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Everything posted by jsolarski

  1. jsolarski

    What scents are masculine? Gender-neutral?

    As a guy and a purchaser bpals, my recomendations go as follows (ones I will wear on a daily basis) Aelopile - I love the citrus in it Miskatonic University - an old library with a coffee house Detestable Putrescence - butterscotch like scent doc's, sassafras strengthener - Pure rootbeer! coyote - woodsy and classic musk High John the Conqueror - I cant put my finger on the smell but it is good Hideous Heart - cherry cinnamon I am sort of all over the board with ones I like, and can never really tell what is masculine, unisex or feminine....I just use the rule of if its really floral it probably wont work for me.
  2. jsolarski

    Stimulating Sassafras Strengthener

    By far this is one of my favorites. Reminds me of going to MI and digging up sassafras root when I go camping. when I first put it on, it smells like fresh sassafras with a little sweetness, then fades to a rootbeer float after a few hours. I would recomend this one to any one who likes rootbeer/sassafras.
  3. jsolarski

    Detestable Putrescence

    I bought a bottle at C2E2, and have worn it a few times, I like it, it has a vanilla smell with a light butterscotch. I dont smell the plastic or chemical scents that other people have stated, even after all day. This bottle is a keeper for me.