alternative religion, books, cats, coffee, collage, dancing, dining out, good food, goth, The House on the Rock, libraries, national parks, New Orleans, painting, penpalling, photography, postcards, reading, Seattle, squirrels, stuffed animals, travel, Twin Peaks, wildlife.
Favorite Scents
BPAL blends: Morocco, Antique Lace, Snow Angel, Bewitched, Regan, Miskatonic University, Cheshire Cat, Paris, Torture King, Baneberry, La Feé Verte, Salamander, All Saints 2004, Et Lux Fuit, All Souls.
Single Notes: amber, vanilla, lotus, currant, ginger, muguet, honey, pear, apple, almond, cucumber, carnation, heliotrope, clove, blackberry, blackberry leaf
Other perfumes, blends, and natural scents: Jessica McClintock; Dragonfly Blue's "Golden Oak"; nag champa; Gonesh #4 incense; Tommy Girl; fresh rain on warm pavement; freshly-cut grass; mixed citrus; piña colada; leather, coffee.