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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by dart

  1. I can't place it. Jasmine? I get the feeling of a white floral but still not sure.


    I actually love it because it's the first floral that I've come across that after 2 minutes doesn't start to smell like new car tires.

  2. I love this one! Usually I detest foodie scents but this one! I can smell the sweetness first but the lime and the bay rum are there, just a tiny bit under the sugar scent.


    This is a great one.

  3. I'm a big fan of the wine scents but wasn't sure about this one when I first got it.


    In the imp it does indeed smell like whisky. I pick up just a bit of something underneath, mayble the oak. There's almost a bubble gum note. Within a few minutes it turns into a very sweet smoke scent, incense or a very sweet campfire. I love that note. A definite winner.

  4. Another winner for me.


    The chocolate (not one that always works on me) is there, strong but in a very deep way. I can pick up the wine - it's just a bit, right on top of the chocolate. It's like a drop in a dark chocolate. And I think the tobacco and honey. Honey is another scent that I love.


    The florals in this one are very light on me. Actually I really don't think I can smell them but I'm not sure what tulips smell like! I never thought of them as scented flowers.


    I love it, keep sniffing, trying to pick out each note - they blend so well for me.

  5. This is one of my favorite scents. I am a little surprised since it has rose and dark musk. Rose goes sour right away and I've detested dark musks - usually they smell (to me) like b.o.


    But this scent works so well on me. I think that's because wine and myrrh are two of my best friends. The wine is the strongest for me. Underneath is the myrrh. I can't really get the other two notes.


    I love this one. :P

  6. Compelling, complex, and utterly enigmatic: a luxuriant, exotic blend of cherry, red musk, and star anise.

    This went on very nicely; a strong, spicy scent but mixed with other things. Then after a little while, the other things sort of went away and it was pretty obvious that star anise was starring. Not bad at all but anise isn't a real strong preference of mine.

    I think it's a bit better than standard licorice scents. I'm just not a person into foody scents. But while it's not my favorite, it is very interesting in this blend.

    I'll keep my imp and use it up but I doubt I'll get more.

  7. Overcomes poverty, illness, and bad luck. Drives off despair and grief, and enables you to find hope and joy in life again.

    OK, I just got an imp of this in a swap and am I ever glad I did!

    The first part of the day was just crap. It settled down and during lunch I tried the imp. I don't know if it improved the day but it did improve my mood! It is gorgeous! I don't know what the notes are but there is definitely a sweet one there. And something familiar. But it is incredibly gorgeous. I sort of passed up emotional blends in favor of 'real world' blends but I can see that changing!

    The scent is incredible. I'll have to try it as the site suggests and in other way.

  8. Another hit for me. I'm knew to this and never would have guessed but it seems amber is my best friend. :P


    I can smell a bit of the carnation I think, just a touch of spiciness coming through a very warm, golden base.


    This is not a strong oil, not sharp but on me, rather soft, deep, rich. It does take about 15 minutes on me to fully develope -- but when it does! A total winner.

  9. Ahhh...

    This one works very well for me. I've had a lot of success with these notes and It's a deep, rich warm scent with just a bit of the honey showing through. One of my faves and I'll be ordering a full bottle when the imps are gone.

  10. Definitely wintergreen, with the cinnomon lurking underneath. After a while, I do indeed get the wood scent, though I'm not sure whether it's Sandalwood or vetiver, which to me often has a bitter, woody scent.


    I'm not a wintergreen fan, but I got this for it's connection to the card. I will most likely use it for magickal/manifesting purposes and possibly a candle oil.

  11. For the first few minutes, I love this scent.


    Sweet, spicy. Almond, rose and Clove. But the first two fade almost immediately and I am left with this strange, plasticy smell. It reminds me of the smell of a new shoe sole. :P I'm serious. I've gotten this with a few others. I have a bad feeling it's the clove, which I love. Could be the Sandalwood. Underneath, I can just about get a bit of the orange. But it's just not meant to be. Sigh. :D
