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BPAL Madness!


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About azhriaz

  • Rank
    evil enabler
  • Birthday 05/30/1982


  • BPAL of the Day
    The Girl
  • Favorite Scents
    Loved notes: tea, fig, moss, grapefruit, nectarine, dirt, cucumber, tonka, skin musk, vanilla musk Loathed notes: jasmine, honey, bay, neroli

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  • Interests
    Tea; Hordes & Warhammer; my relaxing lifestyle; buying too many bath products thanks to this forum...
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  • Astrological Info
    Gemini, Chinese Water Dog.
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  1. Does anyone know any other way of contacting the lab's customer service other than answers@blackphoenixalchemylab.com? It's been a week since I received my package which was missing pretty much my entire order and I'd really like to get it sorted out
  2. Still not fixed.... have tried sending from multiple email addresses.
  3. Argh.. I am getting the unsolicited mail error too. Very inconvenient because I am trying to email them about the fact that none of the 6 bottles I ordered were in my package (only the imps were included)! I am not using a free mail provider either
  4. azhriaz

    Plastic Pink Flamingo

    This one is a bit too sweet for me. There is just a hint of the green notes, it's mostly fluffy marshmallow. After it's been on my skin for a while it goes strange and smells like banana lollies. Then it goes back to pink marshmallow and stays that way. This is the first "marshmallow" scent I've tried and it worked better than I expected, however it's not the type of thing I can see myself wearing again.
  5. azhriaz

    How to make a paypal order.

    Send your email with the full order to answers@blackphoenixalchemylab.com. Using x2 should be fine. In the comments field just say that you're sending the full order in an email. Paypal is so annoying.. I have to do this every time I order a few imp packs.
  6. azhriaz

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    Sometimes the GC labels are different so you never know... There was a photo of the new Alice label posted a while ago, and I'd just like to note that it's not like that on all the bottles.... I just bought Alice and it has the (new) standard GC label, no sign at all of Alice hiding in there.
  7. azhriaz


    The first time I used TKO I made the mistake of using the same amount as I would with other perfume oils. This resulted in a burning sensation in the back of my throat. So I won't be doing that again. A teensy dot on each wrist is plenty! I'm not really a huge fan of lavender in general, and this is a kind of harsh lavender, but the vanilla marshmallow effect in the background is tantalising. It definitely has a calming effect.
  8. azhriaz

    June Gloom 2009

    Initial impression is very floral. Creamy, almost tropical flowers. The florals reminds me a lot of Chloe Narcisse, but soft and fresh instead of sharp and cloying, so I'm thinking there may be plumeria and/or daffodil based on that. I don't think it's gardenia because it's not as intense as the other BPAL gardenia scents I've tried, but it's in that kind of realm. After it dries down a bit there is more damp greenery, with very subtle citrus overtones. I was expecting something a bit more lemony, but it's barely there. I was scared that "mist and rain" = men's deodorant because that's usually how ozone/aquatic notes tend to go for me, but that element is muted. It's a suggestion of dampness rather than outright aquatic. Overall this is lovely. More traditional/feminine than I tend to go for, but it's so nicely done I can definitely see myself wearing this.
  9. azhriaz

    Email order acknowledgement

    When did you place the order? If you've ordered by paypal the money will be deducted straight away, but there's no confirmation email except the standard paypal one. You should get a shipping notification when the order ships, but that may not be for a while. The time between ordering and shipment seems to be approximately 2 weeks at the moment.
  10. The red musk + cassia + fruit combination of The Dodo reminds me very much of Red Phoenix, but with mango instead of plum. They dry down differently on me though.. Red Phoenix is very musky but The Dodo becomes more woody.
  11. azhriaz


    Reading the description made me fearful that this would be contain some really evil dark musk so I was surprised at how nice this was when first applied. There's a little bit of sweetness to it and the musk is pleasant rather than scary. But then all of a sudden the musky goodness evaporates and I'm left with a pine-like scent. It smells almost sticky.. makes me think of sap, or vaporub. The pungency fades a bit but doesn't really morph beyond this. Definitely not my thing.
  12. azhriaz

    Traveling with BPAL

    They won't? I checked the TSA site and it says "Air travelers may now carry liquids, gels and aerosols in their carry-on bag when going through security checkpoints" (with size limits), so if anything they seem to be getting less strict. There was no reference at all to limits on checked baggage, unless the liquid is flammable. So I don't think you need to worry.
  13. azhriaz


    Scorched musk! It really does smell exactly like I would have imagined, not that it ever occurred to me to imagine such a thing... When I received my imp fresh from the lab I was too scared to even try it on my skin. It reminded me of Brimstone, which is not really wearable for me. A month or two later and it's still a little intense on first sniff, but after application the musk and burning subsides a little. Just enough to let the tonka do its thing. And I do like tonka. Prurience is rich and smouldering (also unwholesome and voluptuous! the description is really spot on), and I've been sneakily sniffing myself all day, which hasn't happened for a while. Pretty good staying power, as you'd expect from preponderance of base notes.
  14. azhriaz

    What Scent Is This?

    I received 2 imps of Oblivion in my last lab order, and they are both orange and I can see how they could fit your description of sandalwood with something a bit sweet. I thought it fit the description (it does smell like wood spice and labdanum to me at least) but was lighter (in scent) than I expected. Maybe the green is something that comes with aging.
  15. azhriaz


    It was the agave nectar that prompted me to buy a bottle of Mictecacihuatl unsniffed. I can't pick agave out at all, but I am still very happy that I have a bottle. It's basically a fragrant, light wood. The spices are more incensey than foody. I was scared of the rose and tobacco, but the rose is very subtle and blends perfectly with the other notes and the tobacco is definitely hiding from me. Very sophisticated and even romantic, but I feel like I could wear this one for any occasion.