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BPAL Madness!

Dark Alice

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Everything posted by Dark Alice

  1. Dark Alice

    BPAL for Costume Parties, Halloween Costumes

    Smut works wonders for my friend. But me personally...I find that my red musk scents are drop dead gorgeous. Lucy Kissed, Mircalla, Scherazade (sexiness that is work appropriate)
  2. Dark Alice

    Brusque Violet

    For a Rude flower....this sure is pretty. Wet: this smells like a violet that may be considered rude...a little rough around the edges but as it dries it becomes a lovely soft violet scent. Faith's cousin without the sugar note. I do believe that on crabby days this will be my signature scent.
  3. Dark Alice

    Shadowless like Silence

    Wet: Ashen...and cologney. Drydown: Dry listless roses mixed with a hint of leaves. I like it...and definitely think that my decant will suit my needs.
  4. Dark Alice

    Chaos Theory IV: Edge of Chaos

    Chaos theory #28.... Lemon with hints of coconut and rum. This blends beautifully on my skin...it just makes me a little itchy.
  5. Dark Alice


    Penumbra is a great "purple" scent. So is Purple Phoenix. These are the only truly purple scents that I own. Hope this helps.
  6. Dark Alice

    Raven Moon

    I just drove by the Poe house today. And ironically, there were two birds..that were either crows or ravens hanging outside of the school I went to visit today as well. Fittingly, this scent matches what I imagine their feathers would feel like and smell like. soft, dark, lightly sweet, this is absolutely perfect. This moon I will wear and wear often.
  7. Dark Alice

    El Dorado

    Golden...gilded golden resins with hints of copal. (wet) Drydown: This goes through a phase where the copal and resin mix into a strange form golden tequila. But then it dries down to a wonderful golden resin. With a hint of copal that finally doesn't smell like catpee on me! THIS IS BOTTLEWORTHY!!!!
  8. Dark Alice


    Floral Blackberries. Pass.
  9. Dark Alice

    Lucy, Kissed

    When I wear this...I see the image of Lucy's ruby red lips as she holds the child to her bosom in Bram Stoker's Dracula. This smells of a fresh redness...juicy redness like an overipe strawberry on my skin. It is tempered by the red musk....and while Mircalla is drop dead sexy sassy vampire...this is juicy red. Like warmed red fruit with just a hint of blood.
  10. Dark Alice

    Abe Sapien

    As Abe Sapien is one of my favorite characters in the Hellboy comic....I just had to try this. I am soooooo glad that I did. This is a gorgeous blue green aquatic. It smells like Abe to a tee. I really want to get in the tank with him and swim around and smell him. It is just that gorgeous.
  11. Dark Alice


    My skin amps leather. I am not a fan of it. Where is my vanilla goodness to balance all the badass leather. I am going to age my little decant and see what happens. *sigh*
  12. Dark Alice


    Hellboy smells like sweet aftershave, with a hint of brimstone, and OMG...it smells like my cat CHESTER!!! I don't know how Beth does it...but she does There's even a hint of cocoa....could that be the candy wrappers? I really like this one. But thankfully, my decant will be enough.
  13. Dark Alice


    Where others get incense I get watered down incense with hints of sweat and warm sickly fruit. must. wash. off. now.
  14. Dark Alice

    Dragon's Milk

    The vanilla in this reminds me of the vanilla in Opuhi minus the ginger note. The dragon's blood adds just a hint of spice and the honey...(for once) is behaving well. I like this. I think I will wear it on days when I just don't know what else to wear.
  15. Dark Alice

    Mlle. Lilith, Fortune Teller

    I will never understand how Beth does it. She has made a lighter, child like version of one of my favorite perfumes...Madame Moriarty. The coconut, pink sugar, incense all swirl to make this the lighter version of Mme. It's like having Mademoiselle Moriarty tell my fortune under the watchful eye of her mother.
  16. Dark Alice

    Pumpkin I (2009)

    This starts out uber sweet on me. Pumpkin mixed with honey! Dried down...it reminds me of Pumpkin 3 07, with sweet grass and sage. And I know that neither of these notes are here. The almond is actually light...but the brown musk and I never get along. It's making me a little sick actually. Must. wash. off. NOW!!! Good thing this is going off to a better home.
  17. Dark Alice


    This is a pretty aquatic floral. Where the wolf's fur comes in..I will never know. But it is very lovely. I think I will stick with the decant though.
  18. Dark Alice


    Wet in the imp: Cheap dry red wine. Drydown: The rose is barely here...and the oriental perfume makes this smell like a cheap rose perfume with hints of wine. No thanks! ETA: Final drydown: This is skin musk, with a barely there rose and oriental perfume. It is quite lovely...but I just can't get past the wet stage to justify a bottle or to keep the decant.
  19. Dark Alice

    Feeding The Dead

    Who the hell knew beer, cake and incense would do so well on my skin? This is just lovely. Slightly sweet, with hints of gorgeous incense. The Hops/beer actually keeps this from becoming too sweet and foody. Finally a cake scent I can wear. I think I may need a bottle of this.
  20. Dark Alice

    The Girl

    I see what all of the hype is about. This is light...definitively crystalline...and gorgeous. The amber is light...the jasmine is non-existent and it is simply lovely. I think I will stick to my decant...or try to find a partial of this...but a full bottle will not be necessary. ETA: Jasmine just doesn't do well with me. In any form. As pretty as this is....a decant will definite do.
  21. Dark Alice

    The Hell-Gate Of Ireland

    This is wonderful. How in the world Beth gets copper feathers in a bottle..I will never know.........but she does. This is delicious dark musk...black with hints of something metal. I have no idea what it is....but it is gorgeous...and I am in love!!!
  22. Dark Alice


    This smells like fresh apple pie with cinnamon and icecream. I don't know where the ice cream note is coming from...but it is delicious!
  23. Dark Alice


    Why does apple do this to me? I love to eat them, I love to cook them, and yet..my skin can't stand to make them smell the way they do when I eat/cook them! Wet: Fake creamy perfumey apple. must be the apple blossom. Drydown: Light ashy smelling apple. Hints of poppy and some type of fruit juice. Not a fan.
  24. Dark Alice

    Gothic Horror

    This is a wonderful light powdery incense on my skin...with the barest hint of rose. I love it!
  25. Dark Alice

    Pumpkin V (2009)

    In the bottle: Dark Starbucks Pumpkin latte coffee. Wet on the skin: Spices, nutmeg, cinnamon-like spice-cardamom I think, with hints of strong black coffee. Dry down: Perfect mimic of a Starbucks Pumpkin spiced latte. I really am glad I have this bottle...it's finally a pumpkin I can wear! Thank you beth!