abandoned houses, adobe photoshop, ancient art, animal rights, art, autumn, babies, bags, belly dancing, black, black and white photography, black phoenix alchemy lab, bpal, candles, caravaggio, cemeteries, clothes, co-ops, coffee, creepiness, dave mckean, dead like me, death rock, depeche mode, digital photography, doggies, ebm, essential oils, eureka, europe, falafel, film noir, financial planning, fine dining, folk medicine, folklore, gamecube, gardening, gastric bypass, ghost hunters, ghost stories, ghosts, goth, gucci, harry potter, hebrew, herbs, herb gardens, hiking, holistic health, horror, ice cream, incense, industrial, itunes, jazz, johnny cash, judaism, languages, lenore, lukemia titty, lush, mac computers, mac cosmetics, marriage, marshalls, money, museums, my ariana, my moshe, natural living, new wave, nintendo ds, nintendo wii, oh my goth, old houses, organic food, parenting, pflag, philiadelphia, photography, pittsburgh, prada, printing, project runway, red, reincarnation, religion, religion in art, resident evil, road trips, saks, shabbos, shoes, shopping, sleeping, sony vaio, spidery ironwork, stargate sg-1, surreal improvision, surrealism, sushi, synthpop, tampa, tea, teal'c, the 80s, the beach, the cure, the da vinci code, the daily show, the dark, the elder scrolls oblivion, the ghost whisperer, the internet, the muppet show, the northeastern us, the st. petersburg times, thunderstorms, tiffany & co, tim burton, travel, ugly dolls, vegetarianism, video games, voltaire, xbox 360, zombies