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BPAL Madness!

Dark Alice

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Everything posted by Dark Alice

  1. Dark Alice


    Wet: Old cracked leather with hints of something smoky... Drydown: Old leather with hints of something smoky and myrrh. The myrrh keeps this from being too gross...but the leather has a salty/smoky note that keeps coming in and out. It's still very nauseating so this will definitely go on to another home.
  2. Dark Alice

    Rubedo v4

    My nose is kind of broken but there goes.... Rose....gardenia...with some kind of mintiness going on. Must. Wash. Off. NOW!
  3. Dark Alice

    Story Time at Dark Delicacies

    The lovely greylen let me try this at the last meet n sniff. Wet: Lemon cookies with a bit of dust. Drydown: Dusty Lemon Cookies. Sweet Dusty lemon cookies. Final drydown: REALLY SWEET DUSTY LEMON COOKIES! *sigh* but this one is not for me.
  4. Dark Alice

    Quick Grope Under the Mistletoe

    This is a fresh Christmas fir mixed with the wafting scent of warming apple cider with the hint of smoke from a blazing fire. At least that is what I think this is supposed to be. It's either really high end potpourri or a very realistic Fir scent. Apples, and smoke, and more fir are definitely in this. This is too realistic for my nose and is actually giving me a headache. But I am glad I got to try it!
  5. Dark Alice

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    Devilot! THANK YOU!!! I love the label art! And the picture is wonderful.
  6. Dark Alice

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    Would some lovely person post a picture of the "quick grope under the tree" label? I am just itching to see the label art.
  7. Dark Alice

    Countess Willie

    For just 2 seconds this is chocolate and plum plus red musk. It is actually a little nauseating. It is just amazing. The chocolate fades quickly and the plum/amaretto/red musk come out to play this is definitely a bottle purchase for me!
  8. Dark Alice

    Nes Gadol Haya Sham

    At first this is lemony. But as it dries...it's sweet, dry, herbal, with frankicense, myrrh, it's just really wonderful. I think I need to purchase a bottle.
  9. Dark Alice


    There is definitely spearmint, eucalyptus, and something else that makes you think of cold! It is cold...and might just be refreshing to keep until the summer months when it's too dang hot!
  10. Dark Alice

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    Does anyone know what a quick groupe under the tree looks like?
  11. Dark Alice

    Dragon Pecker v2

    Wet to Dry this smells of the following: Light Dragon's Blood + Orris Root + plus cedar and pencil shavings=Dry old Dragon Pecker. And when I mean old....I mean old. This unfortunately smells like a pecker belonging on puff the magic dragon's grandfather. ETA: This definitely makes me wonder if aging dragon peckers become lead. B/c completely dried this smells like wooden pencil shavings with lead and dragon's blood.
  12. Dark Alice

    The Red Rider

    I know red musk is not listed here. But my nose is not lying to me. It's in there and it's strong. Mixed with freshly tanned leather. It's actually making me sneeze. This is nauseating and it has now gone up my nose and into my throat. . Must. Wash. Off.
  13. Dark Alice

    The Best Scents for Home, a Room, the Car...

    My co-worker, God Love him is a damn chain smoker. When he comes into the office...he stinks up everything! Any suggestions on how to air out the office w/out drowning/dousing/bathing him in BPAL?
  14. Dark Alice

    The Black Temple Burlesque Troupe

    This is perfection. Chocolate...a chocolate I can FINALLY WEAR!!!! These burlesque girls are definitely out kicking and they are fabulous. Spicy black musk, with hints of tobacco, and sweet chocolate. I am in
  15. Dark Alice

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    Yules/District Photos?
  16. Dark Alice

    Soothing System

    This smells like someone who drank too much wine and was trying cover up the smell by chewing bubble yum grap bubblegum. Not a fan.
  17. Dark Alice

    Scent for Halloween?

    I wore the Hell-gate of Ireland for Halloween. Today was just the robotic scarab since I have no other all soul's day scents.
  18. Dark Alice

    Honey and Beeswax scents

    The light of Mens' Lives is a gorgeous Beeswax scent. It's slightly sweet with hints of smoke and straight up beeswax!
  19. Dark Alice


    This is a pretty pink, creamy musk. It reminds of me of a picture of a Matryoshka. There are hints of fruit in this which my skin eats. Light florals with hints of fruit and pink musk. Quite lovely....but it has little staying power.
  20. Dark Alice

    País de la Canela

    Of Course the cinnamon is making me break out in a welt so this is going to be a quick review. Wet: This smells like minty apples. Drydown: stinky cinnamon with leaves. Pass!
  21. Dark Alice


    Super sharp Violets floating in stinging salty sea water. Yeesh! this stuff is quite strong. But as it dries it has a lovely clean, sage note to it. My decant will definitely be enough.
  22. Dark Alice

    The Lights of Men's Lives

    Sweet smoky beeswax. This is actually quite nice. Then it fizzles out to beeswax. I like this. I may see a bottle of this in my future but for now...the decant will have to do.
  23. Dark Alice

    The Chicken-Legged Hut

    Cream of wheat with hints of herbs and chicken feet! the novelty of this scent makes me want to keep it!
  24. Dark Alice

    Manus Dei (or the Typewriter Incident)

    Okay...this scent goes under the "weird things I like the smell of" This is dead on for type writer ribbon and metal. The problem is that with the real ribbon...it always made me sneeze....this is so doable. I love it and I am so glad I get to own this bottle. ADDED Dec. 10: Who knew that the smell of typewriter ribbon and metal would smell good? On me it's all ribbon and ink all the time with just the barest hints of metal from the typewriter keys. I love it and oddly enough it is wearable.
  25. Dark Alice

    The Witch's Repast

    I don't know what kvass is...(sweet bread)? But the wine in this is absolutely gorgeous!!!! This is like Barmbrack room spray in a bottle minus the ultra sugary sweetness of the candy baked into the bread. I love this....I think this will have to be my Yule/Christmas scent this year! ETA: Spoke to soon. The wine has gone a little rancid and the meat note is coming out! I don't think I need to walk around smelling like meat and stale wine. *sigh*