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BPAL Madness!

Minh Scent

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Posts posted by Minh Scent

  1. Strahlend and Annemathamatics, thank you, thank you for your thoughtful comments. Based on your input, I will put Interfector as top choice, with Perversion running second.


    Anne, you description of Sherlock being high pitched makes me understand it perfectly. I'm all about that bass! Ha!


    I do have Cafe Mille on the list. In fact my next order is reliant on the numbers of it left. I am also the happy owner of Question Mark, which I love.


    Oh, darn, I forgot about Hellfire.. but incense AND tobacco, sounds like it can be bought blind.


    Mars Ultor's lack of being able to keep it up us a cruel joke!


    Thanks again!!! Tobacco hugs!!!

  2. Alright, I have been combing through this thread for GC tobacco recommendations (very useful!), as well as looking at the 20 or so blends that come up on the main BPAL website. Bearing in mind my favorite BPAL of all times is Antikythera Mechanism and that I also have and like Black Rider and Dracul, which of these would you recommend if only one "allowed" to be purchased. (Sadly, Havana and Kali are "out of stock". Not sure if that means forever.)

    1. Perversion

    2. Interfector

    3. Ogun

    4. Elegbra

    5. Sarah, the Mother Bear

    6. Sherlock Holmes


    Thank you for your input!

  3. Very, very green on application (pine, minty, herbal). Actually, a bit strong for me. However, gorgeous on dry down, pleasant and natural smelling. I am also picking up something sweetish. No wood at all, although a small tad of...incense?!)


    Ah, the oil is such a pretty mint green. Best part about the imps- we can appreciate the color!


    ETA- not long lasting. After two hours, barely perceptible.

  4. Admittedly, I bought this for the story. It starts out pretty white flowers on me, but then starts morphing like crazy. I can pick out the individual flower notes of oleander, rose and magnolia at different tines. Then the frankincense. This is so ethereal, so beautiful, so fitting for spirits. I love it and love this whole line. Every Lilith has been such a winner for me!

  5. Wow, either my nose is totally off or I got a different batch, because my experience is not matching other comments. I bought a blind bottle because all the notes were winners, First 30 minutes, all I smell are roses, not tea rose or buds or fresh cut or rose with greenery, but full blossomed roses that are just about past their prime. Not unpleasant or necessarily strong, but very THERE. Well past dry down, the honey and orange blossom make their appearance, beautiful and very close to skin, with the roses receding. I get no sandalwood at all. A very pretty scent, light and fresh (after the roses exit a bit!) I get no baby powder, nothing cloying or over-sweet. Hard to take my nose away from my arm! I might layer this over sandalwood oil, because I want that in this scent!

  6. 2014 version


    I can barely pick up the frankincense and myrrh. The florals come in play very early, but although there is more than just rose, that is what is center stage. If you are a fan of rose, It is a pretty scent, no doubt about it.

  7. This is so beautiful! I did not detect the licorice mentioned at all, in fact, it was hard for me to pick out individual notes at all, except I did smell smokey incense in the dry down. I was surprised it did not last long.



    This is aging sooo beautifully! It continues to be flawlessly blended, but now I am able to admire the patchouli and incense smoke a a bit more. Exotic yet sophisticated. Wow!

  8. This is a stunner to me. It starts out heavy with pumpkin and then settles into spice (not too much cinnamon), with the honeys making it deliciously sweet. However, not too sweet, as the oud and frankinsence ground it nicely. I was going to layer it, but love it as it is so much, that I did not. My students loved it, said it smelled like caramel candy. It does not to me, but I think that is what they know, as they are children.

  9. This came in the vanilla imp pack. It us a heady, sophisticated blend of lily and vanilla, supported beautifully by the sandalwood.It is sexy, with the amber and orris delicately weaving themselves in the background. I do not know what ambergris or elmini smell like. Thank goodness thus is GC!

  10. When I first put this on, I didn't think of Alice at all but rather Marie Antoinette shouting, "Let them eat cake!" However, the cake goes away and I then get currents and vanilla, lovely, long lasting, close to the skin.

  11. Orc

    I love testing things before reading the notes. It was clearly vetvier at first sniff with "something" green. Then leather. I really like it! And had a good hoot to find the green note was zuchinni! A keeper!

  12. This is so easy to wear, starting out with cedar and sage, as well as a light blend of fig and honey. The carnation came out after about 30 minutes. Six hours later, I am left with a soft, pleasant fig-scented honey. I am surprised the cedar took an exit, as I assumed it was a base note. So glad I have a bottle of this, as it is great scent to slather.


    Edit after 1+ month. This is more beautiful than before, the carnation being stronger. The fig note is perfect, much softer and less sweet than in Strangler Fig or the Grave Pig.

  13. I try to test things before looking at the notes and at first in the imp sniff could not distinguish anything. On the skin it first smelled awful, like a wet nappy and then the lemon kicked it. Really kicked! I have learned to be patient with BPAL morph magic and sure enough, after 10 minutes, rose and apple, which settles finally into a long lasting soft rose with an apple scented veil. Lovely after a shocking beginning! Rose fans might enjoy this in hot weather.

  14. This is a gorgeous holiday blend for me because of the pine which is fresh and bright. In the dry down, caught the juniper and finally the vanilla snuggles in with the rosewood, while the pine plays along. I don't think it is at all masculine, but rather a great scent for all. Delighted with this frimp! Thank you, Lab!

  15. It's good to hear that in general, BPAL ages well, except perhaps for the gourmands and citrus. This is certainly something to consider in terms of buying scents and deciding if they need to be used up immediately in wild abandon or can have some cuddle time in the cupboard. Very pleased to hear many of you have some very long lived (and well loved) bottles. I guess Beth or Brian's answer of "one year" in the Frequently Asked Questions on the main site is a disclaimer to protect themselves from whingers.
