Hello everyone! I'm Ada, and I've recently tumbled down the BPAL rabbit hole. I've been poring over the exhaustive selection here, and I'm both intrigued and a bit overwhelmed - if you'd lend me your expertise, I'd be grateful.
I'm a 24 year old woman in the sciences (I'm pursuing a Masters in Biology - I study territorial behavior and gene expression within the context of evolutionary biology). I am very serious about scientific and evidence-based thinking as an approach to daily life, and try to conduct myself dispassionately - though I can have a weakness for issues surrounding justice, which I'm working on. I'd like to work in a field that allowed me to apply and investigate scientific methods in a criminological context - my undergraduate degrees are in biology and psychology. I'm also big on research surrounding neuroabnormality in general - neuropsychological research really gets me fired up.
I have a "to the point" sort of personality, though I sometimes come off as detached or 'spaced out'. I'm not really the type for small talk, but people tend to come to me with their problems. I love puzzles and mysteries, and am big on games (particularly video games) that incorporate those kind of elements into gameplay - I live for moments of epiphany when I've figured something out. I like to analyze characters and stories and can get a bit too into literary analysis on occasion. Lately I've developed an interested in more understated Victorian era-inspired fashion.
"Personality typing" assessments seem popular in this thread, too. I'm an INTP on the MBTI. I don't put weight into astrology so I don't know the specifics of my'rising' or 'falling' signs, but I do know that I'm on the Libra/Scorpio cusp. I generally test as a Ravenclaw on Harry Potter assessments (it's been nudged out by Slytherin on a few occasions). I'm hazel-eyed with pale skin and freckles, reddish-brown hair, and a slender, boyish build.
I'm new to BPAL and fragrances in general, though I don't like anything too sweet or cloying, or anything with overpowering patchouli. If it smells like it came out of a drug store, I'm not likely to be interested in it. If you've bothered reading this far, thank you very much. I'd love some suggestions!