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Posts posted by tziporra

  1. Source: Twilighteyes was sweet enough to trade me a partial, and I immediately dumped it over my hands.


    I get a lot of hay and apple and not very much cream, which is a relief because this accident could have been hugely headache inducing under different circumstances. I really love the hay note, and it marries so beautifully with the apple here. Instead of making it read FALL DAMNIT it's kind of a high end body product kind of apple. In fact, the entire scent really reminds me of this incredibly decadent Laura Mercier body cream I used to own with a light clean milk scent. Like that but with apples.



  2. So much yes. This is the single note tobacco accord with all its sweet chewy caramely goodness married to a leaf pile and it's glorious. Along the same sweet leaf vein as World Where There are Octobers but with less danger of pancake syrup. Also, much easier to justify wearing than that TINY AMOUNT OF SINGLE NOTE TOBACCO I HAVE LEFT OH NOOOOOOS. I picked up a partial, and I'm certain I will be unable to resist buying another bottle it's just so very good.


    Easily my favorite weenie.




  3. Ugh. My oh so kind decanter of the 2015 carnivals sent me a sniffle of this one, which was enough oil for one very light application. And of course I'm in love, even though I'm not in a floral mood and this is ridiculously floral. Light and lovely and sweet and girly and just the perfect lilac and I'm totally in love. I hope this one comes back....



  4. I have a very good track record with the labs sarsaparilla note (I call them the root beer scents, but in a loving way. I'm a root beer nit), so I'm surprised when this one smells of paint thinner right out of the imp (decanted by Ralenth). Fortunately that lasts about a second and then I'm enveloped in the best of the root beer scents. Creamy but dark (patchouli thank you for being awesome) with a nice hit of the pine bark in the background. It's like a root beer float in the woods right after the rain when the soil is all loamy and rich smelling and oh goodness I love it.


    I'm getting a bottle even though I wanted to move toward more traditional perfumery scents because gah.




    ETA: I was perusing the above reviews (I try to write mine unaided) when it hit me that this is strongly in the So Below family because patch and coconut and assorted woodsy things. To my nose it's not as resiny or powdery as SB, and different enough to warrant its own bottle. But aficionados may take note.

  5. Arrrrrrgggggggggggg.


    In the bottle, insanely beautiful. A little mojito-esque, what with that mint and honey going on. And the heady floral overtones. Just lovely.


    On my skin, not so much. First we muddle through the Horrible Tea Drydown which is the sour thing tea does on my skin that makes me want to cry. And then when we have made it through that we are left with an amped sugar note that is cloying in it's too muchness.


    Alas. I loooooooove this in the imp. Probably wonderful on everyone else but me.



  6. There is a terrible moment in the dry-down of all tea scents on my skin. It's just sour yuck on me, unforgivably strong tea-ness. Theodosius is so good every other second, from the bottle, to the soft vanilla bergamot loveliness after, that I'm considering upgrading to a bottle anyway. I've been craving more "perfumey" scents from the lab, and this one fits the bill. The fougere reads like an upscale men's scent, perfectly blended, warmed with vanilla, sparkling with musk. It's really nice. I'm torn.


    More testing needed.



  7. So according to the description we have three notes.


    Lemon-silvered: you may be worried that you will smell like lemon pledge but I have the lemoniest pledged skin and I only get it for a second here. Do not fear the lemon


    Pear: note that I got the order wrong. It's intentional. The pear is lovely. It's not quite as sparkly and young as in something you'd find at the drugstore, but neither is it (on me) a spicy ripe fall pear. This is a sexy pear. A come hither pear. Likely because of


    Musk: oh heaven this is the best cleanest sexiest musk ever. And the wear time is foooooooooorever - I've been wearing it to bed which is ideal because I get some nice pear action in the evening while I'm falling asleep or, um, whatever, and then I wake up in the morning to seriously one of the best musks I've ever smelled. It's a lot like the Ava Luxe Oriental Musk which I am a huge fan of, but without any hint of plastic. Just insanely good. If you are a fan of clean musks I cannot recommend this highly enough.





  8. I bought a bottle of this unsniffed even though it sounded entirely too foods for me and could have been a cloying disaster on my skin. The cardamom convinced me, it's one of my favorite notes.


    And. Oh.


    It's so good. I used to have a light fruity apricot room spray that I adored. Very springy and fresh and wonderful. This is very much like that but ever so much better. It's just exactly how I want to smell when I want to smell like apricots. Which is more now than before I got this oil. A lot more. It's a definite perfumery apricot, well supported by the bourbon vanilla, and the cardamom keeps it from being cloying with a sweet spiciness. I just love it. I had not found a fruity fragrance from the lab that worked well on me, and in this update I got two!





  9. NOM. This is very much root beer (from the nutmeg) and leather and vanilla after the fashion of Tombstone and The Bow and Crown of Conquest, but I like it better than either of them (well, my bottle of Tombstone was absconded with by a friend, so I can't compare side by side, but I think I like it better. Anyway, I have this and I don't have that, so that's a plus).


    It has a moment of terrifying leather amp in the drydown but then it was all well behaved spiced carmelized vanilla soda with a nice floral depth added in for good measure to make it slightly less manly than Tombstone. 100% in for a bottle.

  10. Huh, my experience with this is pretty radically different than the others listed here. I get a blast of peach blossom right out of the bottle and then it's all peach blossom all the time until I fall asleep. It's really much floral. Much, much floral. The kind of floral that is all flowers with not much else going on except MOAR FLOWERS. I'm a floral lover, but I have to have them grounded with a resin or a spice or a wood or something. This has none of that. Just florals. If you like straight flowers or fruity florals this might be your thing. I'm thinking Juliet here.

  11. Yeah, so, this is like Badgers on me but easier to wear (the leather in Badgers is _really_ thick on my skin, and while this is still a dense scent, I don't get the leather headache right away).


    I get leather on top, a nice warm vanilla, and carnation to mellow it out. Around the edges I can find the cedar, which also keeps the roundness of this scent in check and gives it a well defined edge. I didn't get lavender at all, but maybe I didn't thoroughly roll my bottle before applying.


    I always like the _idea_ of masculine leather scents more than I like the scents themselves. I collect them, I like them in the bottle, but on my skin the leather usually does give me a headache. Also, I'm a slatherer and over-applied leather is the worst. Bow is very leathery, but the other notes appear to keep it in check. Definitely a keeper, although we'll have to see if that is because of "collectibility" or real love.




    Eta: this is definitely reminiscent of Tombstone, which I am missing a bottle of, and which is in my top ten. I think this can just take it's place for now.

  12. Wet on skin it's MINT which is funny because I bought my bottle at ECCC after skin testing it and finding it was all ANISE wet. I'm hopeful the anise will reappear with some aging, but I can definitely agree with all the itsmellslikeabsinthe wet crowd.


    Dry the soft veil of Victorian Oriental Perfume really comes to the fore in a spectacular fashion. This is a vintage perfume scent, perfectly backed up by laudanum. It's still airy and minty around the edges. On my skin this is really spectacular, and I'm so happy I found it. Definitely one I would never have guessed was going to be true love based on notes and reviews.


    It's very old fashioned, and you might find it grandmotherly if your grandmother has a love of absinthe and is still spectacularly beautiful (but still cuddly).



  13. Rose-washed fur and a spray of bleeding hearts, China asters, and peony.

    First off, as a native northwesterner, I just want to say that I ADORE the concept of these blends. I completely believe in the existence of Sasquatch, and gothic Victorian Sasquatch just makes me laugh and laugh. The art is especially wonderful!

    However, when I got to the lab booth at ECCC none of the scents really grabbed me in the bottle. I guess I'm not really much for the furry smells? But I felt like I should snag one of them, anyway, and so I ended up with Lady Cecily. It smells vaguely like flowers in the bottle and so fine. Maybe it will work out (at this point I've skin tested 17 or so scents and so testing it at the booth is kind of out).

    First off I get sooooooouuuuuuuuuuuuuur rose and it's a bit terrifying. Like the taste of unsweetened rose hip tea. THAT SOUR. But that burns off pretty quick and indeed, this is a furry, powdery floral. On my skin, peony is the most prominent, lending a Victorian air. It really does remind me of some great scented shaggy St. Bernard named Princess or Petunia or the like. Wonderfully evocative, and not a bad scent either.

    It's extremely light on me, and since I'm on the fence about keeping it I don't know if I'm willing to slather to get better throw.



  14. I tested this at ECCC right off the bat as it was the only scent on my "to try" list that was available to sample (boohoo).


    It is a very sweet peach. On my skin this peach is just no good. It's amping (so no magnolia, sad) and it isn't a juicy fresh peach, it's a waxy candle peach. I smell like waxed fruit. I'm beginning to think that I just can't wear stone fruits, they are all cloying and off smelling.


    I can imagine in my mind's nose a wonderful fresh sparkly sweet floral peach that I would love to wear, but my skin is just not cooperating.


    I'm sorry Josie.




    Eta: this does have wonderful throw and staying power to last through my attempt to wash it off.

  15. Oh, hurray, I finally got to see what all the fuss was about! Tested (and purchased) at ECCC.


    Very sparkly "floral perfume" with smoke ringing the edges, supported by a lovely non-intrusive (ie no plastic cookies) vanilla and a hint of blondish leather.


    Just yum. Instant bottle buy, could not stop sniffing the back of my hand. If you like perfumerie scents with a twist, this one is 100% a winner.



  16. What is this I don't even?!?


    Did I possibly get a mislabeled bottle?


    On the other hand, this was a blind purchase, so I have no idea what it's supposed to smell like except from the above reviews.


    This is butchest sapphic scene I could have imagined. In the bottle it's straight cologne. On my skin I start to amp a note that rings the "Irish Spring" alarm bell, and if I wasn't sitting here with the note list in front of me I would have said, "woah there is a lot of moss in this". But I can see there is NO MOSS. I also would have said, "this is a lot like Nuages Gris on my skin, but more masculine." But I can see that this and Nuages Gris share NO NOTES.


    I'm so confused.


    Anyway, on my skin this a very green but not herbal cologne. I really really like it (and my husband is going to adore it, he always wants me to smell like a boy), but it is exactly nothing like I expected.



  17. I bought this unsniffed because my sanity is somewhat suspect. It is full of death notes - the lab's fig generally goes strangely powdery on my skin, many vanillas turn to plastic, and any kind of dairy-foodie deliciousness instantly smells like dried baby spit-up.


    However, the reviews sounded wonderful, and despite all the above I was shocked to find I can wear Uncle Traveling Matt, so even though my lovely Luper enabler did not have this one on hand for me to sniff I took the chance.


    I'm insanely happy I did.


    To my nose this does, in fact, smell almost exactly like a fig newton in the bottle. But on the skin the florals bloom and the scent is fresh and young. This is not a cooked fig, but a juicy ripe one, doused in vanilla sugar and eaten in a flower garden. Definitely Uncle Traveling Matt for warm weather. This is a SWEET scent, but I'm shocked to find that is all I want to wear lately - scents that are tooth achingly sweet, but absent of any foody associations. This one definitely fits the bill.


    It's very light, but I am happy to slather.





  18. I wanted pesto, I got musky patchouli against a background of greens.


    The herbal character of the description is really what called to me, but I do not smell like an herb garden. Instead I smell like a very clean man. I'm already half in love with the Loki of the Avengers, but if he snuggled up to me smelling like _this_ I would definitely be gone.


    On my skin it is far too masculine (I wear "male" scents frequently, but this doesn't just smell like cologne on me - it smells like the man himself). I'd buy a bottle for my man if he needed more scents, but he's well set at this point.



  19. I admit, I was hoping this would be like Noctiphobia on me (that had no notes listed, so why did I think that?) but this is not really the vastness of space kind of night. The is a dark empty kind of night, with no hope and no future. A heat-death, end of the world kind of night.


    I'm also amber the amber like woah, so on the drydown it's difficult for me to pick out any of the other lovely notes I wanted. No aquatics on my skin, just dark resins with no sharpness or brightness (fittingly) to lift them.


    Not for me.



  20. I wore Black Lotus to play Magic the Gathering (I mean, okay, it was originally for the name) and found it to be the perfect cool, calm, rational, good decision type scent.


    And then I ran out. Probably should hunt myself up another bottle, eh?




    Edit for double post. Blerg.
