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Posts posted by Eemia

  1. One of the best moons ever...another go-to bottle for me when I reach for something pretty, fresh, and innocent. This has so much charm, and really does have a brightness to it.


    This is juicy and sweet, touched with florals. I am in love with the peony, which always wears so nicely on my skin. It's such a dainty flower and it isn't being overhsadowed in the slightest by the other notes. The ginger is complementing it perfectly for a little extra spice. I wouldn't categorize this as a spicy blend though since it isn't the dominant theme, or even extremely noticable. More like a wet type of spicy, not the peppery kind. The musk is faint and light and sparkling...a gorgeous touch!


    Stays sweet and light throughout the time I have worn this. No powdery drydown and no shifting scents here. Very freshly sweet. I think this was made for a beautiful day, or at least when I want to make my own. :P

  2. I picture a golden colored ocean horizon line when I wear this. It smells the way the ocean looks when the sun is setting on it and the water turns bright gold and yellow.


    This is like a warm, amber-aquatic with glimpses of sweet pear. I truly am addicted to Beth's aquatic fragrances, but this is so much different from the aquatics I have tried. The ambergris is really a fantastic base for the salty/misty ocean water notes. It warms up water notes that I always associate as being cool. The kelp adds a touch of green, but it isn't very strong and it stays pretty much in the background. Basically (at least for me) it really is like a warmed up ocean breeze.


    I think this is an inspired scent, and it completely took me by surprise. I love the ripe, sweet white pear and the tiny touch of floral. It wears very well, and dries down to a beautiful warm, soft musk with a touch of ocean. Like others have said, it lasts a long time too....I only reapplied this once throughout the day and that was only because I like that initial glow of the "golden ocean" as I insist on calling it to myself. :P

  3. This is exactly what I think of when I picture a clean and refreshing scent. It's light, airy, and slightly green. I can't stop smelling myself when I wear this. I have been absolutely melting all week visiting my parents in Southern California (it's around 100 degrees right now yikes!), and wore this a few days in a row b/c I felt so much more breezy and less sticky. I love this so much, and am putting this in my top ten list!!


    Starts out as fresh aloe and musk with a very light citrus. It's not a sharp or tangy citrus, and there isn't even a hint of bitterness from the lime peel. It's very rounded out and mellow...this is definitely a citrus that is playing second string to the aloe and white musk.


    Dries down much the same but without the citrus. Mainly a clean musk with a touch of the green notes. Like laying down in cool, fresh white sheets minus that "linen" type scent. I wish this was a GC fragrance so I could have it all the time in mass quantities.

  4. I tried an imp of this last night.


    This starts out beautiful....very watery and light and summery. It's mostly coconut, but it's not the fake, gag-inducing sweet coconut that I despise in cheap lotions and sprays. This coconut is mild and fresh, though it is the dominant note here. There is a lot of citrus and I bright lime. So far this is very tropical and reminds me of the beach. I'm not noticing any of the other notes, except perhaps a *hint* of very pale florals. Overall, it's clean and happy.


    This fades quickly on me, and becomes all warm coconut and something musky. I don't think that this is for me, though I will say that if you are a fan of coconut scents then this might be the perfect coconut blend for you. Despite many efforts I am not a coconut person at all. I was hoping more of the other notes would make an appearance but unfortunately this was more like a single note for me. I think I will pass this one along to my mom who smells wonderful in coconut blends.

  5. I LOVE this! LOVE! Unbelievably unique on my skin and very bold. I feel like I'm making a statement every time I wear this.


    The lilac and leather blend together seamlessly into a gorgeous, strong perfumey scent. The leather is not at all what I expected....it's not as noticable of a leather note as it is in Whip or Loviatar. I like this version of leather much better!


    I am going to scout around for another bottle of this b/c one will ot be enough for me.

  6. This is simple goodness....sweet vanilla and amber with just a hint of sandlewood. The vanilla is the most prominent note, and it's a lovely vanilla too. Sweet without being cloying, syrupy, or sugary. The kind of vanilla that's great when I want a vanilla scent that won't overwhelm everyone in my vicinity. That warm, slightly woody background is really mellow and adds the right amount of depth. I only smell a wisp of floral in this...just enough to round it all out.


    I can wear this anytime, anywhere and it's always perfect. One of my favorite blends from the GC.....I absolutely love it on its own but I also like pairing it with The Unicorn.

  7. Damn...if I use BPAL long enough I will completely convert myself over to the mint side. :P I've been leery of mint in anything but my toothpaste for as long as I can remember. But ever since I bought Tokyo Stomp I realized how pretty mint can be, so I finally decided to give my untouched frimp of this a try after months of neglect. And it was worth the wait--I want a bottle of this as soon as possible!


    Starts out as crisp, cool mint, but with a sparkling, cirtus edge. The champagne is so tangy....it's bright and refreshing and really smells insanely good with the grapefruit and mint. Even though these are all food notes, I don't think of this as foody at all. The lotus underscores everything and turns it into a beautiful, light floral.


    This remains light and cool on my skin, only changing slightly into a more noticable floral as the crisper notes fade. They don't fade a lot, and it still maintains the original sparkling quality. I don't notice the aquatic notes very much, if at all. And for something with citrus notes and champagne, this lasts. I wore it from this morning until the evening and it was still faintly present on my skin when I got home from the gym. If it can last through the gym then I'm hooked, since very few blends besides my heavier/musky ones last through that.

  8. Sweet, light, and juicy. This almost has a bubble gum scent. But there is a warm base that prevents it from being too trivial and candy-sweet. It does remind me a little of Cheshire Cat, but this is much less tangy and sharp. All the notes here seem like they are air brushed or coated so they are very soft and understated. The plum, which I expected to be screaming juicy and fruity, is very subtle. It doesn't last very long on my skin, but I do like it anyway.


    Not what I was expecting at all from the description. This was a frimp from the Lab, and has been on my wishlist to try. I do think I will buy a 5mL of this eventually, but I'm not going to put this at the top of my must-have list yet.

  9. This starts out with that same fresh, sharp, natural rose that I smell in Rose Red. It immediately reminded me of that blend. I love that heavy, freshly picked scent that borders on dewy and green. It's fairly fruity too in the beginning. I want to say that this feels so romantic, but I'm leaning more towards lush and opulent.


    The violet appears quickly and soon tones down the rose so that it becomes more powdery and soft, and the sharpness of the rose fades a little. The bourbon vanilla is the perfect touch. It adds just the right amount of sweetness. There is also a touch of a clean type note here that I think must be the calla lily....I think it's lovely, which is saying a lot for me since I usually can't wear calla lily at all (it tends to be soapy on me).


    I know I am trying to pick out every note here, but honestly that is only because I am really trying hard to do so. This is gorgeous and too smoothly blended for me to do anything else but just bask in it. I put this on today because I love the Pre-Raphaelites and wanted to elevate my mood to something more ideal, glossy, and splendid...like Rossetti's painting.


    If all the new Salon blends are like the ones I've bought so far then I am in big trouble.

  10. Maybe I'm a secret Gemini because I love this! I have bought all the astrological blends this year so far just to have, and I was so upset that Aries (my sign) didn't work at all on me. This one does though. I'm a sucker for lavender.....


    My favorite lavender scent of all time is Ode on Melancholy, which has such an airy, misty quality that feels very otherworldly. This is more grounded and sultry, and the lavender is much thicker and borders on sharp. I can smell the orchid right away too, and some light resin that must be the frankincense. A very pretty, creamy floral blend. Although this is heavy on the lavender, I don't think of this as a soothing nightime blend at all. This is too feminine and sweet for that.


    I'm glad I bought a bottle of this because I'll get a ton of use from it. Beautiful!

  11. These new additions to the Salon are wonderful....of the four I bought I really love all of them. This one is stunning and dark and richly beautiful. It makes an impact on my skin with an almost tangible presence.


    At first touch on my skin this is very strong, very dark lavender with a heavy undertone of musk and dry, smokey tobacco. It seems like it would be perfect for either a man or a woman, as other have noted. But despite that, it never once made me feel less feminine. In fact, it made me feel more so.


    This really hits its pinnacle when the sweeter vanilla note appears. The vanilla doesn't smell foody, syrupy, or overly sweet at all. It's a pure, dark vanilla. The kind that smells like it almost might be fermented and thus has a sort of boozy feeling. At this stage I think it is more of a feminine than a masculine fragrance. Very smooth too.

  12. This does have a very beautiful, dry-fruit scent. Not a ripe, juicy, or cirtus fruit but something that is aged and wrapped in delicate paper. It's very unusual and unlike any fruit based scent I own. There is also a very slight, very expensive smelling boozy quality that I am adoring. But it's not the dark, rich booze that I smell in other blends...it is a clear, light booze scent that feels glittery and only vaguely heady. Everything about this reminds me of colors...pale, muted flesh tones, light oranges, cream, and beige.


    I only start to smell the musk and sandlewood if I really sniff closely....this is so well blended that it would be difficult to pick out notes. It's warm and a tiny bit spicy from the ginger. It lasts quite a while on me, with about an average throw. This is light enough for me to wear through the summer, but I wished I had bought another bottle because I would wear this one year round.

  13. This clings to me so closely...rather than being a light glaze over my skin it seems to be a part of it. Something I wish my natural skin would smell like. For a floral lover this is a dream come true. Nothing could be more naturally enticing and approachable. The rose is so subdued and only lolls about amidst the other notes....so if you are at all leery of rose but want to try this one I wouldn't hesitate. It just blends into a creamy, plush, skin-like atmosphere that never strays very far. The throw is almost non-existent. I really have to look for this one to notice it. Very intimate, but it doesn't feel sexual at all. I can be uncertain about honey and amber but this is faultless. Without a doubt unlike any floral blend I've tried....I am putting this in my top ten without batting an eye.

  14. Most of Beth's rose blends are very strong on me, so I am surprised at how light and gentle this is. I can put scads of this on all over and it isn't offensive. This has to be the daintiest rose blend I have.


    This actually reminds me of my favorite rose tea that I make special trips to Chinatown for.....it has that same watery lightness, probably even more so b/c of that tiny hint of lemon and honey. I can make out the violet too in the background, but it is so light.....only the powdery note blurring the edges gives it away. None of the other notes are loud enough for me to pick out. There is a really nice smokey/musky quality in the drier stages that I think is due to the opium. Again though, it is so light. I think of it as a hidden smokiness.


    Everything is so rounded out and seamless....what a beautiful, beautiful rose fragrance. I love the bottle too--it's so pretty!

  15. I only bought two bottles from the Dog Salon and this was my first pick. It is beautiful and sunny and fresh and it immediately perked me up when I put this on today. It reminds me of my sunny San Diego hometown....all those green, perfectly mowed lawns, that hot perfumey air, and the feeling of sun all around you.


    This was a burst of green grass at first, but it was sort of sweet and soft. Not as intense as Garden Path with Chickens (my big love in the green/grassy variety). Pure, hazy summer. I adore the dandelions too....they are so fragrant and natural. Like others have said, wearing this is like laying in thick grass while you play with dandelions and stare up at the clouds.


    I am loving this today in particular b/c it's so hot here in SF and somehow it doesn't feel like I'm overwhelming everyone around me with perfume. I smell completely uncloying and fresh. BTW, this has a really nice amount of throw. Love this one so much!

  16. I have been wanting this for so, so long. I am so glad my mom sent this to me as a gift. It is beautiful, wistful, and mysterious and I love it so much.


    This starts out as a very smoky, sweetly resinous blend that is only barely touched by rose. To my nose it's mainly sandlewood and a vague floral I can't place. It's dark though, and very warm. The florals are not overpowering or stuffy, but very gentle and faint...like small white flowers would be. There is only the tiniest breath of the blackcurrant...it's there for a minute or two then disappears. At this stage it's nicely strong and has very good throw.


    It stays pretty much the same as it dries, if slightly more resinous. I think the myrrh is lovely, sort of unexpected too. It clings to my skin and is the dominant note as it starts fade away. The rose has become a little more obvious as well, and it is absolutely tea rose...that sort of dry, brittle rose that smells timeless.


    This is easily going to be a favorite of mine.....it exceeds all my expectations. I expected this would be more proper and ladylike than it is....thank goodness it has a darker personality. I will probably wear down the bottle quickly. :P

  17. This is so juicy and ripe and sweet! Like the perfect basket of red autumn apples. I had to pick this to wear out today b/c it was so cold and this just reminds me of the perfect compliment to a chilly, beautiful, slightly windy day.


    The apples in this aren't tart or sour, but very flush and overly ripe smelling. I love that touch of sweetness, but it still remains so natural and fresh. The spices are the right touch...just like a very mild cider. The spices are very light, and only vaguely present in the beginning stages...it's mostly just apple and a bit of crisp, slightly bitter cranberries at the start. As it dries it becomes more musky and I can definetly notice that the spices are dominating all other notes. This actually reminds me of my mom a bit because she is a fantastic baker and this has that same comforting type of scent.


    This is the type of fragrance that people on wintery postcards wear....those shiny, golden people that wear knitted caps and have perfectly rosey cheeks and big smiles when they are captured jumping into a pile of fallen autumn leaves. Wholesome and sweet and completely nostalgic. I love that quality, it makes it so much fun to wear.

  18. I love rose. I like patchouli and sandlewood. But I walked around last night with this one on and couldn't figure out why I wasn't loving it. I kept thinking hmmm...well I guess it smells good. But I think I like the idea of the notes so much that I was really trying too hard to make it work on my skin. For the first few minutes when it's wet it does smell lusty and rosey, so I convince myself that I like it every time I try it. But soon after the initial wet stage it gets very soapy and thick. I don't smell any of the sandlewood or patchouli, only a generic soapy floral. I'm going to give my imp to a friend who I know will appreciate it more.

  19. Thick, dark caramel at first with a very strong woody note. It's sweet and buttery and very rich, almost knock me over rich. A little goes a long way and I didn't think ahead and just slathered it everywhere.


    More of the wood notes come out as it dries and the sweetness is less strong. I love the hazelnut here....I don't think I have any other scents with hazelnut in it. It smells so good and nutty. The patchouli is very strong too. I haven't noticed even a breath of apricot....I'm a little disappointed b/c the apricot and hazelnut combo sounded like something I would drool over.


    It's almost all sandlewood and hazelnut towards the end. Borderline spicy and incredibly woody, not a trace of sweet anywhere. It feels a little masculine for me, but maybe I just need to give it a few more tries or let it age. I do love how it is exactly fitting with the description since I can easily picture a little wooden dummy dancing around in this.

  20. It smells on my skin exactly like how I smell when I have bathed with Lush's Skinny Dip gel.

    This is a very good thing because I still miss SD in the gel form (the body butter just isn't the same).


    My thoughts exactly. Loved SKinny Dip and this does feel very familiar. Same mellow, muted, white chocolate goodness. But this has much more depth, and it doesn't smell as straight up foody as SD. This is very warm and slightly spicy as well, probably from the sandlewood. I love sandlewood as a side note because otherwise it can be overwhelming on my skin. It's lovely in this...not too woody or dry. I notice a little bit of a green note here as well, but it's very sweet and hidden. I keep wondering if it's the catnip, but so far my cat has not gone nuts yet so maybe not. :P It only peeps out after it has dried a bit, and it's very unexpected and pretty.


    I like this much more after it is dry. It smells more complex and rich. It does have a mysterious smokiness that just works so well with the other notes. I do like this alot, but I am not crazy about it. My true loves are always florals. But I'm glad I got a 5mL of this because I will enjoy wearing it from time to time.


    Had to add that I didn't notice any separation in the oils at all. I looked very carefully and as far as i can tell my oil is light colored with no variations.

  21. Love both the twins....but probably Faith a bit more. This is a beautiful soft rose, with that sweet sugary coating. Not the brisk, green tinged rose in Rose Red, or the sharp, thick rose in WHip. Very sexy and alluring. Almost has a mellow edge to it, especially during the drydown. Like Faith, this has a very faint powdery scent as it wears down on my skin. But I like that...it makes this seem old fashioned (in a 50's sex kitten kind of way) and very feminine.

  22. I haven't been able to review this yet, though I've had it for a few months. I am a rose lover, but this is beyond any expectations I had. It really is perfect, and I am thrilled with how beautiful this smells. Nothing could convince me when I am wearing this that I am not surrounded by a garden of roses. Even that crisp, wet, green note is awe inducing. Truly wonderful.


    Had to add that I was wearing this today and I went out to the mailbox in my building to get the mail. I was walking back down the hallway and some girls where just coming inside. I heard one of them say "oh! Someone must have just got some flowers delivered." I kid you not.

  23. Fruity, gummy, plump, wiggly, jiggly bundles of fruit. Something you can sink your teeth into. :P The kiwi is great---one of my favorite fruits, and I can actually smell it on my skin! A true, honest to goodness kiwi! I can't really smell any of the other floral or musk notes yet...everything is covered by the tropical fruit assortment. I like that the fruits don't smell generic or syrupy.


    Ah yes....there you are, jasmine. I knew you'd appear eventually. Jasmine always amps up on me and can smell either fantastic, or overpoweringly heady. This time it must fall into the fantastic category. Thick, sexy, and unmistakable. Adds to the island, tropical heat feeling I get from this. Layered with the ginger, it packs a spicy jasmine punch.


    I don't know if it was the unusual heat today or what but this faded pretty quickly on me. The fruity stage was noticable for only about 20 minutes. It has a nice impact in the drydown though. Unusual and very pretty!

  24. This is one of my favorite oils ever. It'll always be in my top few. I bought this with the intention of using it solely as a sleep aid since I do have disturbing dreams from time to time. I do use it in that capacity, but it also has become my all around comfort fragrance.


    The second I smelt the anise in this I associated it with my dad. My dad hates all kinds of sweets but has always eaten loads of licorice all the time since I can remember. Anytime I smell licorice I automatically think of my dad. We are very close and he has always taken care of me growing up when I had bad dreams or just needed some reassurance and comfort. So I use Baku anytime I feel the need for comfort, like when I'm having a bad day or when I'm nervous or when I can't sleep. I just dab some of this on and I feel so much more calm and in a better state of mind. It's like my dad is there taking care of me like when I was little, giving me hugs and singing me back to sleep.


    Needless to say I love the sharp anise note as well as the eucalyptus. It's very soothing. This is very special to me and I will always have a bottle of this around.

  25. I am not sure what to add about this fragrance that hasn't already been captured so well by the other reviewers. I'll just have to add my love to the fan list for this one because this is heart melting! Very dreamy...I just want to float around when I wear this.


    Lush, pure violets and powdered sugar. Sweet, but not heavy/gooey sweet. This couldn't be more beautiful. Violets are one of my favorite flowers too. Even the soft, powdery note as it dries down is addictive.


    I am absolutely, without a doubt getting a back up of Faith (and Hope)!
