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BPAL Madness!

Minh Scent

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Posts posted by Minh Scent

  1. Oh, thank you, Keileya, for your thoughtful response. I will mark my subject line for email #2 as you suggested.


    I do understand the component issue, but doubt if that is the case for all 7 of my orders and I would think they would send the ones that were complete. I only come to the US once or twice a year, so if this batch doesn't arrive by 25th, I have to wait til June.


    You know, I really love this company and think their oils are lovely. If it were any other company I would be up in arms at what I see as poor customer service (really, not answering emails?!) However, I saw Beth on a Katy Puckrik Youtube video and got such good vibes from her...not to mention their company does generous community projects. Four other scent companies (also very small) processed my orders in less than two days; I guess the best is just the last!


    Again, thank you for sharing your experience, Keileya.


  2. I see this topic is almost two years old. Is the contact email still answers@blkackphoenixalchemylab.com? I wrote to that address last week because my credit card was double billed on one of my 7 orders. None of my 7 orders since Oct 26 has been processed. Is this normal? I do understand there can be up to a month wait, but I was hoping to get at least a few of the orders before the holidays and according to the threads, many orders way after mine have been processed. Thank you for any input.

  3. Saffrin and Dementia Divine,


    Thank you both for your helpful replies.


    So, indeed, get on it if it is going to "no longer live". I did notice that Question Mark was restocked, but I guess one should not rely on the fact that things will be restocked during the "live" period; it must be dependent on available sources.


    Are all old scents on "In Memoriam"? The Lilith descriptions are so beautiful, I would hate them to fade away until nothing. However, I did notice that they only have the Halloween, Yule etc from the previous year.


    Warmest scents to you both.

  4. I did use the search function, so apologies if this has been answered.


    On the announcements, I see statements such as "Lilith series live until December 8"...or "X goes live on ...". Does this mean that when they are no longer live, they cannot be purchased and I need to get on it quick?


    In the same light does "Out of Stock" mean gone forever for limited additions, but return for the general catalogue when the scents come in?


    Thank you for your patience, as I know these are elementary questions.


