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About himeykitty

  • Rank
    wrist-sniffing wench


  • Location
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    United States

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  • eBay
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  • Favorite Scents
    Notes: Vanilla, pretty much all fruit (not cherry)--especially pear and orange--lilac, chocolate, white sandalwood, white musk, apple blossom, ginger, pear, cinnamon Notes I can't wear: Lemon and jasmine amp like WHOA, most fresh/aquatic/fruity-boozy scents turn to soap, and most rose turns to potpourri on me. Blends: Katharina, Fruit Moon, Zephyr, Hungry Ghost Moon, Kindly Moon, Budding Moon, The Candy Butcher, Velvet, Xanthe, Jailbait, ACJM, Dana O'Shee, Lick It (Again), Snake Charmer (ZOMG), Black Moon, Smut

Profile Information

  • Interests
    reading, knitting, computer geeky stuff, World of Warcraft
  • Mood


  • Astrological Info
    Aries sun, Taurus moon, Leo rising, and I've forgotten the rest, but I could redo my chart at some point, I suppose. Pluto in Libra, I think, if Pluto even still counts :-(
  • Chinese Zodiac Sign
  • Western Zodiac Sign
  1. himeykitty


    Bottle: First off, I'm having serious love for the label and am tempted to decant the contents into a different bottle so I can display this one without harming the oil. Anyway... In the bottle, Kitty is spicy-love. It's got a sweetness to it that reminds me of cinnamon toast, or possibly the cinnamon tea that my mother drinks and can't seem to find anymore. Wet on skin: Woo. Put too much on and it's never gonna dry. The sugar-sweetness disappears and the overall feeling is warm and sensual. There's a bit of freshness as an undertone; I'm guessing it's the cherry blossom or the tea poking its head out, but it doesn't really smell like either. Just an airy waft. (At this point I blotted the oil blob on my hand with a tissue, and the oil on the tissue smelled very tangerine-y. This oil may just be the one to make me find--and wear!--a scent locket. Not that I dislike it on my skin...not at all. I just also really like it on absorbent paper product.) As it's drying: A different spice is coming out. This must be the cardamom. Nice to meet you, cardamom! (I've cooked with it once, and that was a while ago and combined with a whole bunch of other stuff in an Indian recipe.). Still sweet, and has the occasional waft of citrusy-ness. Not straight-out OH HAI THERE citrus, but citrusy-ness. Just the idea of oranges. I'm glad the tea didn't overwhelm the scent like it has done in some blends for me. And thankfully, amber musk doesn't pull an amber on me and go all baby-powdery. That was another fear for me. But, I really, REALLY like this. Just the last five minutes have got me wondering if I should find another bottle to hoard Edit to add: as it continues to dry I find that I really LOVE the waft, but I don't like the nose-to-skin scent quite as much. There's a firey aspect to it that stays close, while the more gentle warmth of the spices is what throws. Still in love, but I think the infatuation has died down to a more long-term "I'm happy with you" relationship.
  2. himeykitty

    Lick It

    I'm not actually a huge fan of candy canes (I tend to prefer the cherry ones to the plain mint ones, unless I need something to stir my hot cocoa with), but I saw an imp available on one of the Livejournal communities, so I figured what the heck. I'm soooo glad I did. As it's drying down, it reminds me a bit of the smell of after-dinner mints...minty, but a bit creamy too. Dry, the mint is more of a memory. It really adds a richness to the vanilla though...I noticed some reviewers mentioning that it seemed almost musky, and I'm getting that note too. It doesn't last long on me though (I've noticed that the scents I love don't tend to last on me, booo), or maybe it just needs to be slathered more. I've got a bottle of Lick It Again coming in trade...can't wait to see how they differ.
  3. himeykitty

    EPIC BPAL Spreadsheet Thread

    Anyone been geeky enough to make a SQL database? I'm taking a database design class this semester, so I've really been considering it (if I can ever get SQL installed on my own machine properly, that is!)
  4. himeykitty

    Aunt Caroline's Joy Mojo

    I'd kind of like to eat my wrist right now. ACJM didn't wow me in the imp; it just smelled like generic candy to me. When I put it on, it screamed CHERRY, so inwardly I groaned...the only cherry-smelling/tasting things I like are actual cherries (and only the yellow variety, the dark red ones are way too strong for me). Then on dry-down it started to smell like a Smarties flavor that doesn't exist. Say, if there's a red Smartie...it's got that chalky-fakey smell with a good dose of sweet artificially-flavored fruit. I love Smarties. Absolutely love the things. I get made fun of for it, because where I work those are the last things leftover in a candy mix, until I get ahold of it I'm starting to get a touch of marshmallow from it too, but very faint. Edit about an hour later: Marshmallow is getting stronger. Yum. I'm not sure if it's Working As Intended, because I'm overtired right now, which makes me perky and goofy (you can't tell from the review, can ya? ), so I'm already in the mood it's meant to put me in. I'm guessing it'll help me extend that mood, because ordinarily this cold November Rain will bring me down during the day. Oh, and Boy's review: "That's pretty good." (High praise from the one who compliments me most on the smell of my shampoo.) Definitely keeping the imp--I'll decide on a bottle by the time I'm done with the imp.
  5. himeykitty

    Gennivre, L’Artiste du Diable

    Hey, my first review! Bottle: Hmm, it's interesting. I smell sweet tea, with a touch of mint and lemongrass. It smells vaguely familiar, which is odd because I don't drink my tea with lemon. Skin: The tea stays, the mint and sugar leave, and the lemongrass really amps. My chemistry makes it a very sharp scent, with little difference between wet and drydown. Not sure about long drydown, because I ended up having to wash it off. I was hoping for more sugar and orange blossom. Alas, I think I shall have to sell/swap this bottle.