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Posts posted by makhsihed

  1. I'm not sure I like this one. Got it as a frimp, and I think I might have to give it to a friend who likes spicy scents...


    Wasn't sure what to make of it in the bottle; it's sharp, almost medicinal to my mind, though not store-bought liquid-medicine... more like the herbal concotions my kitchen-witch friend makes, with the sharpness of pennyroyal and I'm not sure what else. There's something of dry mustiness, too, somewhat reminiscient of snakeskin just before shedding.


    On the skin... oh, gods. I'm really not sure I like this. Reminds me of something, I can't tell what - but it burns my nose, it's sharp and acrid and harsh. Spicy but not warm-spicy. It's a very dry scent. Makes me sneeze; my nose won't stop itching.


    Drying down, it's... yeah, I don't like it much. Still that musty snake-smell, which isn't too bad, but it's made sour and too sharp by something - probably the cinnamon others have mentioned. What is that mustiness? Is that the vetivert? One of these days I need to find some pure vetivert and sniff it so I know what the hell it is.


    Maybe Lei will like this; she likes spicystrong scents. I'm washing this off before I sneeze again.

  2. I adore the smell of leather, so I had to get this one.


    In the bottle, it's pure sharp leather. Mm. So far so good!


    On my skin, it's - pure sharp leather. And it stays that way. Sharp, hard, very very potent leather... almost painfully sharp. It's lovely, it's beautiful, but I feel like I should be dressed in black skintight PVC with thigh-high boots and a whip - and that's just not me at all.


    It iddn't soften down for me like it did for other people; if it had, I'd've kept it. As it stands, it's too hard of leather; I'll stick with the Dragon's Hide for my leather scent. Gave this to a whipcord-lean girl who's into high heels, boots, and BDSM. She loves it.


    I really, really, really had hoped that this would be as close to barn smell as I'm likely to ever get (who really is going to make a scent of horses, leather, and shavings, with a hint of fly spray?)


    Mmmm. I hear you; I'd definitely buy that. I love the smell of a barn.

  3. When I read the description of this, I just had to get it: dragon's blood and leather, two of my favorite scents? Yes please! I ended up loving this one so much that I bought a full vial of it; it arrived just in time, because my imp is almost gone!


    In the bottle, it's pure dragon's blood - that sweet resin smell that I love.


    Wet on the skin, it's still dragon's blood, though there's a hint of something drier starting to come through.


    Drying down, the leather starts to come through VERY quickly. Soft leather and the barest hint of smoke. The dragon's blood is drowned out by the leather, but that's okay because I'm obsessed with the leather scent now - the first few times, I couldn't stop sniffing my wrists all day. It's not the hard sharp leather of De Sade, which was very nice but very not me; rather it's a soft leather, calf leather, reminiscient of long-used boots and well-oiled horse tack. Beautiful!


    Dry, there's a stronger hint of the smoke, and the leather has softened up enough to let the note of dragon's blood peek back through, adding a bit of sweetness to the soft-leather and musty-smoke.


    Unfortunately, my skin eats this scent up; it doesn't last more than a couple hours on me. I have to keep applying it. But that's okay! I love it too much not to. :P
