoid flowers for me. The white flowers in Snow White are ok. And lavender can be fine. And vanilla orchid. Other than that, it's risky. ***9/8*** How do y'all feel about honey and maple? Am Canadian. I think it's against the law to dislike maple. Honey in all sorts of flavors and varieties is good too. What is your favorite thing to do on a cool fall day? yard work honestly - or go for a walk.
  13. Okies Switch Witch - the answers I promised My kiddo loves anime/manga - Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni Kai and Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann. Don't worry, I don't know them either. I remember when it was as easy as Bleach and Death Note (he's telling me he likes those ones still too). He plays WoW, Team Fortress 2, and has a Wii. He's very excited about buying Spore when it comes out next week. The hubby loves Futurama, Jon Stewart (who ALWAYS makes him giggle), Dungeons and Dragons (and other rpgs) and hockey. He's a Montreal Canadians fan. Hm as for me...I love to have things to hang on my walls - esp. art prints and photographs. Love interesting postcards. My walls are far far far too bare. I read Tarot cards - I use 3 decks - Brian Froud's Faery Oracle, The J Swiss and the Goddess Tarot. I also dowse. And I'm awful good at it I am very into figuring out home decorating right now - love HGTV And dear Witchy - I feel badly writing all of those things down, because I absolutely don't want you think that I except ANY of this stuff! I'm always so torn about writing this stuff down because I don't ever want to seem greedy
  14. My questionnaire is chock-a-block with ideas for Witching me on the cheap, and without sending "stuff for stuff's sake". And I just came up with another one--make me a Pandora, Finetune, or Last.fm station you think I might like! What manner of affordable Witchery might you covet? I'm not doing this for the expensive gifties - I have to keep my witching at a reasonable cost and I would hope that who ever gets me feels the same. Hand made stuff rocks. The food ideas rock. Gently used stuff like books, smellies, bath stuff etc (anything that I'd feel cool about swapping for example) is excellent. Just don't break the bank because you feel like you're supposed to - that's not why we're here - it really is the thought that counts! Oh and as an aside - Canadians (and I suspect other internationals) can't use Pandora. Not sure about Finetune. Last.fm is fine. Does your cell phone have a place to attach charms? I don't think my phone has the thingie to hang the charm from. Base model and all that
  15. See Love's Philosophy was ok on me but Sugar Cookie and Dorian are two of my 3 favourite BPALs (the other being Snow White), Sugar Cookie is so buttery and warm and vanillay mmmmmmmm. Dorian is a sweetened vanilla tea and is lovely too.