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Posts posted by lixolux

  1. its very very very spicy and very very very complex - i smell some pumpkin and clove but not so much leaves and such - but i cant pick any particular things - a very velvety brown colored scent - its a little too much for me -makes my teeth hurt a little bit - though i am going to wait a couple weeks to give up on it because in theory (and description!) this should be my heaven-scent!

  2. i dont get any of the smokiness that are being mentioned - it is in shape alot like harvest moon, it starts out very heavy foody lovely smell that on my skin morphs totally into a very green cucumber light floral. Chalk it up to different body chemistry!

  3. its late october, we just built a firepit and are about to light a bonfire outside, the stars are out finally after days of clouds and storm....chimera matches tonight so perfectly crisp cinnamony and resiny - nighttime chai bonfire time! i love it!

  4. i never thought i would love this one as much as i do! i really dislike cherry anything, but this smells just like what i feel like Sarah Jessica Parker in Girls Just Wanna Have Fun would be wearing.


    Jailbait smells exactly like Bazooka bubble gum, upon wearing it becomes Big Red and then morphs into a slightly more sophisticated scent of Loves Baby Soft on a hot summer day.


    I put legwarmers on and slapped on some turquoise eyeshadow to go with it! I think I could wear this everyday!!

  5. Based on a venerable French pontifical incense blend: monastic frankincense and myrrh, Damascus rose, Russian gardenia, cassia, and lily of the valley wafting on a chill Autumn wind. A celebration of the glory and suffering of the saints and matryrs of the Church.

    I tottered over to Black Broom to get this lovely - so glad i did! Bear with me, I really cant figure out why i love this so much, but it is really comforting and delicious!

    out of the bottle - smells just like Harvest Moon when you put it on - the part where it deepens into chocolatey dark corny bread. uhoh, i am hoping this isnt a mislabel! but its definately different from Harvest Moon out of the bottle, darker, softer.

    upon wearing - de - li - ci -ous!!!!! Its very dark and soft, i cant pick out any particular notes just see in my mind dark wood moulding, marble floor, woolen suits and maybe a little tobacco

    drydown - It gets a little lighter, like the florals are making a last desperate attempt to push their way through the dark softness, but then settles into a lovely softness, much like velvet but darker and smoother and lighter (is that possible! yes it is!). It has lasted a really long time on me, i put it on like 4 hours ago and i still can a sniffasniff....

    This is my FAVORITE oil to date. I cannot stop sniffing my wrist in the most obsessive way! I also must state that this smells NOTHING like what i thought it would from the description!! I didnt immediatly order this when the LEs were announced because i was a little scared of the rose and gardenia aspect of All Saints - I have been having bad luck with florals lately - but whatever the "Autumn Chill" is seems like what helps it mix into something so indescibably formal, delicious and comforting! I wish it was cooler here, this is what i want my turtleneck sweaters to smell like, and makes me want to wear my glasses and a bun in my hair. In a sexy librarian way, of course! :D

    edited to add: i wore it again today and its less foody, more resinous, im feeling the church thing a lot more now. I realized that it reminds me exactly of that Claire McCardell Monastic dress, brown jersey with a hood from the 40's, severe and sexy but tres formal. Still hard to pick out any notes. Still feels lovely formal and soft, and yes, monastic. :P

  6. if you like slightly foody florals then get thee some All Saint's immediatly, before its gone! its very chocolatey to me and the base of frankincense makes it very "old fashioned" but the rest of it makes me want to eat it!!!!! (in a throughly modern way of course!) Very much in the same way velvet is...but lighter.

  7. The Autumnal Equinox. The Second Harvest of the witches: a celebration of rest after labor, and repose after the rigors of Initiation. This is the mark of the completion of the Harvest and giving thanks for the previous season's abundance. In ceremonial magick, this is a time to begin the search for one's Higher Self anew, to celebrate rebirth and new life, and to revitalize the spirit. It is an Osirian time, contractive and catabolic. At this time, the Eleusinian mysteries were observed, celebrating the drama of Kore and Demeter. Blackberry wine and apple cider with hops, apple blossom, English ivy, hazel, sage, oak bark and myrrh.

    out of the bottle: its so weird, i get cherry sucrets! i really dont like cherry cough drops so i am sad and confused, but will push on and slather myself with it. Theres a real high menthol thing going on, tickley and bright.

    wet on skin: it still smells cough droppy but less cherry, this is good. This is a really complex oil, im having a really hard time picking out notes or even generalities - the high bubbly smell is still there (maybe its the apple cider or hazel) which i really like, its cutting through this smoggy day and alliveiating my headache!! medicinal applilcation!!

    dry: minty apple bubbly sage. for an hour now!

    an hour later: apple sage. yum yum.

    I think that this is the most confusing oil ive tried yet - its nothing at all like i thought it would be, i dont really smell most of the notes mentioned in the description, but i do like it and it got me out of a pollution-induced headache. It does revitalize the spirit though - i feel like its a big kick in the pants and isnt that what Mabon is about anyways??? :P

  8. The autumnal blooms of clematis, chrysanthemum, narcissus, sunflower, sage and lily twined with Dionysus' sacred grapes and ivy, a bounty of apple, pumpkin, and ripe berries, and the amaranth and lingum aloes of Janus, all touched by a gentle breath of festival woodsmoke and sweet wine.

    Out of the bottle - smells so DELICIOUS! I want to EAT it!! like cornbread, candy corn, corn on the cob, corn of all sorts! browns, oranges, reds, pumpkin, chocolate, heavy, brown, dried leaves...sort of like gluttony without the sharp hazelnut edge.

    wet on skin - still retains the heavy sort of foody feeling, mellowing even more (a deeper dark brown warm lovely fall night..more corn less pumpkin)

    dry - whoa! 10 minutes later its made a swift change, where it was deep and brown and full and heavy in the sky its now become soft, like after a big lovely heavy fall feast you have the pumpkin pie dessert and then are hanging out in the garden - the wine and flowers have taken over and are so light and lovely. I really smell the ivy and narcissus - it smells like night blooming flowers too. but very very very light - its like its saying goodbye.... :P

    Its hung onto these last light lovely notes for an hour now - Harvest Moon is one of the most dynamic shape-shifting oils ive experienced - i think that i might use it more as a room fragrance than on my skin (love at first sniff out of the bottle!) but this is a keeper!!!!

    eta: that ive been wearing it every day and night since i got it, i love every aspect of this oil!!

    ADDED Sept. 28:

    another review - of Harvest Moon as a room scent!

    I put about 3-4 drops in with some water and dried crumbled leaves in a pot pourri warmer and it started out with the high flowery notes but now a half an hour later it has settled back into the first foody corn-y deliciousness! It went backwards!!

    EDIT: Copied the addition from a followup post. --Shollin

  9. heres another question - has anyone refridgerated jojoba-diluted oils? I read somewhere about how jojoba oil is a preservative - but how much longer does it make it last? Im freaking out because i have way too many oils more than i will ever use in my life and it gets pretty hot here, so i want to try to preserve them as much as possible!!!

  10. so thankful i got this in a swap - its so absolutely enchanting. I get the sharp pine/citrusy thing wet - and as it dries it is like a walk from the deepest, mossyiest part of the forest, and then slowly evolves into a beautiful meadow full of the freshest grass and sunshine - most grass scents give me a massive headache but this one is so real and so pure. I would ensnare *myself* in Val San Retour just to enjoy the experience! Love at first sniff, i must have a big bottle of this!

  11. im having the same problem, i put my imp box in the back corner of my darkest closet - though still hot it was at least 10 degrees cooler in there!


    im tempted to take them with me, in box, everywhere i go, seeing as ive been trying really hard to stay entirely in air conditioning until this heat lets up! :P


    I think the cooler idea is the best - put a ice pack in there and like a towel and then the imps. Im wary of putting them in the fridge because once i put a refresher spray in there that was peppermint lavender and orange essential oils - whoa! the bouquet totally changed cold, it was a fierce orange and not a soft lavender anymore!!


    what is up with this weather? and yesterday was so dry i couldnt breathe and today is so totally humid its so crazy!

  12. The caterpillar is such a lovely complex scent - it really is a shape shifter as others have mentioned. It starts out upon wearing heavy on the spicy carnation for me, like the sizzle-ly carnation in Alice. (i feel like its a more alice hanging out with the caterpillar, as this smells like alice but with way more notes layered over it). Then its very jasmine-y, and then the final drydown i get a very very dry sandalwood-patchouli which smells exactly like my grandmother! Its the Bee Brand Sandalwood scent with a patchouli base - i love it!!

  13. Brings a rush of good luck, lifts the spirit, and helps alleviate depression.

    out of the bottle: this is a very round, rich, full warm ginger-peach-slight apricot-spicy-musky-herby soft scent. heavy on a vanilla-y richness, though its really hard to pick out any specific notes, just a general feeling..

    upon wearing: whoa its pretty strong! just a mini daub will do ya! it retained all of the same scent that it had in the bottle, deepened and softened ever so slightly. i know ive smelled some part of this smell in the carribbean, something musky and soft about it.

    so its a lovely soft perfume one could wear even in hot weather!

    but - and perhaps more importantly as this is a Voodoo Oil after all -

    these are all of the things that have happened since i started to wear it (late last night, reapplied this morning)

    *i feel happy! and honestly rather carefee! and had been feeling so schlumpy for the last week due to allergies!
    *my cat, who is not normally cuddly with me ever, would not leave me alone, trying to lick where i had daubed the Has No Hanna, purring, cuddling, and even slept on the bed cuddling next to me! this has NEVER happened before!
    *me and my boyfriend been looking for a couch for weeks now, despairing that there was nothing we liked that we could afford and about ready to sadly go the ikea route but then - this morning got a call from a friend who knew someone who had a couch they wanted to get rid of. went to look at it, its a totally beautiful vintage danish teak living room set (im freaking out!) from the estate of Ross Hunter (producer of early Rock Hudson and Doris Day films) and it was a steal! and now its in our living room right now!
    *discovered a new restaurant near our house that we had oddly never seen before and had the most delicious lunch ever!

    at about this time the oil has worn off, but what a fab day, let me tell you, this voodoo works!!!!

  14. i normally can't wear rose scents but this one - Old London is so *dry* it reminds me of ballet classes when i was a younger and specifically a recital piece in which we tossed rose petals up in the air and danced upon them, this scent has that fresh petal scent, and also a little of dirty pink leather shoes and musty backstages. a real memory scent for me.

  15. tisiphone upon wearing for me is a very intense rose scent - i had to double check the description as i felt like i had perhaps mistaken it for queen mab (perhaps its the mix of heady oleander + neroli that makes the faux rose) but then tisiphone races past queen mab and settles into the softest, incensy, rich, yet not sweet ylang ylang with a very subtle yet severe ground of black patchouli (which is what i think gives the "edgy" aspect to the scent - i usually cannot handle black patchouli but it is really light in this mix) its a little powdery but not the tea rose sort of tooth chatteringly powder, it is the sweet and sniff your wrists for hours kind.....and 2 hours later im still feeling like a VICIOUS SOFTIE....this is my new favorite!! :P

  16. oh i wanted to love this one. upon wearing it it immediatly became funky olive and 20 minutes later it smells like a funky deli (funky olive + black pepper + oily smell) on me. i can smell the raspberry and the ceder but its too far in the background to get me out of the deli :P

  17. i could sniff at my wrists forever...and then the phantasm dissappears! Definately a big bottle of this for me, i will carry it around and bathe in it and the bottle would probably last a week at most but its such a delicious light lemon spicy airy scent (the green tea makes it grounded, ever so slightly) that its all i want to smell like in the summertime!!!

  18. im very confused - im not sure if the Hellfire imp i got in a swap is the new or the old, but its like neither, wearing it its alot like...stale doublemint gum. with some spice behind it. its really weird, i kind of like it, its like all high spearmint notes and a dribble of background spice. nothing much else. Im going to order an imp from the lab with m next order to taste test...i want so badly to smell the ceremony!

  19. this is DEAD ON EXACTLY what it smells like in western china-tibet places when you walk into the beautiful buddhist temples and out of the bottle it has the exact incense smoky sharp smell of old wood and incense of a thousand years: upon wearing it mellows into a ceder then a smokiness that is exactly what it smells like in the country near Zhongdian, just outside the town in northern Yunnan Province closest to tibet, sleeping in a yurt, someones started the fire outside for buttered tea breakfast outside, waiting for our horses that never show up to try to ride into tibet unnoticed...


    and then it mellows out to a sweet soft incense that reminds me of dinner at my grand uncle's home, always a coil of incense burning at their shrine to Kuan Yin.


    this is a KEEPER its the smell of my ancestral home, its the smell of my spiritual homeland. Im freaking out. I have never had such a real physical reaction to a scent like this, im there in china while sitting on my dusty porch in LA>


    thank you so much for making this!!!!!!!! you guys are AMAZING!!!!

  20. very deliciously vanilla-ey and spic-ey and deep - i love it on, and it feels like a big soft lovely sexy aura. BUT- as soon as my boyfriend smelled it he freaked out and it smells to him exactly like his 11th grade girlfriend who would wear heavy vanilla perfume and smoke cloves and they would sneak to goth clubs in seattle and its the combo of all of that and leather and the wet and the pink club fake fog smoke that he smells in Snake Oil! Which i smell all of in Snake Oil too, except that its going to have to be a me-on-my-own-sexy-errands day sort of a scent, it freaks him out too much! :P

  21. desire =delicious! the patchouli grounds the rose so that its stays just this side (the good side!) of teeth-rockingly sweet to me. (i dont do rose scents so well!) Upon wearing it becomes a very pure rose smell to me - the kind of scent you hope to walk through in the middle of the night by the victorian down the street with the elaborate rose garden - when its hot and muggy and and quite a bit smoggy outside. Lovely!

  22. There's "something about it that reminds me of something" kind of like the old import shops in San Francisco i used to shop at in the 80's.

    exactly! its like a melange of spices and sweets all mixed up, lead by their fearless leader, Fig! The metamorphisis of this while wearing this scent has been the most extreme (much like roadhouse) It was much more ethereal and sharp smelling in the vial (menthol?) and upon first application, but mellows out quickly into a lovely sweet fig import shop smell.

  23. i love how warm and boozy it smells out of the vial but on me it immediately morphed into intense hazelnut that was in a battle with rum for my throat and then the drydown became exactly the same smell of the christmas pot pourri they break out every xmas at the union square Macy's where i worked for 2.5 years 10 years ago. instant work hell flash back. i had to scrub it off immediatley. Maybe as a room scent, so long as it doesnt take that avenue again!
