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Everything posted by Haltija

  1. Haltija

    Lychee Vulva

    I got my package last night but I have let these bottles sit for a while before I thought to wear test any. This is absolutely beautiful on me. ? I immediately pulled something very herbal and I have the rosehip tea and angelica notes to thank for that. This is by no means a bad thing at all, but it smells slightly medicinal on my skin and that alone is actually what I keep going back for- I cannot stop sniffing it. When it began to dry the gorgeous peony came to the surface to temper out the herbal facet- anyone who knows me knows peony is a floral note I cannot get enough of, the constant sniffing only grew stronger. I only smelled lychee at the very final drydown- not a bit of ylang ylang to be had and that's quite alright. I love this so much and I am tempted to get a backup because it's going to be a easy one to wear in the Summer.
  2. Haltija

    An Autumn Stroll for a Pumpkin Man

    This dapper gentleman is everything I knew I would love. Immediately it's chewy, vaguely sweet tobacco with a soft curl of smoke. I don't get any of the maple leaves until it's fully dry and so therefore blended with that tobacco and smokes makes it so gorgeous and atmospheric, exactly what I wanted to mimic a crisp Autumn night. The rum hardly comes out to play, but that's okay. My brain feels like it's similar to my baby French Tobacco with just the addition of leaves and smoke, which I love so very much. I didn't want to get backup bottles this year, but I might have to break that ban with this.
  3. Haltija

    It Jittered Out of the Woods

    I completely am with @Bassmastadroog in the fact that this smells oddly clean and ozonic. There is something in here that reminds me of this almond and shea soap I used to use years ago. My Mother even smelled it and agreed with me. It's lovely, but definitely not what I was expecting. I could easily wear this all year round, it's inoffensive and actually a little comforting.
  4. Haltija

    Pumpkin Trash Bag

    I let this one rest for a few hours before I even opened it much less put it on. I am so pleased to report that this is everything I wanted out of this cute little fella. The peppery leaves is definitely the first thing that jumps out on the skin, but the orange is peeking through ever so slightly to give that little juicy edge. As it wears the orange candy note overtakes the blood orange and I don't mind it at all, because blended with the earthiness of the leaves it makes it smell very cheerful and atmospheric in it's own playful way. It lasted a good four hours on my skin, give or take.
  5. Haltija

    To His Mistress Going to Bed

    Come, Madam, come, all rest my powers defy, Until I labour, I in labour lie. The foe oft-times having the foe in sight, Is tird with standing though he never fight. Off with that girdle, like heavens Zone glistering, But a far fairer world encompassing. Unpin that spangled breastplate which you wear, That theyes of busy fools may be stopped there. Unlace yourself, for that harmonious chime, Tells me from you, that now it is bed time. Off with that happy busk, which I envy, That still can be, and still can stand so nigh. Your gown going off, such beauteous state reveals, As when from flowery meads thhills shadow steals. Off with that wiry Coronet and shew The hairy Diadem which on you doth grow: Now off with those shoes, and then safely tread In this loves hallowd temple, this soft bed. In such white robes, heavens Angels used to be Received by men; Thou Angel bringst with thee A heaven like Mahomets Paradise; and though Ill spirits walk in white, we easily know, By this these Angels from an evil sprite, Those set our hairs, but these our flesh upright. Licence my roving hands, and let them go, Before, behind, between, above, below. O my America! my new-found-land, My kingdom, safeliest when with one man mannd, My Mine of precious stones, My Empirie, How blest am I in this discovering thee! To enter in these bonds, is to be free; Then where my hand is set, my seal shall be. Full nakedness! All joys are due to thee, As souls unbodied, bodies unclothd must be, To taste whole joys. Gems which you women use Are like Atlantas balls, cast in mens views, That when a fools eye lighteth on a Gem, His earthly soul may covet theirs, not them. Like pictures, or like books gay coverings made For lay-men, are all women thus arrayd; Themselves are mystic books, which only we (Whom their imputed grace will dignify) Must see reveald. Then since that I may know; As liberally, as to a Midwife, shew Thy self: cast all, yea, this white linen hence, There is no penance due to innocence. To teach thee, I am naked first; why then What needst thou have more covering than a man. John Donne Licence my roving hands, and let them go, Before, behind, between, above, below. Skin like silk: bourbon vanilla, caramelized patchouli, Siamese red benzoin, and fig. Oh the pressures of being first to review. I will do my best. I absolutely adore this one simply for the fact it reminds me of A Measurement of the Soul from the 2014 Yules. I immediately recognize the same fig note and it does smell almost like a fig pudding, but not foodie per say. The bourbon vanilla is a note I barely smell here and I honestly do not mind either. The patchouli on the other hand is very present and very much caramelized. Honestly, people who fear patchouli might even want to give this a try because it's not too woody nor is it too smoky.... It's just there giving a backbone to the scent. But the fig is the star here, on me at least. I will very much enjoy my bottle.
  6. Holy hell! My opinion should be taken with a grain of salt. This is just how it works on my chemistry. But it's like my beloved French Tobacco has a gorgeous halo of the sexiest smoke from the vetiver hovering over it. I smell chocolate and it is dark but it's not foodie, on me at least. The vetiver isn't grassy, it's purely smoky. I am absolutely smitten! Beth, you must of read my mind when I was thinking I needed more blends like French Tobacco. I need tons of backups of this, thank you.
  7. Haltija

    Bunraku Theater

    Beeswax and hay absolute with sweet hops, pumpkin rind, and tobacco. This is definitely the same pumpkin/hay combination that I smell from my bottle of Pumpkin I from 2012 and I love it. There is a tiny tiny hint of beeswax lending a creaminess with the tobacco and the other Autumnal notes. I don't detect any hops at all and that's just fine. This is very much a Autumn scent and I think I will put it away until then. It is very stunning and definitely unisex.
  8. Haltija

    Hyakki Yagyō

    Upon the opening stage of this, it honestly made my eyes go weird. It had this really dominant funk to it that just about made me recoil-- which isn't normal because every single solitary note in this is a total win on my skin, even together. I was about to give up until it started to dry and it dries down to a sibling of Streets of Detroit, at least on me. I even pulled out my bottle and did a side by side and they could be related. The one thing that shows up quite strong on me is actually the black musk and champaca--- not a single trace of coconut to be spotted. It's dark, heavy, musky and not for the faint at heart.
  9. Haltija


    Stunning sweet earthiness with the barest hint of fresh crisp woods. On me it almost is mimicking the way fallen tree branches smell right after it's rained during a full sunny day.
  10. Haltija

    The Pleasure of Aristocratic Women

    Yep. Definitely a sweet amaretto, coconut beauty on my skin. It's quite pretty in it's subtlety and therefore it's one that you may need to slather every now and then. I like it. But I think a decant is enough.
  11. Haltija

    Seated Couple Leaning on Hips

    SEATED COUPLE LEANING ON HIPS Sake, skin musk, and ambrette seed. I love this! In the bottle it's a super strong blast of sake, it's insanely boozy and way more upfront than other sake blends from the lab. Wet on the skin the sake stays dominant but it's now supported by gorgeous musk that almost goes along the lines of floral. It has a tiny tiny second of smelling a little soapy but it fades the more it dries and when it begins to completely dry it is a lovely softened floral musk with a touch of sweetness. I think this would be great for a hot Summer day and I am very glad to have a bottle of it.
  12. Haltija

    2004: Paper Phoenix

    Can't say anything else other than it really is Antique Lace and Dorian. It's perfect, I immediately put it on the second I got the bottle and I kept re applying throughout the day. There is not a single thing about this scent that isn't amazing. If you love either scent, get this, please, you will regret it if you don't.
  13. Haltija

    Groan of Mortal Terror

    This is my beloved French Tobacco with a gorgeous dollop of smoky amber. The amber makes it smell thicker, warmer and a little powdery. Of course I am in love and am glad to have a bottle.
  14. Haltija

    Dead Leaves and Squished Candy Corn

    I keep on trying the Dead Leaves and there hasn't really been a strong winner for me, until now. This is sooo good. I definitely get a more buttery smell with it. It tends to smell a little like butterscotch after a while, so fun! At times it's so sugary but not in the traditional sense.... Almost spicy sweet. The waxy smell is there but it's hardly noticeable on me. Very nice for this time of the year and it will get a lot of use.
  15. Haltija

    Stealthily, Stealthily

    I ADORE THIS! Oh, how I am the biggest sucker for a stunning violet scent and this certainly delivers. On me, it's a touch similar to Fleurette's Purple Snails and that's one of my HG violet scents next to beautiful Faith. This is just so subtle in it's beauty that I swoon each time my nose hits my wrist. I have to agree with Lycanthrope. It flirts, and it flirts in the softest manner. One moment I smell violet only and then the next minute I get a delicate waft of the orris and lavender mixing in with it. The iris really never makes a strong presence on me, totally fine. I have tested this twice now to see if it's worth a bottle and I think it is..... It fits me for when I want to smell pretty but not let the scent enter the room before I do. If you love violet, don't let this pass you by because you might regret it.
  16. Haltija

    Brunch Witches

    Definitely agree with VioletChaos. It's got low throw, but I don't mind because I would slather this all day. It's definitely a softer pancake smell and honestly when it's first on it smells like pumpkin syrup. But once it dries the actual pancake note comes out and the berries to me smell like blueberries, just how my skin interprets it. Sometimes I forget this is supposed to be a pumpkin pancake smell because when I close my eyes I immediately go "This is a blueberry crepe drizzled in pumpkin syrup" It's just delicious. Period.
  17. Haltija


    Blue lilac, lily of the valley, golden musk, beeswax, white ginger, bergamot, green tea, and nectarine. Lily of the Valley is a nemesis on me, thank goodness I get none of it here because otherwise this beautiful scent would be ruined. I don't know fully how to describe it. But I went over the description of what I think it's like in my head over and over and I feel confident enough to say that on me it really does dry down to smelling like some very Victorian, very beautiful body powder. Like a really subtle vanilla and lilac body powder. It smells like skin, but in the most naturally pretty way possible and now I keep thinking that might be because of the beeswax. In short. I adore it and I want a bottle.
  18. Haltija

    The Urchins

    Yep, floral musk with a heavy powderiness and a smack dab of honey. This scent is so eerie and unsettling in the cutest of ways to me. It does smell like child-like but in the way that you see a group of nice cheery kids that seem to be all proper and lovely, but you know the minute you let that guard down they are the most terrible and vicious children you could ever imagine. Exactly what The Urchins shows us in their photograph.......... Fake smiles and laughter to hide terror. Unexpected and I like it.
  19. Haltija

    If your top 5 scents are... Then try these!

    Check out Horreur Sympathique since you love Bathsheba For the more female version of Dragon's Hide, hmmmmm maybe The Black Rider or The White Rider. I love both, personally. For Ogygia I think you may enjoy Yemaya.
  20. Haltija

    If your top 5 scents are... Then try these!

    If you love Samhain, try to take a look at Punkie Night for sure. Since you like Gobo but like sharp orange, maybe take a look at Schrodinger's Cat. It's a plethora of fruity notes but on my skin it can change from either heavy orange or a mix of orange and lemon (but tart juicy lemon)
  21. Haltija

    Peach, White Ginger, and Cubeb Hair Gloss

    This is not going to be a super in depth review. I just got to say that this is one of the main, sometimes only HG I actually use during the Summer months. It's refreshing, uplifting and has a zing to it that I can't really describe. You just have to smell it for yourself. I hardly get any tea. It's all peach and white ginger. When the dreadful day of me running out of this happens, I don't know what I will do. It's one of the best Summer glosses, period.
  22. Haltija

    Entertaining the Heian Court Maiden

    Warm and resinous for sure. It's all honey and oudh on me and I agree with a reviewer above saying it smells like Half-Elf, because on full dry down that's the association I get. I will gladly keep my decant
  23. Haltija

    Cave of Treasures

    LILAC LOVERS REJOICE! It is no secret that my favorite Lilac scent from the Lab is Ashlultum. But, dammit if this isn't giving it a run for it's money. I am such a fan of honeyed or sugared florals and this just hits all of my love radars. It's honeyed lilac with cream and a faint dance of amber. I get no cardamom at all, even during the full dry down and even though I love cardamom and think it would just up the percentage of how stunning this is, I love it the way it is. It screams Springtime and just being happy, bright eyed and beautiful. I immediately got myself a full bottle and may need another
  24. Haltija

    Adventure with Bandits in a Kago

    Pretty! This smells creamy, sweet and juicy on my skin with a vague hint of almost going tropical and that could be the combo of nectarine and gardenia being the most dominant on me. Gardenia and I have a love hate relationship........ But in this, it's stunning and not too cloying. I like it, but not enough for a bottle.
  25. Haltija

    Pleasures of the Imagination II

    I had the same result as Lizzie. Super strong chemical smell on first application. It fades only slightly and I get a touch of sandalwood trying to cover it up. I get no tobacco whatsoever and only very little whiffs of leather. That chemical smell never truly disappears. Not a winner at all.