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BPAL Madness!


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About Lux667

  • Rank
    wrist-sniffing wench
  • Birthday 06/23/1977


  • Location
    San Francisco, CA

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  • Favorite Scents
    Stargazer Lily (Single Note), Severin, Blood Lotus, Tiger Lily, Mata Hari, Embalming Fluid

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  • Astrological Info
    I'm a Gemini/Cancer (cusp baby) but tend to have more Gemini tendancies then Cancer tendancies. Oh and Virgo Rising. Complicated much?

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  1. Lux667

    The Black Rider

    Received as an imp, as well. Wet: Lush floral and slightly overripe fruit notes Dry Down: Floral is faiding, leather and amber are really starting to come up Dry: It softens quite a bit. The dry down leather and amber were very noisy but it definitely settles. It's giving me a headache though, so I think this one isn't for me. Alas.
  2. Lux667

    The Carousel

    In The Bottle: Very green, so very lush and verdant. The release of petichor after a heavy rain. Wet on the skin: Still green but shifting, the wildflower notes are emerging. Something light and pretty that settles into something a little more weighted without being overpowering. It smell like distant magnolias to me. Something heavy up close but at a distance, it manages to be delicate. Dry: Wet, upturned earth and ozone settle in next to the floral notes. The faintest hint of blood. Just a tiny sticky note of sweetness, pleasant but distant like the notes of a funnel cake or sweet crepes from a booth on the other side of the carnival. Holy fuck. I'm in love with this scent. I really struggled to find BPAL stuff that would work for me back in the day as ocean notes smelled like dishsoap and green notes faded to a papery flatness. Heavy, rich scents all went the way of the velvet cathouse on me. Like, beautiful in the bottle but just overwhelming on me like I was a kid who put on too much of her mother's Narcisse or something. I'm not sure if my chemistry has shifted (possible since it's been almost 15 years since I last BPALed) but everything about this just settles so nicely.
  3. Oh gosh, I haven't been on this forum in yeaaaaars so please forgive any ignorance on my part. I was a huge fan of Severin. It smelled great and it smelled great on me, which was a struggle with a lot of the BPAL formulations back when as my chemistry just ended up being a miss with a lot of lovely scents. For what it's worth, marine scents were the most disappointing as they would smell like dishsoap on me once applied. However, it's been a minute since I've worn BPAL and I've aged and I'm hoping my chemistry has shifted a bit and things work better. In the meantime, Severin was discontinued a number of years back. In reading through various things before posting, it doesn't look likely that it will come back either again or a limited run. Does anyone have any Severin-like suggestions? I've read through some of the descriptions of products like Severin but BPAL's menu of offerings has exploded (which is honestly awesome for them!) but it's harder to make sense of what might work because there are so, so many choices now. Any insight or personal experiences with things next door to Severin would be greatly appreciated.
  4. Lux667


    A gentle white scent, breezes laced with the scent of springtime blooms and citrus. Lemon, lemon verbena, neroli, white musk, white florals, white sandalwood, China musk, bergamot and a drop of vanilla. In the bottle: Sandalwood and Vanilla are really coming up. Otherwise, its kind of a confusing scent in that I can't really find any distinct tones. Wet: Woah! Vanilla Frosting. The vanilla is really kind of overpowering and weird- I tend not to go for Vanilla anything but it dominates all the other scents wet. Dry Down: The vanilla is much, much less now and I'm smelling the verbena and sandalwood notes a lot more. Final Verdict: Swap pile. Ultimately, it smelled like Lemon Verbena Vanilla soap on me. Oh well.
  5. Lux667

    Mata Hari

    I hadn't been having much luck with the BPAL heavier floral blends until Mata Hari. It's simply gorgeous. Wet In The Bottle: Like others, it does smell very much like wet, stale coffee with just a hint of a few flowers underneath. Wet On My Skin: Oh! Roses immediately and I can smell the cocoa notes under the coffee. Dry Down: A musky rose floral with spicy cocoa/coffee tones. I never caught the jasmine on me though. I got three compliments in dance class about it, as a bonus.
  6. Lux667


    A lavendar and lemon punch in the nose. Seriously. It made my nose sting but I tried it anyway because I was so intrigued by the description. Mid-dry down the aquatic notes and the green notes are really coming up but its starting to take on a cloying scent... I'm not sure what exactly to call it but it could go eithe way... Dry down it smells like Chloe Narcisse, which I think smells terrible and gives me headaches. Swap pile for this one.
  7. Lux667


    I love this light, musky scent. I don't pick up a lot of the lavender or violet but it really drys down to a very light, white musky blend that is lovely. It makes me think of the flower paperwhites. The only drawback is that it didn't last long on me at all. I'm going to try it one more time and see if the problem was in application and not anywhere else but I like this one.
  8. Lux667


    In The Bottle & Wet On Me: Smells medicinal. My nose is unable to detect any floral notes.. all I can think of is Vicks Vaporub. Dry Down: Smells like moth balls and Vicks on me and it burns *and* it gave me a headache. Definately not for me.
  9. Lux667

    Tiger Lily

    I got this one from an imp swap with Tesseljoan and it was so worth the swap. Creamy, lush lillies with honey and just a hint of musk. It's a sunny, happy little smell and has a lot of staying power. In general, I think I love the Lilly scents that BPAL puts out as Star Gazer Lily single note is by far my favorite scent by far. I highly recommend this one.
  10. Lux667


    In the bottle: Uber lemon. Lemon pledge according to my sense memory, to be exact. Wet: I smell like I'm wearing a bag of lemon drops. I'm not sure how I feel about this but I'm still really..lemony. Dry Down: Lemon scent has backed off and the smell of the tea has come up nicely. It smells like white tea and Meyer Lemon on me, to be exact. It's a nice smell. Pros: Nice after dry down. Light, crisp and soft with definate lemon and tea notes. Cons: VERY lemony in the bottle and when wet on you and once you get to the good part, it fades really fast Overall, not bad.
  11. Lux667


    *le sigh* I really was hopeful for this one when I got my swap in the mail today but alas, it smells like Night Blooming Jasmine on me. For some people, this is an excellent thing but I can't stand the smell and I keep smelling it on me.... Another one for the swap pile. Poop.
  12. Lux667

    Blood Lotus

    Blood Lotus is in a word or two, sex on a stick. In the bottle: Lush and richly flowered- deep bodied flower smells with an edge of sweetness. It must be the lotus really coming through. Wet: Still lush and powerful but a new smell of cloves and maybe a touch of amber is rising to the fore. Dry Down: Smells like hard candied flowers & clove- its a very sexual scent. It's a confident scent with very lustful overtones. It also has excellent staying power. I'm certain I'll be wearing this one when I'm belly dancing with hand torches. It's just that kind of scent.
  13. Lux667


    In the bottle: A very lush floral with definate green and orchad notes, it's almost a little overpowering. Wet: Still very floral and now, musky. Reminds me of Opium or Chloe Narsise(sp) which worries me a bit because I dislike both of those scents immensely for the headaches they inspire. Dry Down: Less musky and more floral with good staying power. The two top notes on me smell like carnations and roses though I know that's not actually what is in the perfume. It smells very similar indeed to Demeter's 'Funeral Home' perfume. Verdict: I like this one but its a perfume for specific occassions and not every day. I don't think I'll swap but its not going to be in my top five.
  14. Lux667

    Water of Notre Dame

    In the Bottle: A very definate amaretto smell. Not my favorite smell but I give it a try anyway. Wet: Very green smelling- smells fresh like green grass with watery notes. Dry: Unfortunately this also dries down to a dishsoap smell and it only lasts for about an hour before it fades off entirely. I'll be swapping this one. I think the green notes from BPAL aren't made for me. Oh well.
  15. Lux667

    Stargazer Lily

    I like this one very much. It's a well rounded floral without it hitting you over the head with cloying sweetness. It's got slightly juicy undertones of peach and pear though they just whisper about the possibility of being there without actually revealing themself to you. Yay!