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BPAL Madness!


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About Rayvyn86

  • Rank
    lil stinker
  • Birthday 10/30/1979


  • Location
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    United States


  • BPAL of the Day
  • Favorite Scents
    Samhain, Devil's Night, October

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  • Pronouns
    Not Telling
  • Interests
    Cats, History, Writing, Humor, Reading, Music, Scents, Candle, Crafts, Halloween, Snark.

    My Wishlist: http://www.bpal.org/topic/127-wishlist/?p=2735640

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  • Chinese Zodiac Sign
    Nothing Selected
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  1. Rayvyn86

    Thieves' Rosin

    This was the FIRST BPAL (out of the over 200 I have tried) that I was like "Oh, hell, no! Gross! Please get it off me" upon application, but by drydown I was like "Ohhhhh yeah! This is amazing as hell!" As for the the notes - it's hard to say. Definitely sweet - sorta honey/amber sweet, but not really. With the sweet there's something herbal/harsh sap/waxy, but when mixed, it's a magical combination! Now, what can I steal - undetected - while smelling sooooo good?
  2. Rayvyn86

    Technical Boy

    I've never been compelled to post a review, but I don't think Technical Boy is getting as much love as it should! So, I'm sending out loving vibes and a "Tech Boy" tribute with my positive review! Technical Boy is a lovely, marvelous, interesting scent! For those who *are* "tech" boys and girls, or for those who *know* "tech" boys and girls - or their related ilk, gamers - perhaps your experience and memories of the type of smell that can be, uh, associated, with such folk isn't pleasant. Perhaps you’re even frightened of accidentally smelling like that if you indulge in this scent. (What IS that "unwashed gamer/geek funk" that seems to hang in the air above groups of tech/geek/gamer folk!?! It just happens! I’m not even exempt from exuding it when I get together with my geek friends!) But, rest assured, this "Technical Boy" DOESN'T smell like a real, angry, perhaps unwashed vaping tech boy or girl! If you're fresh and clean and Beth's "burning parts" and "vape smoke" mix with your skin chemistry, holy Holly is it wonderful! The "burning" is very soft and subtle. It's not acidic or sharp or gross or that stomach-turning sour burning. It's just a pleasant buzz of burning or maybe even electricity. The vape smoke is soft and sweet. My coarse nose can only explain it as “In the vanilla family.” I could almost guarantee that even if you don't like being around real vape smoke, you might find this vape smoke soft and sweet and pleasant and enveloping. I friggen adore this scent! If you're on the fence, or even the slightest bit interested, I'd say at least give it a test! It was definitely bottle-worthy for me. I'm going to layer it with Lightning to see if I can't get that jolt of electricity I was hoping would be in one of the rain/storm scents.
  3. Rayvyn86

    Ozone, Ozone, Ozone!

    You guys are the best and are validating my research! Thunder moon was also a Top 5 contender - but I couldn't find it anywhere!! Unfortunately I absolutely, 100% do not do lavender. :/
  4. Rayvyn86

    Ozone, Ozone, Ozone!

    WAIT!! Have you found a holy grail for me?? Ozone AND leather?? That sounds amazing! If I did my research correctly, this isn't a current scent, correct? It's a 2007 Salon, and that means it's going to be impossible to find, right? GAH! I shall start the hunt tonight! Aha! This one was on my shortlist as well, but I was turned off by the flowers as I don't typically enjoy florals. But, I'm getting so desperate for Ozone, I might just give it a try. This was on a list of possibilities for me, but I had a hard time finding it - or any of the other Phoenixes for that matter. Oh, LE, how you kill me!
  5. Rayvyn86


    Iago is INSANE sharp leather. Dee is a lovely (albeit not as strong) soft leather.
  6. Rayvyn86

    Ozone, Ozone, Ozone!

    I want MOAAAR Ozone... But, is this wishful thinking on my part? I'm not sure I've even smell the ozone I'm jonesing for in my one ozoney scent - Lightning. I adore my Lightning, but it reminds me mostly of rain, which is great, but lacks actual lightning. But what I really want is that electricity slashing through ozone. A tangy burning. Maybe I can layer something on top of my lightning to get that added punch that I seek? I want the smell of getting too close to one of those old CRT TVs. I want the sharp electricity of lightning cutting through in the air. I want to smell...electricity, I guess? Is it really electricity I'm looking for? Every time I review ozoney scents, people keep mentioning dryer sheets, so I'm wary of trying ozone heavy scents. How would you describe the lab's ozone? Does any lab scent have a true ozone feel? Any recs for the most electric/ozone scent - even if "ozone" or that feeling isn't the lab's intent?
  7. Rayvyn86

    ISO *Perfect* Winter Scent!

    Woah! Winter time sounds intriguing, and snow flakes and and Snow white sound right up my alley! Thank you for the recs! Oh thank you!! I had seen this rec elsewhere on the forum, but the poster misspelled Ondurdis, so I couldn't find reviews on it! After seeing the correct spelling and researching I'VE SENT THREE MESSAGES TRYING TO PROCURE A BOTTLE! Thank you!! :) Oh, man!! This sounds just what I was looking for!! Ok, I'm burrowing back to the sales pages again!! A summertime Skadi?? Intriguing!!
  8. Rayvyn86

    ISO *Perfect* Winter Scent!

    I want Skadi with mooooooar berrries! This is well-trod territory, I know, but I've always enjoyed beating a dead horse! (Wait, should that be inspiration for a new scent?) Anyway, hit me with your recs for snowy/piney winter scents, heavy on the berry (with sweet as an alternative). Smoke/fire doesn't hurt, either. Would love some GC or current Yule scents, so I don't start obsessing about some impossible to find prototype from 2001 or something!! ;P
  9. Rayvyn86

    ISO *Perfect* Winter Scent!

    You're so sweet, thank you! But I must say, this scent sounds....complicated!! As a newbie, Like, I immediately discount a scent if there are more than like five notes notes, or a ton of ones I'm unfamiliar with. I gotta get over that somehow!
  10. Rayvyn86

    ISO *Perfect* Winter Scent!

    Ooooh! This sounds FANTASTIC! Reviews say it "gender neutral," which is what I usually gravitate towards! Even though there are only three reviews, I think I'm coveting Mat Night! I see it's a 'retail only' scent, so I'm assuming I'll have to get it in the forum/Facebook/or Ebay. Wish me luck!!! Gah! So, I'm wearing Miskatonic U right now in a scent locket, and I'm reveling in it. REVELING. Like, I'm in a freezing cold classroom doing nothing for eight hours, and I don't even care because of Miskatonic! That's what I want my new winter scent to be, and Mat Night sounds SOOOO CLOSE!.
  11. Rayvyn86

    ISO *Perfect* Winter Scent!

    Wow! Ded Moroz sounds really interesting! But, I shy away from BPALs with so many different scents/notes. I'm still a newbie and it overwhelms me to consider all those notes. On the other hand, I suspect Beth knows what she's doing ( ), so how do I overcome my fear of complicated scents?? Spirits...
  12. Rayvyn86

    ISO *Perfect* Winter Scent!

    OMG! OMG! You're freaking awesome! I don't like the sounds of the mint, eucalyptus and camphor in Snow at Noon, but Almond Blossom is a definite "maybe." And Knecht Ruprecht sounds WONDERFUL, but seems to be a bit hard to find. but. But, BUT!!!! The Second Morning After Christmas. OMG! OMG! YES!! All the notes sound DELICIOUS! (I really love all the tabacco pipe ones), AND the added lure of Sherlock holmes in a purple dressing gown? This is def on my list! - I'll be ordering/ebaying TODAY!
  13. Rayvyn86

    ISO *Perfect* Winter Scent!

    Oh! Thank you for the suggestions! I'm realizing I'm sooo particular because I found notes in both of your lovely suggestions that I have blacklisted. Braving the Ice has got mint, and I can't/don't do clove from Gacela of the Dark Death. They do sound interesting tho!
  14. Rayvyn86

    ISO *Perfect* Winter Scent!

    Welp - I'm done for Autumn scents. It's not even worth pursuing any more Autumn scents now that I have my hands on Samhain and October! I've been slathering myself with them since I got 'em in early autumn, but I'm craving a seasonal change. So, I'm looking for that same "Samhain-level" perfection for Winter! I don't even know where to start! I want something fresh and crisp and snowy; although the snow in Skadi was too "laundry detergent" for me. Are all BPAL'S snows (along with Yankee Candle and everyone else?) laundry-detergenty? I also maybe want berries, but definitely NO MINT. NO MINT at all. I want crystalline beauty; breath hanging in the air while soaking up the warmth of a hot mug of coffee. Holly? A stream breaking through the snow?!? Pine? No Cinnamon. I also don't like florals - mainly rose and lavendar. I'm shying away from the snow scents, b/c BPAL's "snow" doesn't do it for me. After barreling into the world of BPAL, I decided to stay away from foodie scents because I can get all the foodie I want at the chain stores - buuuuut I may be open to a cookie or a vanilla note in an otherwise perfect winter BPAL scent. And finally, my ideal winter scent would be as potent as Samhain. I want it to last and last and throw and throw. So my fellow BPALers, any suggestions? The forum is so overwhelming I was unsure where to even look for such threads in the form (I'm sure they're there!) Skadi was so, SO close - but, eh. I'm looking for more!