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BPAL Madness!

Dark Alice

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Everything posted by Dark Alice

  1. Dark Alice

    Une Folle Entreprise

    This the love child of Silver Phoenix and B340. Silver musk, with orris root and the long ago wistful flowers from b340. I like it...but not enough to want purchase a bottle as I love both Silver phoenix and B340 all on their own.
  2. Dark Alice


    All I smell is lilacs. Which smells sour and like dead plant matter. I can't even get past the imp wand to try this. This is going to go.
  3. Dark Alice


    wet: Sage and other herbs Dry: Warm leather. a little sweet...but leather none the less. Gladd I got to try it...but I won't need anymore after this.
  4. For these past few days... Winter time mixed with Anesthesia. Cooling sweet pepperminty winter FTW! And all of my do not attract bugs scents in the summer rotation. Including Pain.
  5. Dark Alice

    Schwarzer Mond

    I have the pleasure of owning Schwarzermond 2006. This is just fabulous. Wet: It's dark mysterious and spicy. Dry: Slightly sweet resins with gorgeous patchouli. I might have to track down a partial of the 2011 and just age it.
  6. Dark Alice

    Half Elf v5

    Wet: Rich thick sticky honey, with the barest hints of blonde wood and some tobacco note. Dry: Thick, cloyingly musty dusty honey. All honey notes do this to me..I should have known better from reading the reviews...but I am so glad I got to try it.
  7. Dark Alice


    What I thought would be warm and snuggly is sharp and dissonant. The coffee note is similar to the one from the Arabian Dance and it smells stale. The khus normally a good note for me makes the mallow smell like old sugar burnt dusty sugar and the wood is almost on the brink of furniture polish. I think this will age wonderfully...but I don't have the patience to wait that long for it.
  8. I love pain. The pennyroyal is loud...but the lavendar softens it a bit and it dries down beautifully.
  9. The Chapel. Blood, red wine and church incense. Reminds me of movies like the omen. And Schwarzer Mond. Dark Delicious and Evil. Voodoo is also a little dark for me. But its wonderful.
  10. Dark Alice


    Right now this is all mallow and khus all the freaking time. And a wee bit to bitter. I think this can be fabulous if it is aged appropriately. I think I am going to snag a bottle before it goes down and age it.
  11. Dark Alice

    Threnody v3

    This is a strange one. This smells very clean...almost like white amber...but it has a dark bitter note to it that I can't place that wafts in and out. Clean white florals airy almost. Very nice to wear on daysfor when I want to feel "pretty".
  12. Dark Alice

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    The butterfly labels are sooooo pretty....my purple spotted swallowtail just arrived. As soon as I can refigure out how to upload photos I will post a crappy cell phone picture of it.
  13. Dark Alice

    Thirteen (13): May 2011

    Wet: Honey and hints of chocolate. Drydown: Bam! Instant fruity cubeb with the barest hints of cocoa. And that's where it stays. Cubeb, hints of cocoa with vanilla and some honey. Lovely...glad I found just a partial as this is all I need of this 13.
  14. Dark Alice


    Orange...yeah...you smell like orange. Orange essential oil that my skin eats up and leaves nothing behind. I am not huge fan of this and I am glad that I dodged a bullet.
  15. Dark Alice

    Tattered Lace

    Wet: :This smells just like the bourbon vanilla smooch from Villainess! It is a bit cloying actually. Drydown: I smell this gorgeous tea antique lacish opium scent. I don't know what it is...but I do really like it. I just need to be able to handle the wet bourbon vanilla phase. Either way...I am definitely keeping my bottle.
  16. Dark Alice

    RPG Combos

    Something made me try Neutral and Half-Elf today. So glad I followed my instinct. At first neutral was heavy on the skin musk...almost cologney but the berry and leather in Half-elf balance it out to give it a nice warm skin musk/berry flavor. I just love this and will be wearing it again.
  17. Dark Alice


    Wet: Creamy Amber and Vanilla and spices. Dry: Creamy amber vanilla and spices and gardenia. As gorgeous as this is...I have been trying to figure out where I have smelled this before and then it hit me... this is the amber from L'Estate with spices and gardenia. The gardenia is giving me a headache. Every time I smell this my head hurts. Lovely to try but I am so glad that it is going on to a new home.
  18. Dark Alice


    Spicy kick ass rose that is a bit juicy. The leather is barely there....but the opium tar and rose remain ever vigilant. This will be wonderful aged. It is just deliciously dark spicy rose.....I imagine that this is what Cruella De Ville smells like. Instant win!
  19. Dark Alice

    RPG Combos

    I had the same problem with Good. It clashes with the leather in fighter, dwarf, and Paladin. Try Neutral with them and see what you get. Still playing with RPGs. Good with Half Elf....definite pass. The honey note in good just clashes on my skin with the leather of Half Elf. *sigh* It's definitive...Good is going off to the swaps.
  20. Dark Alice

    RPG Combos

    I put a line of perfume from my decants on the area I apply to and then rub them together. Not very scientific...but it works. Today..Neutral Dwarf. Never thought it would work...but Neutral skin musk with the dwarf leather is awesome!
  21. Dark Alice

    RPG Combos

    So glad to see this thread! Seriously...EVIL Is the way to go. I am an Evil Fighter some days. Others...EVIL fighter dwarf! On those days I want to feel elfish, I am a half-elf fighter with a dash of EVIL. And others I am a Half-elf, Paladin, with a dash of EVIL. Beth is a genius to come up with such an amazing scent. I literally love the smell of evil!
  22. Dark Alice


    Shimmering metal with white leather. The frankincense and bourbon vanilla are no shows. Layered with half elf...the bourbon vanilla comes through and the white leather dies quickly and still no frankincense....but it is gorgeous.
  23. Dark Alice


    Pine..resins...more pine...and frankincense. Not a fan of this one. Mixed with evil...pine and resins are more balanced. Will have to track a partial of this one down.
  24. Dark Alice


    Light stinky floral something is in this. Plus vanilla. But whatever is turning floral on my skin is taking over the vanilla. PASS. Guess I am not meant to be good after all....
  25. Dark Alice


    Seriously...this is good shit! Clean, flawless skin musk with the barest hints of sweetness. I love it...and it will be in my next bottle order for layering!