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BPAL Madness!

Dark Alice

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Everything posted by Dark Alice

  1. Dark Alice

    The Midnight Carnival

    I have no idea what to make of this. It has a light metal note (I guess that's the penny) mildly sweet spiciness and serious myrrh! Gorgeous gorgeous myrrh! This is just gorgeous. It smells like sweet incense and metal at night. There is a gorgeous darkness to this scent that evokes mystery. I just love it.
  2. Dark Alice

    Arachne of Lydia

    I rarely sniff something and roll my eyes in the back of my head to say..Ahhhhhhh! But this stuff is a.maz.ing! Bright currant with soft dusty clove and I love it love it love it!
  3. Dark Alice


    I don't know what to make of this. Seriously...this is the first time that scent has completely thrown me. The black musk is perfumey, there is no blood note and I have no idea was bone white smells like. It works well with my skin but the perfumey quality of the black musk is turning me off a bit. Glad I got to try it...but it's a definite pass.
  4. Dark Alice


    Like most things life I can't predict how things are going to go...however...with this scent I knew where it would go. Right back in the swap box. This is soft tea rose...which makes it bearable...however the honey, musk and vanilla make this a soft, subtly sweet tea rose scent. Not bad...however tea rose is a note that I hate with a passion and it is something I amp. This is going to have to come off soon...I am getting nauseous. *sigh*
  5. Dark Alice

    Scent for Halloween?

    My house smells like Sticky Pillowcase. I smell like Miskatonic University. We are having a cold and rainy Thanksgiving so I wanted something that had the scent of warm coffee to it.
  6. Dark Alice

    Christmas Eve in the Counting House

    This scent evokes an image of creepy fog and creaky wood on a cold winter's day. There is a bright shiny note to this that smells like a penny (I guess that's where the counting house comes in!) It's also very clean and really smoky. This is truly a work of art. This scent is gorgeous yet headache inducing as I sniff so I will have to pass it a long. However, any time a scent invokes an instant image in my mind it is truly a work of art and thing of beauty even if it doesn't work for me.
  7. Dark Alice

    The First of the Three Spirits

    I don't know what Zdravetz is but it is very juicy and fruity....plus the white amber just kills all of the vanilla and summer flowers I was expecting from this blend. (and that is just while it is wet) Dry: Bright summer florals with amber and zdravetz...which is going a little funky on my skin actually. It's lovely...but not for me alas. I was hoping for more vanilla and instead I received a ton of fruit....and amber. I am beginning to smell like multi-fruit striped gum. Passing this along to a new home. STAT!
  8. Dark Alice

    The Chained Phantoms

    Wet: Ice, white grape wine and cat pee...(which I suspect is the chamomile) Drydown: This smells just like ice wine from Carrabas. (actually it's a white wine cocktail and it is amazing! ) This is nice and soft and a bit chilly. I like it...but not enough to purchase a whole bottle. May try and find a partial though...
  9. Dark Alice

    Beaver Moon 2010

    I got the chance to smell this yesterday and Oh my goodness! Wet: It smells like peach jolly ranchers. Dry: Soft peach jolly ranchers with hints of strawberry. There is no Cheesecake! Yay! I need to find a partial of this or a decant stat!
  10. Dark Alice


    The blue chamomile and nicotiana are keeping the honey from becoming overly sweet, musty, or funky. This is actually a sweet but clean smelling scent. Still not something I would buy in 5ml form but it is lovely enough to keep the decant. Thank you to my PIF fairy for giving me the chance to try this.
  11. Dark Alice

    Queen Alice

    Fruity Rose? This is what this smells like on my hand. No rose listed but still... And there is no wine...most wine goes rancid on me this is just simply beautiful fruity rose. A decant will do me though as any more might be headache inducing..
  12. Dark Alice

    Big Bottles List

    http://www.bpal.org/topic/3819-what-do-you-have-big-bottles-of/page__st__1350#entry1420975 This is it. Where I keep my list of big bottles that I love and sniff, and care for and wear. Enjoy.
  13. Dark Alice

    Want To Sniff/try

    swap with me! D. Alice
  14. Dark Alice

    Scent for Halloween?

    The Shadowy and Sublime in the Morning and This evening...perilous parlour
  15. Dark Alice

    Scent for Halloween?

    Trying to figure out what to wear for Halloween. I normally wear Mircalla and other halloweenies year round so its kind of hard to have a special scent for the Holiday. I would also like to wear something for All Saint's Day on Nov. 1st for my Dad's Birthday and to honor my ancestors/relatives that have passed on.
  16. Since my nose is pretty much borked when I am sick I stick to Jabberwocky or winter stress relief 07. (which can sometimes be hard to find) Also if you like lavender or pennyroyal I recommend Pain. It depends on what you are going for....something you can sniff or something that makes you feel better. To feel better sometimes soft mint or soft powdery scents are comforting to me. Again..it depends on what your tastes are. I am sorry you are getting sick. I hope you feel better soon.
  17. Dark Alice

    Horrid Mysteries

    Bloody wine. Yuck. Pass.
  18. Dark Alice

    The Hag

    Unfortunately the only things in this are Bay rum and vetiver which my skin is amping to hell while this is wet. Dry: My skin ate the vetiver and rum and left this gorgeous soft black musk, leafy scent with the barest hints of rum. I would love to keep this but alas the wet stage is too much to bear.
  19. Dark Alice

    Wad Of Chewed Up Strawberry Bubblegum

    I received no strawberries either. Straight up big league chew or bazooka joe. *sigh*
  20. Dark Alice

    The British Blondes Atmosphere Spray

    Tried at comic con I currently have some in my sweatshirt Florals and vanilla. I don't get the golden point to it...just soft white florals and vanilla. It has an overall perfumey quality I didn't care for before and I don't really like now. But I am glad others love it!
  21. Dark Alice

    Dawn: Cernunnos

    Something in this made me gag. I have no idea what it is...but I for dang sure couldn't put it on. Not a fan!
  22. Dark Alice

    Dawn: Priestess

    This is red rose with hints of myrrh and patchouli. For a red rose scent it is gorgeous....I just don't think it's for me! But God is it a gorgeous scent.
  23. Dark Alice

    Dawn: Mother

    Lush Red Roses and honey with the barest hints of frankincense and saffron. This is not for me...but it is definitely sexy.
  24. Dark Alice

    Dawn: Maiden

    From the imp: Tea Rose , Honey, Olive Blossom and a Headache. I didn't even get a chance to put this on as it has dug into my sinuses and won't let go. This goes off to the swap pile ASAP!
  25. Dark Alice

    Alana Patel

    I have been wanting to try this for months. And sad to say I was sorely disappointed. Wet: The gin takes over. Actually the Gin bitch slaps all of the other notes and just kills the scent. When it finally dries it smells like stale cigarette smoke. No faded perfume, no smoky goodness, no light gin. Bitch slap gin and stinky cigarette smoke at the end of the day. *sigh*