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BPAL Madness!

Dark Alice

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Everything posted by Dark Alice

  1. Dark Alice

    Nightmarchers v5

    The previous writer suggested that this was a lavendar infused vanilla musk. And folks, She was right on the money. This TKO lite...less herbal lavendar...more vanilla with hints of musk to it. This will find it's way in my nightly lavender, TKO Lilith Victoria rotation for sleep aids. It's goregous.
  2. Dark Alice

    Chaos Theory VI: Recursive Self-Similarity v7

    My Vanilla CT's are: CT 181-Vanilla and Spearmint with light hints of peppermint. (wet) Drydown Vanilla and spearmint! Very refreshing. I love it. CT 128-Vanilla with citrus and the metal note from Witchblade. Once my skin eats the citrus...it goes to straight vanilla on the drydown. I love this too. CT 39-Vanilla with white amber (wet) Drydown-Vanilla with white ambery perfumey note. Not a big fan of this one. I may be swapping it!
  3. Dark Alice

    Night's Bridge

    Standing on a bridge at night surrounded by the ocean with the clean scent of my fiancee surrounding me as I hold him tight. This is what this scent evokes when sniffed. May need to track this down.
  4. Dark Alice

    Teatime in Roswell

    Wet: Watery cucumber with hints of cake. Drydown. Cucumber sandwiches. No thanks.
  5. Dark Alice

    Skytyping with Chemtrails

    From wet to drydown...this smells like lemony/orangey sugary candy floss. Not. a. fan. Must wash off now.
  6. Dark Alice

    The Rat Speakers

    Earthy Patchouli and dirt. I imagine little brown rats burrowing in fresh dirt. The dirt fades and this becomes single note patchouli on my skin. no leather no nothin....just patchouli.
  7. Dark Alice


    This was something that wasn't suppposed to work on me. Any body who knows me knows I can't do honey anything. Yet here again...I am surprised by BPAL. This is a nice, warm, but ashy honey musk. Not musty...just a little ashy...with hints of spice and no leather. I love this. When I want a honey scent....I have one to reach for. Now to track down a partial bottle....
  8. Dark Alice


    So out of curiousity I pulled this out of my swap box and tried it. All I can say is that this is pretty damn amazing. This is what Dracul would smell like. I imagine that this is what Eric would smell like before he was turned Definitely better on a man. The fir, mint, and black musk blend together to give it a chilly earthy smell. Pretty damn amazing this is indeed.
  9. Dark Alice


    This one is actually triggering my gag reflex. It smells like fresh leather with machine oil. Like a mechanic fresh from the body shop covered in leather, machine oil with hints of sweat. On the right man this would be AMAZING! On me...its too much!
  10. Dark Alice

    Banned in Boston

    Rich clean smelling liquor. Definitely a clear booze. Now comes the sweetness with a hint of tobacco. I do enjoy this but a decant is all that I need.
  11. Dark Alice


    I need this. The lime and eucalyptus are goregeous! The leather is barely there and it is just wonderful. I need a bottle of this STAT!
  12. Dark Alice

    Bette Noir

    Light succulent peach with strong hints of sweet amber. Very little red musk here. Definitely a perfumey quality to this one. Not commercial perfume...just sophisticated womanly perfume. Grateful to Eden Sixth Day for sending me this to test.
  13. Dark Alice

    The Velvets

    Dark/Black Slinky musk with soft goregous white flowers. (I think) There is also a sweetness to this...but it is ever so light. Glad I got a chance to gry this....it truly is lovely...but I think a decant will do me.
  14. Dark Alice

    Honey Moon

    Wet: A honey that I can wear! The blend of five honeys is slightly sweet and musty....it's gorgeous. Drydown: I lose again. My gorgeous honey went away and was replaced by the evil that is headache inducing jasmine. *sigh* I have to wash this off now.
  15. Dark Alice

    Chrysanthemum Moon

    Mum moon.... Smells like dead chrysanthemums on my skin. Stinky dead mums. Had to wash this off.
  16. Dark Alice

    Strawberry Moon 2005

    Soft, sweet sugary strawberries and cream. The cream actually doesn't go sour on my skin. It stays true to form. Definitely has hints of strawberry bubble yum gum going on...but the cream keeps the strawberry in check. I see why others like this.
  17. Dark Alice

    Peony Moon

    Soft sweet peony, with hints of water. No wood note here. Gorgeous floral...but not something I would wear.
  18. Dark Alice

    Sleepy Moon

    There is something in this that I just don't like. I don't know if it's the chamomile or the ylang ylang but whatever it is it is crushing the life out of the beautiful opium and lavendar notes. There is a sharp white obnoxious floral present that just takes over from wet to drydown. Only tempering some of this stuff with TKO seems to make it smell better. *sigh* I was hoping to use this as a go to sleep blend. But alas...no.
  19. Dark Alice

    Lotus Moon 2006

    Sweet, light slightly watery floral. This is actually quite nice. Not something I would wear everyday....but it is quite nice.
  20. Dark Alice

    Bathtub Gin

    Fizzy juniper with a hint of ginger ale. This smells like a slow gin fizz without the strong gin note. My skin eats this quickly but it is lovely.
  21. Dark Alice

    TKO v3

    This smells like a Lavendar generic perfume. I love the sweet marshmallow scent of TKO. It's okay...but I will definitely stick with my TKO.
  22. Dark Alice

    Sara Pezzini

    Skin Musk, with the barest hints of leather. (wet) Dry: Freakin lemon honey. Why does my skin do this? There is no lemon in this listed...but for the life of me...I get lemony honey. It's like velvet nudie and beth's honey note had a love child on my skin. Combined with witchblade: The honey, lemon, and skin musk takeover the goregousness of the red musk and metal in witchblade. Not a fan.
  23. Dark Alice

    The Anti-Saloon League

    Sassaparilla flavored generic perfume!!! I can't believe this. The creamy note is here....but it smells artificial and this goes to some weird alcoholic generic perfume. There is fizz here...but barely. Where is my fizzy vanilla cream with the hint of spiciness that I was lusting after? I finally get to try something that sounds like it is up my alley....and this happens. *sigh*
  24. Dark Alice


    I agree with the previous posters. This definitely has the champagne note from the the Champagne blends. Smells like fizzy, effervescent lemon lime soda. I didn't even need to open the bottle...I could smell it through the bubble wrap. Way too strong. Glad it's going to a new home!
  25. Dark Alice


    Dark and bitter: Pepper, earth. Sweet: Tarry clove and pimento. Softeness: by the myrrh and rank and wet with the seaweed. This scent is truly the epitome of this character. This is a little too much for me...but it was wonderful to try!