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Posts posted by cuervosueno

  1. I'm so sad I'm reviewing this in the discontinueds! :P

    I ordered it a bit ago just to try it because I love the name. I wasn't sure I'd like a citrus scent, but I found it quite lovely--grapefruit, but creamy and sweet too, and it goes nicely powdery on me--the musk I suspect.

    its quite lovely, though today, while going through a whole pile of things to review, I discovered aizen-myoo and I actually like it better, because I like the way the citrus lasts longer in that one. Makes me think I should have tried shattered--I suspect I would have liked it too.

    'course, now I'm not getting more of any of them anytime soon.

    Of course that happens just when I discovered them :D

  2. I have yet to get to try this out for its purpose, but I got to smell out the abq. sniffathon Quantum Spice so graciously hosted, and it immediately went to my wishlist for the scent alone.

    Delicious! Cinnamon and almonds, that's what I got, with just a bit of resin or wood beneath it?

    Must have some for the scent alone, and if it works like its supposed to--and you know, most of the voodoo blends do--then its really worth it!

  3. I haven't had a chance to use this ritually yet, but yum, it smells delicious!

    In the bottle--green, almost like crisp dollar bills, though perhaps that is just my wishful thinking! :P

    But then it goes to the spicy orange others noted--kind of like those clove studded christmas oranges--remember those? this smells like cloves to me, or a softer cinnamon....I think it is cinnamon because its got that slight cinnamon tingle...And yes, sweet almond...

    Another one that makes me want to eat my hand....

  4. i like all the things that are in this--ylang ylang aside--but on me it all went wierd.

    Someone said they couldn't smell anything at all until they smelled soap, and oddly, that is what happened to me too.

    Soap. that's all. Sad. :P

  5. Got this as freebie from the lab and decided to try it out while going through swaps.

    Wow! Is it ever tart and sharp wet! Yes, like grapefruit, but it does have a crystaline sharpness that is quite lovely. I read in an aromatherapy book that citrus notes have a tendency to fade fast, and this one did, though some of that citrus lingered and mellowed, mixed with what I guess is the persimmon/cherry blossom sweetness--but which smells a bit like peach on me. And it is all grounded with black tea, though that is faint.

    I don't know that I'll wear it--I don't really like fruity scents--but I love the scent of it so perhaps will use it as a room fragrance. And I also liked the idea of using it when I work out, or something like that.....

    Glad I tried it--when I first opened the bottle it was so sharp I thought about just tossing it in the swap pile untested. by now I should know better than to do that, as the lab always surprises me.

  6. I got this imp in swap. I remember wondering if I should buy it,. and though I like it, I guess I didn't need 5 ml., because it fades on me SO fast, though it is lovely while it lasts.

    Starts as a powdery, slightly spicy floral. Complex and sweet, and even after reading what was in it, I couldn't pick out an individual notes. Not even the frankincense and myrrh. though as it fades there is a bit of resin there. It fades to sweet powder on me.

    Nice, but not long lived.

  7. Ok this is wierd but--

    on opening the bottle and while wet it smelled like mustard? No pickles! Like pickling spices! Not good.

    Now its more resiny--sunny--spicy but one of those spices still reminds me of pickles.

    Guess this one just didn't work with my skin chemistry!

  8. First, a warning to all readers of my review: forgive me for being pendantic, but I'm a total beer snob, and that will likely come out in this review.

    I've long been interested in this, but never ordered it, because lets face it, how appealing does roadhouse sleaze sound, even though I've spent my time in many growing up in Alaska.

    finally I got a partial imp in a swap (thanks muppetk) and....wow! I like it!

    Wet: green! Green, with a slight bit of booziness.

    Yes, dandelions! I love this scent! Just like breaking them open and smelling the juice.

    I don't smell hops at all, which is a bit disappointing. I used to brew my own beer, and I know exactly what hops smells like, and I was kind of hoping for more of that, but come to think of it, as much as I love hoppy bitterness, it wouldn't wear well.

    There is a slight beer scent to me, but beer and hops are not the same scent....because what I smell is what some others have noted--that slight beery smell of a frothy cheap lager (ie. like--shudder--budwieser) which means its going to have very little true hops smell or flavor.

    After it dries, it stays the same for me--lovely green dandelion, slight floral, with just a hint of beer in the background. I don't get the smoke.

    If cheap beer tasted as good as this smells I'd drink it. But it doesn't.

    I love this scent, though. Like many others I tried it as an experiment, but I actually think I may order a bottle. I haven't found a good summer scent yet, and many others don't work for me, but I love the greenness of this.

    For me it is a happy green scent, laying outside in the sun on a lawn on a warm summer day, and the scent of beer is just the faint scent coming from the open bottle....

    Wonderful stuff!

  9. My take before reading reviews:

    I open the bottle: huh, I don't smell anything at all. Finally, after I swipe it across my writst I get a green smell. Evergreen? Maybe, but not a strong pine like I later read many others smelled.

    When it dried, I got no evergreen at all, but it did smell grassy and meadowy. Like a slightly wet meadow, green grass and herbs and creamy white flowers. Someone early on said Sweet Annie, and I thought, yeah, it is kind of like that--a summery wildflower scent.

    But then--ack!--playdoh! What happened?

    After an hour it was gone.

  10. I don't like rose scents, but got this as a freebie and decided to review it anyway.

    In the bottle and wet--acquatic rose, which seems suitable given the name and description.

    On, same--a rose in water, if that makes any sense. its not too strong, and has a nice, true rose scent.

    It has a lot of throw--I kept smelling rose on me.

    Which I didn't particularly like in the end--just because except for on the plants themselves, I don't much like rose.

    Its not at all a perfumy rose though, which is nice.

    Back into the swap pile it goes, though.

  11. Tombstone! Yum! Thank you MupppetK for swapping with me so I got to try this. I'd completely forgotten what the notes where, so I had no idea, but when I opened it--delicious, delightful vanilla!

    In bottle: vanilla, though oddly my first thought was what wasn't in here--leather, but not the heavy leather of say iago or loviatar, but the soft doeskin of Coyote---hmmmm....wonder what Coyote and Tombstone would smell like together? Just a bit of smoke too, though I see that's not in here, so I don't know why I smell that.

    Then I read what was in it. Vanilla of course, and I get the creamy sassafras spice (yes, like sasparilla or root beer!). I didn't get balsam at first or cedar, but after it dries down, those scents are beginning to come out, but all in all this is so well blended nothing really dominates after that initial vanilla blast.

    Yummy! I want to lick my hand. I think I like this more than Snake Oil or O!

    I may need a big bottle of this.

  12. This was a freebie, and I opened bottle, smelled something faintly ozone-ish, tossed in my swap pile and forgot about it.

    But now I'm working my way through swap pile reviews, and huh, I kind of like this. Not enough to by a big bottle, but maybe enough to keep the imp.

    Wet: I have no idea what this smells like. Wet floral? Slightly green or acquatic?

    About a minute into drying--wow! lemons! Like wet fruit. I kind of like it. It also has a slightly brittle, crystalline scent which is interesting to me.

    After it had dried down, the lemon topnote faded a bit (I believe all citrus topnotes tend to fade quickly) and it has slightly creamy floral note. Once I read the description, I realized I was smelling orchid. for me, the bamboo comes across only as a green note.

    I enjoyed this, though it didn't remind me of Japan at all. Still, its an interesting, summery scent.

  13. Since I'm trying to catch up on reviews, I've been trying on scents and writing down impressions before I read other reviews, or even the description, which has been an interesting exercise because often my nose is quite off.

    Not on this one though.

    In the bottle: grape! Ack! Grape candy! Not my favorite.

    On me, it becomes more like wine--with a bit of spice. Cinnamon? No, its not strong enough. I didn't write down what I thought it might be, but it seemed nice, light spice. I wasn't surprised then to see cloves and wine in the description.

    It fades quickly on me, and goes slightly powdery. Perhaps that is mimosa, which I have not smelled before.

    It faded fast, within two hours, and though my initial response was NO!, it got better. Still not me though. Off to swaps.

  14. today its raining and I've decided to try to catch up on reviews rather than do the work I should be doing.

    So to begin: Oneiroi, which I put on last night.

    In the bottle it was that very astringent lavender I don't like. Truthfully, I'm not a lavender fan except for sleeping or in the garden. On me it turns to soapy. I'd forgotten that I'd actually ordered this (rather than got it free) so at first I tossed it in the swap pile.

    But tried it out last night after reading the reviews. On me the astringency fades fast, leaving a familiar soapy-oh-I'm-wearing-lavender scent. But that also goes quickly, and what comes up is a nice lemony scent--more lemony than I usually associate with bergamot, but there is nothing else that it could be, so that's what it must be. there's also a nice herbal green in the background, which must be the mugwort. I've only smelled mugwort in the garden, and then it has a kind of funky herb scent, so I'm glad this isn't pure mugwort. I don't smell the jasmine at all--odd.

    This blends to a nice green, fresh scent which I wouldn't think of as sleep-inducing, but I did note my breath slowed and calmed as I smelled it.

    I slept soundly and long, and had detailed dreams, but I usually do, so that may or may not be the oil.

    In any case, I've decided to keep it, and it is quite lovely as a dream oil. I agree with everyone who said it would be nice as a linen spray, and I may actually use my imp as my first attempt at such a thing.....

  15. I bought a 5 ml. of this just before it was discontinued--I was looking for a clove-note scent and I liked the reviews.

    On me, this starts out all clove, though its a soft clove, like cloves and something sweet--I think someone said something about white cake, and that seems right to me...white cake and cloves. It is soft, slightly powdery, very nice.

    When it fades, it is like coca-cola.

    Unfortunately, it fades very fast on me.

    And when I first wore it--in Dec.--it had that lovely cakey clove scent, but lately its turned a little wierd on me....with a slight metalic edge....

    Huh. I think I'll swap it. I also tend to us the voodoo blends as, well, voodoo blends, and I'm not sure I'd use this much.

  16. Well, I thought I'd already reviewed this but guess I hadn't.

    I don't know that I have a lot more to add though. On me, this starts as pure, overwhelming grape....like grape candy--not my favorite. I do get some of the civet too--its like musky grapes....what I imagine fox grapes must smell like (though truthfully I have no idea what they smell like--I think I'm just pairing the animalistic note and the grapes.)

    Who can resist such a name as Bacchnalia? Me, apparently. This really did not work for me it all....was one of those scents I didn't even want to try on at first.....

  17. I guess I've discovered what ozone smells like too, and I guess I don't like it.

    I will say I got this near the time of the storm moon--or at least near a full moon that in my house in the mountains was winter stormy--beautiful near full moon with clouds racing by, cold, tang of snow in the air. And I thought this scent perfectly captured that...so I was thankful for that experience.

    Unfortunately, this does not work for me at all. I guess I don't like air or water scents. In the bottle it was ok, but on me it was like men's aftershave (who said aqua velvet?). Not an unpleasant one, but I didn't want to smell like it. And it last forever! Woke the next morning still smelling it.

    Seems to me to have an ozone tang that fades quickly, then I get an evergreen scent, but its not pure pine like some others (my beloved skadi for example) but rather a hint of evergreen and lots of blue watery notes.....

    Maybe someone else will want it.

  18. civet! Absolutely civet! I could smell it as soon as I opened the bottle, that unmistakable scent also in Satyr and Lord of the Forest.

    I really wanted this to work, and I will try it again, but today...well, I wish I'd gotten the incense notes of caterpillar, which I adore, but alas, no such notes show up on me.

    Instead it is a mix of satyr and sin on me, and I'd probably go for it if it was more sin and less satyr...but it isn't.....

    As to its efficacy, I can't say yet, but hmmm....its so strong on me, I don't think it would quite get my flame going....

    ah well. I'll edit this if I get a different impression....

  19. I realized I should probably review this given that I had some imps of it I swapped away (I kept one for myself). As I recall, the person I got the imps from originally said that this was a Twighlight Alchemy Lab druidic blend, meant to be used to draw positive masculine energy or to use in ritual to call on such figures.

    I like it, but don't wear except in such cases. For me, it is very much as it is named, recalling the lord of the forest. It definately has a strong civet note, which gives it a raw animalistic scent. What else, I'm not sure because on me the civet is so strong it tends to overwhelm everything, but I smell something woody and green as well. It absolutely encapsulates its name: this is the horned god striding through the forest at dusk.

    I've used it because I've had a difficult time understanding the energy of the tarot card the Hierophant, and it finally occurred to me I'd be better off thinking of this card as the high priest or shaman figure, and I put this on and took a walk in the woods, meditating on that idea. Its hard to say what happened, but what I can say is I felt reconciled with my understanding of that card, and also very much felt the presence of the a male horned god figure, or rather that I had a new understanding of that male energy. I found that very valuable, so for me, this blend does what it should, though it is definately not anything I would wear from day to day.

    If you're interested in Tarot, I think this blend would also help in considering the figure of the Emperor or the Magician.

  20. I used this in a bath the other day and liked it....nice light cinnamony note with an additional aquatic note if that makes any sense...

    on me...its odd. Same as in bath...but did turn to wierd bad breath smell on me that someone else noted, so its no go for me, I'm afraid...

  21. Finally adding my two cents about Van Van which I like quite a bit. It makes me happy smelling it, and made me sit up straighter to type this review :P I can see the personal power thing.

    Thanks to Macha for noting its traditional uses/ingredients.

    What I get is vanilla for sure, over a grass....maybe lemon grass, although it is as sharp as lemongrass to me, and I'm guessing not vetiver because while I like that, it is quite distinctively green on me in a way this isn't--this is golden. I wondered about the heliotrope that someone mentioned--this does have a lemon-that-isn't-lemon note that I associated with heliotrope, as in The Sun and eclipse...and yes, there is the baby powder scent which I like a lot.....and I associate with musks as they go powdery on me right away....

    who knows? But it has a lovely dry grass, golden day in warm, not hot sun feel to it, and I really like it.

  22. I agree with everyone else's review....green, herbal....a bit minty. It has a very slight fizzy green note to it that I note in some of the tarot blends like the Fool. I like it--its very clean, and on me the wood notes didn't really come out.

    But more to the point, I decided to follow Lucretia's lead and annoint a candle with this, to help further power of the other oils I'd already used...I guess I could say I used this as a magical "booster" and it seemed to work quite well--quickly, and in most unexpected ways. I'm impressed!

    I only have an imp of this, but as I don't intend to use it except in terms of magickal/ritual use, I think that's just fine.

  23. Well, hell.

    I bought a 5 ml. untested, thinking surely I will absolutely adore this, and sigh, I don't.

    It occurs to me that perhaps I didn't really know what amber smells like. I thought I did, but now I have no idea. there is definately something that smells like the color amber to me, but.....huh.

    On me this is not the resiny sexy smell I'd expected, or the carnation spice I adore, but something yeah, sort of clean and aveda like, and also something way more sophisitcated traditional perfume in it.

    Just not me.

    So off to the swaps this goes....

  24. I've been reading the reviews and worrying ever since I got my click n ship notifcation that this was on the way....florals? Oh no! Smells like Wolf Moon (which I have a bottle of no one seems to want to buy or swap away)? Le Serpent Qui Danse? oh no!

    So let me say it: I LOVE THIS! thank you beth! :P

    In the bottle: a boozy floral, which I found intriguing. Its not at all red to me, but it is intriguing....

    Wet, that holds for a moment on me. Someone described it as buttery floral and that makes sense. I'd go with Penance's thought of it having vanilla and red musk, esp. because it does turn a bit powdery on me, as most musk does, but I like that.

    Still, that alone wouldn't be enough to convert me. But you know what does? On me, this smells as close to Dia de Los Muertes as anything else the lab has come up with, and I adore ddlm! It smells like Dia if the lovely smoky sugar note of that LE had been stripped away...

    Or so I thought all day.

    funny, as I now have them both on and compare, I see ddlm is a bit more...funky/fruity in its floral notes, if that makes any sense, and the Living Flame is more true floral....but a floral that is full of boozy, musky notes that make it complex and sensuous--florals with heat, perhaps.

    Very very nice.

    edited to add that I wore it all day yesterday. My only disappointment is that I like to be able to smell the scent I'm wearing myself, and it is gorgeous but not strong on me. A couple of hours later I couldn't smell it, but then one of my friends said my god you smell good--so while I didn't think it had staying power, perhaps it is just lighter than I'm what used to. bonus on that: he said do they make any scents for guys? yay, another chance to enable!

  25. I'm on a reviewing kick, found this in my swap bowl, didn't remember trying it, so thought, well, hell, why not?

    Keep in mind I didn't even look it up, so I had no idea what was it in when I tried it, and boy, was I surprised!

    In the bottle and wet it smelled like wood with a hint of smoke, though there was also a green note to it. Interesting, I thought. (now, knowing what's in it, I imagine at least some of what I was smelling was the myrrh. I'm not sure what kind of myrrh the lab uses, but it rarely works on me in bpal blends, though I love myrrh resin and I have a perfume that is single-note myrrh from a place in arizona that works just fine).

    then, aaacckkkk! :P

    attack of the hostile florals!

    I suppose its ylang ylang which rarely works for me, but like some others, what I smell is violets. It smells like violet soap. I don't like floral soap.

    back into the swap bowl for this one!
