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Dark Alice

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Everything posted by Dark Alice

  1. Dark Alice


    Creamy black cherry and vanilla. On the right day this will be lovely. There is the barest hint of egyptian musk...I am very intrigued by this one. I think I will keep this to see what happens with some aging.
  2. Dark Alice

    Panther Moon

    Wet: Black musk which I love....and star anise which I hate. Drydown: Where is my myrrh?....ah...there it is. Black musk with the barest hints of star anise. As long as the anise doesn't take over when this ages...this will definitely be in rotation this summer. And my skin is eating this.
  3. Dark Alice

    L'Examen de Minuit

    Pardon me, Moderators...but I didn't see a thread for this one. Wet: Soft myrrh and Black Plum Drydown: Black plum, frankincense, with the barest hints of lilac. The myrrh really does soften this and the plum keeps it lightly sweet and keeps the myrrh from becoming too powdery. This is absolutely gorgeous and I think I will have to track a partial of this down at some point.
  4. Dark Alice


    I.Love.This. It's the peppermint from my beloved peppermint single note mixed with the lavender of TKO. The bergamot and mandrake are there...but just barely. This is my go to sleep scent when I don't want to have to deal with the sweetness of TKO. It is utterly amazing.
  5. Dark Alice

    Medicine, medicinal notes

    I have to say that Pain...and Winter stress relief 07 (unreleased) should be considered. Esp. Pain. Lavendar and pennyroyal.
  6. Dark Alice


    Slightly fruity, dry tea and lilac scent. The tobacco and white musk give this also a baby lotion vibe. So....High end Johnson and Johnson baby lotion with hints of fruit and lilac.
  7. Dark Alice


    Lord does this burn. Literally...it burns the skin. I don't know if it's the incense or musk but it burns. It dries to a sweet, soft incensy leather and fades very quickly. *sigh* If this didn't burn my skin so much........or fade so fast.....I would actually buy a bottle of this.
  8. Dark Alice


    A scent seething with the perverse splendor of complete and utter madness. High-pitched, yet dark… subdued and deep, but tingling with frenzy: juniper, nutmeg and black cypress shocked by verbena and lavender. Lemony Cedar. I believe that this must have been brighter and stronger when fresh...but now it is a wimpy lemony cedar scent with the barest hints of lavendar. *sigh*
  9. Dark Alice


    High end floral soap with a hint of berries. It's a little nauseating. Must wash off. ADDED Nov. 26: Sweet, Candish and slightly minty with a hint of floral. Not for me. Pass.
  10. Dark Alice


    Glorious red musk with hints of metal and the color red. There is a definitive red note that goes beyond the musk and makes me think of the glowing eye of the witchblade. If the witchblade had a smell to it...this is definitely it.
  11. Dark Alice

    Mr. Croup

    Not what I was expecting. Wet: This is sinister black musk. The geranium gives it a spicy note. As it dries...it becomes sweeter...the benzoin is coming out....and damn it if I don't smell porcelain...it's pretty damn amazing. ETA: for spelling error.
  12. Dark Alice

    Gun Moll

    Only sniffed as I don't like jasmine at all. Gunpowder, classic feminine perfume, and FREAKIN JASMINE! Glad this is going to a better home.
  13. Dark Alice

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    I do believe that the black helicopter series is my favorite label artwork.
  14. Dark Alice

    Illuminati Cotillion

    Incense...glorious incense!!! With the barest hints of Shittim Wood and some rose? It's not heavy, church, incense either. It's the kind that you smell when you go into a shop that is dark and mysterious. I love it!!
  15. Dark Alice

    Staged Moon Landing

    I definitely see the previous reviewer's comparison to silver phoenix. This is definitely a lighter moon rockier version of silver phoenix when wet . The muguet and orris with the vanilla really do smell like rocks. The vanilla in this keeps wafting in and out. I Really do like this and I think I will be reaching for this all summer long. I really do like it!!!
  16. Dark Alice

    Black Widow Circus

    This one is truly a morpher. I was graciously gifted with a tester of this from the AWESOME CHESHIRECAT! This definitely has my beloved dark plum note. With something slightly cooling. I won't say mint..but it's definitely cooling. This also has to have a bit of star anise or a licorice note in here somewhere (as my skin amps this) There is a slight floral note..but it is so light and unobtrusive I barely notice it. I definitely see why this is called Black Widow Circus. I can't wait till this scent comes out!
  17. Dark Alice


    Wishlist: Updated as of 10/2013 Imps please! (testers are great) Any prototypes. The Final Darkness Protagoras Luna Sanguinem Neither Peace nor rest perfume When Stars are Weeping A low lit candle room HERODOTUS PHOENIX!!!! Another bottle/partial of the Ifrit Decants of any of the roomsprays from the Trading post. One more imp of she crushes men with wine... Any of the following hard to gets: (testers are fine) Nocturnus Kuoinichi Imps/Bottles I need more of: Bottle: Arana-would love decants for my bottle Smoky Moon 2012 imps are fine Gothabilly******* (impossible dream...I could use imps) Ninon...same as Gothabilly. Always and forever: Bottles, imps, anything! Paladin Evil Lilith Victoria The Midnight Carnivale Voodoo Nightmarchers v5 Antique Lace (HA! ) Mircalla the Countess of Karnstein BPTP: Lavinia-perfume and bath oil...decant please! Sylvia-perfume and bath oil-Decant please https://www.etsy.com/treasury/OTAzOTk3N3wyNzI1MjEyNjY0/switch-witch-help Etsy: http://www.amazon.com/gp/registry/wishlist/ref=gno_listpop_wi
  18. Dark Alice

    Dark Chocolate, Whiskey, and Cognac Truffle

    Wet: Fresh Dark Chocolate and Whiskey straight from the bottle of Jack himself. Drydown: This smells like a dark chocolate cordial with whiskey in it. Not only is it dead on but it actually smells a pretty good. However...I don't like Jack or Whiskey so this will have to go to another home.
  19. Dark Alice

    The Nameless City Drive-In Theatre

    Wet: Loud masculine cologney musk. Drydown: A very pretty light green slightly cologney musk with hints of butter. So glad that I got to try this...but this will be passed along to a new home.
  20. Dark Alice

    Clockwork Couture: Male

    This is what I wanted Liz to smell like. Vanilla and leather with the barest hints of metal. I think my skin chemistry has changed enough to actually fall in love with this one.
  21. Dark Alice


    New review: This smells like a lighter and brighter version of Antique Lace alright...but before hand it smells like Antique Lace took a couple a shots of bourbon before doing her thing. She is tipsy but beautiful with the vanilla and tinges of bourbon. Definitely a keeper and great for parties when I want to wear something simple but with a little more character.
  22. Dark Alice

    Konseishin the Penis God

    This smells like baby powder and plastic. Plastic from barbie doll, plastic wrap, plastic dildos.... So not a fan of this one...but I am glad I got to try it.
  23. Dark Alice


    Sweet spicy plum. Where as alice's evidence had the crust/pie note. This doesn't. This is a nice slightly sweet spicy plum. And it's a keeper. Keeping the imp...may hunt down a partial eventually.
  24. Dark Alice

    Roses, Pearls, and Diamonds

    Crystal red roses. This is what it smells like. The coconut is barely there...but it makes this blend sweet. And this rose is red. Most definitely. It is the red rose from whip. Not a fan...but glad I got to try it.
  25. Dark Alice

    The Harp of Cnoc I'Chosgair

    I see why this was named after a harp. The first thing I thought was this is what the delicate music from a harp would smell like. Light, powdery, slightly sweet. (at least that's what I thought when it was in the bottle) Unfortunately on the dry down this smells like cheap commercial perfume with amber and hints of vanilla. I am going to age this and see if it get's any better. If not...it goes up for sale/swap.