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BPAL Madness!

Dark Alice

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Everything posted by Dark Alice

  1. Dark Alice


    This just might be bottleworthy. Light powdery black musk with Sandalwood. It's just very light though...I can barely smell it. I think I need a partial to age b/c I think this will be amazing.
  2. Dark Alice

    Candles Moon

    Ironically...my skin is NOT amping the milk note in this. It's just amping the hell out of the blackberry and snow note. Wet in the imp this smelled delicious like refreshingly washed, cool blackberries. Now it just smells like minty, sour blackberry. So glad I didn't buy a bottle but I am glad I got a chance to try this! Thanks Andrea!
  3. Dark Alice

    Beanman & Beanwoman Prepare to Attack the Vagina

    Okay skin....what the hell is going on? you are supposed to hate coconut milk...and ambergis are not our friends. But this....this stuff is glorious. It does smell like fresh cut daffodils and cool suntan lotion. It can be a little perfumey....but on the right day this could be lovely. I think I need a partial.
  4. Dark Alice

    Now Winter Nights Enlarge

    There is just something wrong with this scent. One of my most hated notes and one of my most favorite notes have been combined in a perfume and my SKIN HATES IT! The caramel...just comes out and tussels the red musk and everything else to the ground and stomps it into nothing. Then it gets evil. Really evil and just turns into burnt caramel. I can't stand this. It must come off NOW!
  5. Dark Alice

    Snow White

    Snow white 05 smells exactly like my 07 bottles. Chilly white florals with a hint of suntan lotion. Since I love it either way....I will keep the imp.
  6. Dark Alice

    Blue Moon 2009: Brian's Interpretation

    This smells like a high end pine sol bathroom cleaner that is used in the really expensive restaurant bathrooms that movie stars used. I wish my skin didn't turn these floral scents into to soapy, cleaner smells because they smell wonderful in the imps. *sigh*
  7. Dark Alice

    Blue Moon 2009: Elizabeth's Creation

    I knew when I read the notes that this would turn to soap on me. It's really nice smelling, floral, expensive soap. But it smells like soap from wet to dry. *sigh*
  8. Dark Alice

    Aperotos Eros

    I am upset. I have waited to try this for so damn long. And all I get is fir. Fir and cheap pine sole cleaner. Where are all the other notes? Why just fir? GAH!
  9. Dark Alice

    Red Musk

    Does the red musk in Smut age well? Because fresh Smut is faint...and dies on my skin...but when wet....it's just gorgeous.
  10. Dark Alice

    Octopus and Abalone Diver

    At first this smelled like a fresh aquatic breeze. Then it became perfumey. My skin wanted to turn this into department store perfume with hints of that aquatic note that I love. *sigh*
  11. Dark Alice

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    Twilight....THANK YOU!!!! I love the Smut 2010 label.
  12. Dark Alice

    Ü Mütter Museum

    Green....but musty. Balsam?) Raw vanilla is lurking in the background...and papyrus. Fresh Papyrus. I don't know if anyone has ever smelled the fresh paper plant but this is dead on for it! I also get wood, polished wood at that. It smells like a library. It's pleasant...I just wish there was a little more vanilla in this I think aging this will help a little. ETA: There is no leather in this for me. Normally I amp the hell out of leather...but here the balsam has taken over.
  13. Dark Alice


    At first...this is quite murderous. The rose geranium comes forth slashing the other notes to ribbons. But as this settles and dries it becomes a softer, slower, more seductive killing. The rose geranium is forced into submission by the tobacco and the myrrh slowly but surely warms things, up and softens them at the same time. Dried down I would call this Killing me softly...as it is a slow yet subtle murderous death. It is truly one of Beth's greatest masterpieces and I foresee wearing this often. And it will definitely require an additional bottle.
  14. Dark Alice

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    Thank you Lycanthrope! Aren't the labels pretty. I love Iganok Jewelers!!!
  15. Dark Alice

    Inganok Jewelers

    The bottle has picture of a gorgeous silver ring with a glowing ethereal blood red stone in the middle. That is exactly what this smells like. This definitely has a silver metal note in it...but as with black opal that has a flash of fire to it..this has a soft but fierce flash of redness to it that is sudden, quick, and that dims. It is something that I would definitely wear as Garnet is my birthstone and silver is one of my favorite metals. This is definitely a Capricorn style scent. I love it!
  16. Dark Alice

    Penis Admiration

    This is the oddest scent I have tried yet. Wet: Lilac. Just (screams) at you. Then something creamy. Creamy freakin lilac. With hints of Ho damn wood. The gorgeous sweetness of the smokey vanilla is hiding somewhere in the background...yelling help...I am drowning in creamy freakin lilac. And then poof. The lilac all but disappears and floats up back to wherever it came from. And now hints...the barest hints of smokey vanilla are coming out. Slightly sweet smokey vanilla and lilac. I probably should have gotten a decant of this but alas my excitement brought me the bottle. I think I will age this one to see if the vanilla will some of the lilac out of this. B/c really...once the cream goes away this is quite a lovely lilac and vanilla scent.
  17. Dark Alice

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    The Iganok Jewelers label is gorgeous. I will post a phone pic if someone will help me figure out how.
  18. Dark Alice


    Wet: Nasty bourbon...with a hint of vanilla. Drydown: This actually goes from a sow's ear to a silk purse. It becomes a lighter version of my beloved Antique Lace. Glad I got a chance to try it....but Antique lace is fine with me.
  19. Dark Alice

    Halloween Sw 2010 Help!

    Here you go SW: Some of my favorite places that I like to window shop! By no means is this a list of mandatory items that need to be purchased on my behalf!!! Etsy: Paintworks Soapbox http://www.etsy.com/shop/paintboxsoapworks?section_id=6642367 Some of my favorites are: Man in the moon and Sweet Cheeks, Hoarfrost, and Lavendar Truffle. BUT... I am dying to try: Dead Leaves on the Dirty Ground Resolution Indian Summer Ms. Ada The queen is dead! Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/gp/registry/wishlist/14QNI3BM61VYR Not on the wishlist witch o'mine: Not required...but I just love old movies on DVD esp. horror. John Carpenter's Vampires Bram Stoker's Dracula Wolf with Jack Nicholson and Michelle Pfeiffer. These aren't mandatory...but they are kind of hard to find in my local walmart so I figured I would list them for future reference for witching or for something for me to try and track down myself.
  20. Dark Alice

    The Malignant Dreams of Cthulhu in Love

    Definitely murky seaweed and water..plus hints of cocoa and incense. Drydown: Light seawater, hints of cocoa and incense. I really like this. It's odd and comforting all at the same time. And it is the SECOND chocolate scent that beth has produced that I can actually wear!
  21. Dark Alice

    Are bpal blends all-natural?

    "May you enjoy whatever floats your boat and refrain from stepping on my grilled cheese while doing it. I mean that in the friendliest way possible. "~saralaughs You are my favorite person for this. And this sums up all I have to say on the issue.
  22. Dark Alice


    Expensive floral rosy soap. Not more to say on this one. But at least I tried it.
  23. Dark Alice

    Playing with Dangerous Toys

    As the previous poster said...chocolate, resin, hint of wood and tobacco absolute. Not a big fan. This really is kind of flat.
  24. Dark Alice

    Chewing Little Bits of String

    Wet: Marshmallow, Lemon, and Honey. Dry: Marshmallow, lemon, and honey and the honey is turning on me and turning to cat pee. So it's now marshmallow, lemon, and funky honey catpee. Gotta Go.