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Blog Entries posted by mspixieears

  1. mspixieears
    Up on the chopping block:
    Faith - I was wrong to think I could even get rid of this. My bottle is only a third full, and I'm contemplating getting another.
    Beaver Moon 2007 - like Eat Me but with red fruits, plummier. Don't think I can part with this either.
    Vampire Tears - I like the jasmine and the pink grapefruit, but am torn about this. It's a maybe.
    Kanishta -after trying these, best try all the Indian-scented in one and compare them accordingly.
    Keep: Faith, Beaver Moon 2007
    Retest: Kanishta, compared to her own 'Indian-similar' fragrances in my collection
    Retest: Vampire Tears
  2. mspixieears
    Last night was horrible. I felt horribly unhappy and unloved, and invisible. Given that I have a mood disorder, trying to talk myself out of it was not working.
    Originally I was going to send a friend of mine who feels that his life wasn't going so well two imps - that of Dove's Heart and High John the Conqueror but lately he seems to have forgotten about me.
    So I used them on myself: after all, I am (still) heartbroken and though it's getting easier with time, there are those days where it just hurts like almighty feck.
    Before finally settling to sleep, I slathered both of those oils on me, and this following morning, I feel so much better. My mind feels clearer, my thoughts are more calm and positive. I feel like I feel when I'm well.
    So yeah, those are on my wishlist, haha. Especially Dove's Heart, which I can still smell.
    Edit: Water of Notre Dame is even better than High John the Conqueror on me.
  3. mspixieears
    Been a long time since I had the chance to test fragrances but have a week off and thought I'd get around to trying some BPAL frimps I received.
    Drink Me - I can't believe it, but this really does smell of roast meat, cherry tart and pineapple. The cherry's too fake for my nose, and pineapple I'm not generally too fond of. This one is more about appreciating Beth's artistry than something I'd wear personally.
    Inferno - I like the BPALs with fewer rather than more notes. Though BPAL almond doesn't work so well on me, the neroli does. I only had enough for one trial in the imp I got; it's pretty nice but I wouldn't go out of my way to get another.
    Seance - alas, instant hate. It has that awful fresh rose note that just clashes with my body chemistry and I have to wash this off, can't even wait to see if I eventually get the rosewood. Sigh.
    Goblin - the benzoin doesn't seem so sweet, but I like the coconut - is much truer and savoury as the actual meat is in real life. Is quite nice to sample after Seance not liking me so much!
    Djinn - more like a fresh, green forest burning than smoke, ashes and flames. Reminds me of winter and logfires burning.
    Thorns - oh my, this is a surprise! Dragon's blood definitely but with something like burnt patchouli and maybe benzoin? I can't see myself wearing it but I've put it in the "retest" pile to make sure... It has very strong throw.
  4. mspixieears
    There has been lots of BPAL comings and goings in my life but recently I did diverge from the BPAL-scented path to test out some Villainess decants.
    Not all of them are tested just yet, but if you do fancy reading what my thoughts are about the Villainess fragrance oils, you are directed to:
    Villainess decant reviews
    Some are missing, and I actually forgot to review the ones I got bottles of (Datura, Villainess, Retrograde) but when I get the decants that are missing, I'll add reviews of those too.
  5. mspixieears
    After a break of quite some time, I find myself getting reobsessed with BPAL again.
    I thought I might use this blog feature as a way of tracking what I purchase, what I try and such. You might like to read it if you're interested.
    I also keep an external blog which houses my non-olfactory obsessions:
    Grace Notes @ Snarkattack
    It talks about everyday life (surviving chronic illness), poetry and music. Again, may interest you - feel free to nose around.
  6. mspixieears
    These were purchases from the user stellans - she blasted away 4 entries on my LE wishlist! Fantastic!
    Stardust 2005
    Diwali 2007 (Yule)
    Michtecacihuatl 2008 (Halloween)
    All of these I had the pleasure of testing whilst in convalescence and fell in love with - particularly Diwali 2007. I was naughty and used funds from my super-savings account but when someone offers you 4 wishlist scents you'd be silly to turn it down! At least, that's my story and I'm sticking to it, chuckle.
    She gave me a buttload of frimps but I put them in my "need new homes" imp bag before recording their names, whoops!
    I have 2 PO slips telling me I've packages to pick up and I think one might be my actual Lab order. Am so excited!
  7. mspixieears
    I retested a few 5mL bottles I had to try and figure out whether or not I should find them new homes. These were:
    Tiresias, The Androgyne - a lot of people are saying they want to stock up on this. I bought a secondhand bottle, only half-full to try and its throw on me is amazing and it's quite unique, but not something I'm enamoured with. I do have a home for it though...have a girlfriend who was rather partial to it. Will give to her!
    The Perfumed Garden 2006 - I love the jasmine in this, but not super-keen on the rest. Am genuinely torn, no idea if I should get rid of it or what.
    Libra 2007 - bah, rose! This didn't like me at the beginning, and still doesn't.
    The Emathides - oh my, this has developed into a beautiful, herbal blackcurrant scent. The fruitiness is very subtle, however. The throw is not as strong as I'd like but I can't bear to get rid of it.
    Stay: The Emathides.
    Go: Libra 2007, Tiresias.
    Undecided: The Perfumed Garden 2006.
  8. mspixieears
    This was something of a cheer-up/Christmas present to myself. The most bottles I've ever ordered!
    Snow White 2008 (because I forgot that I actually already ordered one, duh!)
    Belle Epoque
    Snake Charmer Resurrected
    Candy Phoenix
    Pickled Imp
    Tabella - though this was a mistake of the Lab's - I actually ordered Tabula Smargadina. Have e-mailed them though
    Frimps: Sri Lanka, Scherezade, Les Bijoux, Pontarlier, Sudha Segara, Nanshe, Siren, Kurukulla, The Hesperides, Dove's Heart, Independent*, Amsterdam, Sin, Jezebel, Intrigue, Catherine.
    Am chuffed with the frimpage. Have tried many of these but wow, Lab is generous!
  9. mspixieears
    The Lab gave me squillions of imps and so I've started testing them.
    Les Bijoux - bah, hates me. Reason? Rose. I can smell a lot of the other notes, but not the ones I love. Yeah, red apple doesn't much like me either. Sigh.
    Intrigue - ooh, this is sexy, in a very understated way. A little too dry for me, though the fig does sweeten it up ever so slightly. I don't detect the cocoa which was a bit disappointing. I won't keep it but would love to see what it smells like the on menfolk.
    Sin - a much less intense version of Smut I feel! But no throw on me, odd given that Smut has amazing throw on me. Wanted to keep my decant, but it dried to nothing on me and became crayonish. Shame.
    Amsterdam - I don't know what tulips smell like, but this is lovely, it's a very fresh floral, sort of green yet watery too.
    Sri Lanka - first is fresh sandalwood, then incense-like sandalwood mixed with cedar. The cedar is nice too, but this has such a gorgeous sandalwood. It stops smelling so sandalwood-laden, however.
  10. mspixieears
    Nanshe - smells like lemon balm at first, then becomes a lemon scent that sort of gives me a bit of a headache. However, I do know that this is supposed to do something, so wore it nevertheless overnight. Oddly, I didn't recall my dreams though slept a bit better than usual, so don't know if it helps with the interpretation of dreams. I suspect that this is something you have to use over an extended period of time?
  11. mspixieears
    Black Cat - smells wonderful. Spicy, rosy sort of scent. Am very much hoping it will do what it says it can do! Perhaps I didn't put on enough.
    The Lion - oh wow, I like amber, but this is just heavenly. Sunny, spicy and slightly sweet.
  12. mspixieears
    It's the Yules! Am writing more detailed notes in my imp journal, but here are some of my thoughts in summary about the Yules. I got a set of decants of all of them.
    Le Pere Fouettard - I had to look up what 'gaufrette' was - a thin, fan shaped waffle wafer. Nice, not too foody at first, then whip leather makes an appearance, and gradually takes over the foodiness. When leather is at its strongest, the liquorice becomes known to my nose. An artful blend, but not something I would wear.
    There's A Certain Slant of Light - ozonic, barely there. Very little staying power on my skin, which is fine really, am not too fond of these sorts of blends, as they tend to smell very male-colognesque on me. It smells minty in the vial.
    Visiting the Temple of Auspicious Fortune Alone On the Winter Solstice - definitely get the rain at first! Wow! Then it gets musty, rather than dusty, and has an Eastern/Oriental feel. Much later it starts to get incense-ish. Again, not one I'd wear, or scent my environs with.
    Lines Written Among the Euganean Hills - a more complex version of The Snow Maiden - sleety, chilly and berryish, but then it gets rather minty to my nose.
    The Magi - I don't think I appreciate the complexity of this blend. I get the frankincense but it's too hard to tell what the other things are.
    Perchta - has the characteristic BPAL chilly note, which is lovely. A hint of something spicy, then all the florals come out. Am keeping my imp.
    The Head of Holofernes - wine and pomegranate are evident at first. This is actually quite lovely, and will be keeping my imp. Don't so much detect other notes, and had to look up what onycha was!
    Butter Rum Cookie - just as the name says! Has almond, which is behaving on me (BPAL almond does not like me so much) but does get a little cloying after a while. It is yummy, though.
    Gelt - wow, smells exactly like the coins. I love cocoa, and am surprised that the amber is quite muted in this blend. Will end up retesting.
    Midnight Mass 2008 - am surprised it doesn't have more throw, but is really true to its name: smells exactly like mass incense. Be a nice blend to wear at nighttime. I actually got a bottle of this straight-off rather than just a decant.
    Snow White 2008 - got 2 bottles by accident! No matter, it means I don't have to use sparingly, and will be my actual fragrance on Christmas Day.
    Bottle-worthy: The Head of Holofernes, Midnight Mass 2008 (got bottle), Snow White 2008 (got 2 bottles).
    Keeping imps: Perchta, Butter Rum Cookie, Gelt.
  13. mspixieears
    Schwarzer Mond - the resurrected one. Wow. This is punchy! Dark, and sexy too. Am so glad I got this in 5mL form! It just gets better and better on my skin, and smells magnificent from afar (ie. when my nose is not glued to my wrist!)
    The Gaoler's Daughter - wet, peach! As it dries down, the gardenia becomes more prominent. Such a girlie, flirty scent, am surprised there aren't more reviews for it. It's a very innocent yet cheeky blend. Not sure if it worth a bottle.
    Pickled Imp - Very strong of cloves, then cinnamon and pine come out. Doesn't seem so vanilla-ish, but will let it age a bit or stand and this should improve it. I initially got this confused with Bezoar, which I may actually prefer.
    Belle Epoque - fresh bottle, needs ageing, as imp had much more vanilla. It'll be a bedtime scent for me. It is gorgeous, and subtle and timeless.
    That's it for now, or I risk sensory overload!
  14. mspixieears
    Flower Moon - just got enough to test this, and wow, it's gorgeous. Quite girlie. I think I love tulips and daffodils (actually, have always loved daffodils from an early age - reminds me of my childhood in England). Would definitely try to get a bottle.
    Cordelia - these Asiatic blends tend to suit me - except the lemon! Drat. I love all of the notes, but that seems to be a tad too strong on me. I'll retest one day in the hope that it's died down a bit.
    Miskatonic University - Irish coffee incarnate. I don't like it...yeah, I know, not a popular view, but I don't tend to like foody, sweet scents generally speaking. Can't believe how true this is though.
  15. mspixieears
    I just realised that I got an extra bottle of Snow White because the decanter I bought Yule decants from sent me it instead of Snow Bunny!
    So, I had an excuse for another order...
    Water of Notre Dame
    Dove's Heart
    Snow Bunny
    Earth Phoenix
    Yep, all 5mLs.
    I need more 5mLs like I need a shot in the head...sheesh *grin*.
  16. mspixieears
    And the first imp tested for the new year is...
    Brisingamen - lovely, dreamy ambers and a hint of floral. Something doesn't sit quite right on my skin, sadly. This is odd, given that usually ambers love me.
    Casanova - dismissed it at first because the lavender was too strong, but I actually really like it now that it's warmed up on me a little.
  17. mspixieears
    Thu 2/1/09 imp testing. Well, mainly the first two imps, but the rest are ones I think the male persuasion could wear very easily.
    Dorian - bliss. I must have a bottle. Why is this so damn good!
    Wilde - what a lovely, refined olde-world blend. Not something I'd wear, but I do very much like it. Would love to try it on a lad.
    The Dormouse - this is very light on my skin. Takes a while for it to become truly fragrant and can smell green and lemon teas. Gets floral when it's dry. Definitely keeping my imp.
    Tezcatlipoca - cocoa, then patchouli, leather, incense and something floral. After that's all faded, left with something quite fecal in a pungent jasmine sort of way.
    Tweedledum - sweet at first with the fig then freshens up because of the green, unripe mango and green tea. Becomes musty on drydown with the patchouli. I prefer this upon initial application.
    Tweedledee - quite feminine, and strangely, almost foody. I love kumquats as I grew up drinking a drink based on them, and white tea, white pepper and orange blossom are all so subtle! A refreshing scent.
    Bloodlust - dragon's blood loves me a lot more since I changed meds. This smells amazing, musky and floral, oddly enough.
    Lust - dark, manly. Strong and a lot less sweeter than Bloodlust.
  18. mspixieears
    I managed to test a whole bunch of Salon fragrances while I was in hospital, but there are still a few I've not had the pleasure to try. So thought I'd get them out of the way.
    Cloister Graveyard in the Snow - this is the BPAL 'chill' or winter note to a tee. I don't get so much of the ozone or musks, just mint, really.
    Death of the Grave Digger - the BPAL chill note, dirt, then opoponax and myrrh. I like the opoponax and myrrh, and this is an artful blend but not something I'd wear as a personal fragrance.
    Silence - a clean floral scent. I've tested a few Salons & LEs that remind me of this already. It's quite a typical perfumey scent in a way.
    Three Brides - Moroccan rose is nice, and sweet. The sandalwood in this is earthier and deeper than the one in Silence, I quite like this fragrance. Suits my body chemistry a bit better because it's not so 'clean'. A warmer version of Silence, I think.
    The Fox Woman Kuzonoha Leaving Her Child - thought this would be nicer on me, but has little throw. I can smell mainly white tea and wisteria. Don't think I'll be keeping my imp.
  19. mspixieears
    When I first started trying BPAL at the end of 2005, I told myself I would try to test all of the (now) Ars Amatoria category. So this year, I'm going to keep trying to achieve that, and add another category - Mad Tea Party.
    I've done pretty well to try all of the Carnaval Diabolique thus far, Salons 1 & 3.
    The GC really is fantastic but I seem to get sucked into the LEs, which I must say is annoying. I'm going to be much more picky about what LEs I order and test more of the GCs.
  20. mspixieears
    Have opened the shoebox where I am storing some yet-to-be-tried BPAL 5mLs. Am ashamed to say that the first one I've tested has been untested for so long...
    Crypt Queen - a dark, fruity, slightly sinister blend. The darkness is tantalising, though I think it's suited to cold weather/night wear. Bit too intense for daytime/summertime. Amazing throw though. This is a finely crafted blend, make no mistake.
    Et Lux Fuit - wow, this really is as sunny as they say. It's also a bit creamy, and has a different sunniness to it than, say, Sunflower. I put this on specifically because I need the cheer. Will get a fair bit of wear this summer I think!
    Lune Noire - subtle. Upon application, I get the orchid, gardenia and pear. Stays close to the skin, but wow, how adorable this blend is! Not quite as dark as the name implies, quite light actually - in feel and in scent. Love.
    Chintamani-Dhupa - heavy and incensish as promised though I swear I get unsweetened cardamom from it too. These blends tend to work well with my skin chemistry (is it because I'm part Indian?). It is indeed sensual.
  21. mspixieears
    ...and ordered Agape and Dorian.
    Also, recently arrived: Viranhotkantita & Peacocks. I've had those on my wishlist for quite some time and was lucky enough to acquire both. I've had some very good luck with my wishlist of late!
    Reviews/testing to follow!
  22. mspixieears
    I don't really swap for imps often because it costs us Australians quite a lot to post out internationally. However I did swap recently with the lovely member Apple and acquired:
    Les Anges Dechus
    Buck Moon
    Am chuffed!
    Also received a massive order from the Lab recently. More details to follow.
    Have also started photographing my bottles in order to capture, and share the beauty of the labels. Haven't quite finished yet but will give the link to the appropriate album soon. Sadly the board won't let me upload them because it's been a bit temperamental of late.
  23. mspixieears
    (We can has Obama, yea!)
    Anyway, onto the fragrant stuff.
    As received from Apple...
    Buck Moon - not the usual Lunacy oil. I became more fond of lunar oil base last time in hospital and really like this one. It's more of a skin musk than an animalistic one, with a hint of forest scents. Also a little sweet and stays close to the skin upon drydown. It's beautiful in a dreamy way.
    F5 - Reminds me a lot of Shanghai. I can imagine this would have been very popular when it came out. I really like it, uplifted me completely which was good as my mind was quite sluggish!
    Les Anges Dechus - tobacco is lovely, but the other things that temper it on drydown means it's essentially not suited to me, which is a bit of a shame.
    Keeping the first two, the latter will go in my "find new homes for" bag.
  24. mspixieears
    Some good old-fashioned GC testing, people!
    Devil's Claw - this truly is bright (yellow) and smoky black at the same time. How'd they manage that? Sadly, doesn't quite suit my body chemistry.
    Wanton - ooh-er, rose attar likes me in this blend with sandalwood and patchouli. Holding onto my imp for further testing! It does smell of something else I've tried before in the Ars Amatoria I think. It's very Indian and sensual.
    Tintagel - lavenderish vibe at first, then berries. I don't get all the notes listed but that's okay. Keeping imp for further testing.
    Velvet - at first, this is the gentlest chocolate fragrance ever, but sadly goes sour. I guess it's to be expected as milk chocolate BPAL doesn't tend to like me.
    Phantom Queen - floral - old-fashioned, clean florals. Apple blossom and meadowsweet love me, and it's just perfect for this summer day.
    Magdalene - very sober blend - labdanum is a little too musty, and was worried that white roses wouldn't like me. Sadly, this has virtually no throw on me. It's a pretty quiet blend, but that's fine.
    Vicomte de Valmont - very understated cologne. About half of the notes in this I love, and half hate me quite a bit. The sandalwood and musk are most prominent on me but the mint bothers me.