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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by iankunx

  1. I like citrus, so for my first purchase from the lab I decided to get a bottle since there's a bunch of it in this one.


    Then I couldn't wait for *that* and along with a bunch of other imps, I got an imp of Sol Invictus.


    And oh, my.


    Bottle, now that I have the bottle: I could smell Sol Invictus in the bottle all day. Citrus, citrus, and when you get tired of that, more citrus! :D


    Wet: On me, wet, Sol Invictus is absolutely god-awful, heh. :D Sharp and herbal and pungent and gah. I was slightly alarmed by this. Fortunately whatever it is that does that goes away very quickly, heh. (Whatever it is, it's in Ra too... Actually, Ra would make a good consolation scent for lovers of this as on me at least they're versions of each other.)


    Dry, early in: Incense. But not horrible stinky headshop incense. Beautiful incense. Which does not irritate my easily-irritated allergies at all.


    Dry, later on(15 minutes to two hours, it depends on the day): The incense nearly goes away and this is almost entirely citrus-y sweet floralish love. It lasts for quite a while on me.


    Best place on me: Side of my right wrist, the side my thumb is on. I don't know *why*, but it smells best there. Great anywhere, but best there.


    This is what the sun smells like, or at least what it ought to. I can imagine beautiful golden people with golden hair and yellow-orange eyes wearing yellow, orange and golden robes and wandering through a courtyard in a beautiful rose-gold palace full of dozens of varieties of red-orange and yellow-orange flowers that combine to smell like this, with a faint hint of the incense of some glorious solar temple wafting out from a corridor... Mmm.


    I want a 55 gallon drum of this stuff. I'm certainly going to be stockpiling it. :);;; Keeping my imp, have a bottle, and want at least two more... ;);;; It's so good dry I can totally ignore the horrible wet.


    It would have to be an LE, wouldn't it? :P At least Ra is so similar that I can make do with it when I finally run out of Sol Invictus... ...Sometime next month. >_>;

  2. Any recommendations for scents similar to 1) Sol Invictus and 2) All Saint's?


    Liber Resh Vel Helios: Ra reacts almost exactly the same way Sol Invictus does on me. Right to the horrible scent they have on me wet that turns slightly incensey and then finally turns into this incredibly long-lasting calm citrus-y scent. Ra takes longer to get past the incensey stage on me than SI and the citrus isn't quite as heavenly as SI, but on me at least they're versions of each other, heh. (I'm very, very glad about this as I absolutely love Sol Invictus. :P )
