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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by RottenLullaby

  1. So uh, ive searched this thread before and done my own research, but figured I'd just ask out right. My bottle of the Yuletide 06 LE stardust is getting kinda low. Is there anything that remotely resembles it? Here's a bit of the description;


    "This scent reflects the futurism, self-indulgence and excess of the Glitter 70's: champagne, hyacinth, tuberose, ylang ylang and flashing white musk with jonquil, tobacco flower, white sandalwood and a pale poppy."


    I really want something that just screams that 70's glam rock vibe, debauched club scene. Thats my favorite thing about this scent, it smells of hairspray, alcohol, flowers and clove cigarettes. Please help? Bon Viviant is about as close as ive found, but not quite.



  2. '10 version.


    So I was wary of this scent, Ive been trying to find the perfect fall apple cider type scent for a bit and after a let down with popular Samhain (it gave me the worst migarine) a few years ago I decided to give this also popular scent a go. Well its a winner, a better apple cider scent I could not hope for.


    bottle; I smell warm sweet apples with milk, honey ans spice.


    wet; This is all apples and spice, warm and inviting.


    drydown; soft apple spice like mulling cider. Its heaven.

  3. Let me preface this by saying that Pumpkin Latte is by far my faviorte flavored coffee drink ever. I also do pumpkin spiced cappchino when available at local coffe shops.






    When I first put it on I get a rush of coffee, chocolate and pumpkin, then as the drydown comes it mellows into a coffee pumpkin spice, about an hour later i'll im left with is the pumpkin spice. If I could get it to stay like that bam kick in the face pumpkin/coffee/spice all day Id be ecstatic but Im happy with the lovely sent it morphs into anyway. Besides, I dont think I need any espresso in my perfume long term. ^^;


    I bought this full bottle unsniffed.


    I get herbal musk. It comes off really spicy and herbal at first and on the drydown mellows out to a nice winter-spice-pine musk. I like this a lot for upcomming christmas months. Its really a lovely scent i'm glad I wasent afraid of it. :)

  5. Bliss, it reminds me a lot of butter-nut coco that I used to make hot chocolate out of, or more recently the ghirardelli hazelnut coco I got because I couldent find butternut. :)


    In essence this is hazelnut cocpodwer in a purfume for me, I love it. Great for the cold months or when I'm just craving chocolate.

  6. When I first put this scent on back in 07 when it came in, it went powdery. I put it in the back of my box and didnt wear it for a long time but refused to sell my star signs scent. Well I'm glad I didnt! Ive since changed my diet a lot and a lot more BPAL blends work on me (yay for eating healthy!) I love the hearby and incense rich scent it has. I to have a hard time picking out notes with this one, except the dragon's blood and musk, which give me a sort of deep red feel. Is this the scent for the darkside of the zodiac? Ohh yes. Delightful.

  7. In Bottle - smells like this men’s cologne I used to love, cool water it was called maybe? My friend Vicky used to wear it all the time because she loved the refreshing scent.


    Wet on skin - I smell the salt and the juniper, maybe a hint of musk, but I defiantly get a oceanic feeling from this. Its kind of sharp at first.


    Drydown - Soft salty juniper a hint of musk. I really like it, it’s a very sophisticated water scent.


    Overall - Being a water sign in the western zodiac I feel its qualities quite nicely fit me, it has all the salty blue feelings I could want from a aquatic scent. I'm hoping my eastern sign Fire Phoenix works out as well for me!

  8. Wet in imp - Musky, a little fruity lots of spicy floral. Im guessing the floral is magnolia but I haven’t smelled one of those flowers in ages, so I cant compare.


    Wet on skin - Very floral, still that spicy floral scent im getting and not much else. So the magnolia is very powerful in this, and the spice is nice, though indistinct.


    Drydown - Dries to a spicy floral, I never got any more notes than floral, spice and a hint of musk.


    Overall - I’m not keen on the magniolla, so I wont add this to my big bottles list. Its got good throw and wear length.

  9. Snow Bunny 05


    In Bottle - Pine and flowers! Oh my lots of flowers, when Beth said “girly perfume” she wasn’t lying!


    Wet on skin - More pine, and still very flowery, this is kind of strong but is evoking exactly what I thought of when I heard the phrase “Snow Bunny” defiantly what I was looking for in a winter perfume.


    Dry down - The snow note finally comes out and makes a perfect backdrop, this is my perfect winter scent. I absolutely love the sweet girlish piney snow and floral combination.


    Overall - Its wonderful don’t know how 05 compare to 08, as I got 05 off of Ebay just this year, but man I’m kinda wishing I had orderd an 08 version too...just in case I run low. :P

  10. In imp - Foody/fruity scent, pleasantly sweet.


    Wet on skin - almondy now, still foody. Kind of nice.


    Drydown - This is almost herbal in its dry down, kind of miss the notes in its wet stage.


    Overall - I’d prefer to use this in a burner, or as a candle anointment reap its benefits. I wore it out furniture shopping with my mom and I was hoping it was getting her a superb deal! Anyways I think it worked well, but the dry down scent is not for me.

  11. In the imp - A spice marketplace!


    On skin - I smell a mixture of warm spices, berries, and something I cant catch reminds me of fall/winter cooking.


    dry down - A soft spicy smell, it goes well with my Lush Karma dusting powder.


    Overall - I remember the first time I wore this I was wearing a red sweater, I still think of that crisp fall day everytime I wear it, also it’s a scent that goes well with red for me.. I’d like a 5ml of it.

  12. In the imp - very fruity, lots of pear.


    Wet on skin - still pear, more floral now.


    dry down - dries to a floral fruit…with a powder scent (seems everything does that on me?)


    Overall - Not my favored, its too much like a “commercial perfume, and therefore boring, I’d keep the Imp but wont be purchasing a 5ml.

  13. In the imp - cake and fruit, reminds me of a christmas dessert. (or maybe it’s the season? Lol.)


    Wet on skin - Cake with a hint of fruit, I guess that’s the fig, coconut start to emerge.


    dry down - a powdery almondy coconut. The fig leaves almost completely, but its still lovely and totally foodie.


    Overall - A foodie scent, but not one in a “MMM I must eat this” sort of way, it reminds me of a dessert but still a perfume and deffetinly something I’d want a bottle of.

  14. In the imp; reminds me of a perfume I used to wear...I cant think of the name has a headachy smell to me tho.


    On my skin; Still the same perfumery scent, gives me a headache, I can smell a bit of floral.


    dry down; powdery floral.


    Overall; I wouldn’t wear this because it gives me a headache. Maybe it’s the the florals, because I have a opium oil that I used to love, this just dosent work on me.

  15. In the imp - Definitely get the aquatic note, and the citrus scent so lovingly described by others as “evil grapefruit.”


    On my skin - Spicy aquatic citrus, which I’m loving. The spice reminds me of ginger, but I’m not for sure.


    Drydown - Gets a soft spicy scent that doesn’t linger long, and makes me sad. I miss it too much after its gone.


    Overall - I'd dont think I'd get a full bottle just because of the fact that it dosent last, and I'd be slathering it on ever other hour or so. It would be gone too quick! Otherwise though, I love it.
