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Posts posted by paperflowers

  1. I'm always up for a grape scent, and I love this!  It's going to replace Drops of Amontillado for me, because that was a lil freebie and I've only got 14 imps that I've hoarded.🙃  I can't slather it with wild abandon because ONLY 14 IMPS.  But you, Heart-Shaped Hot Tub, will fulfill my grape fantasies. ❤️ 


  2. I was bummed that I ended up with an entire bottle of this when a decant circle participant backed out after the Lab order was made.   BUT... it's an interesting little fall scent!  I was hesitant on the burnt coffee bean note, but it's not overwhelming.  This would be delightful in a scent diffuser!

  3. This reminds me of peach schnapps!  A bit cloying in my throat, sweet and warm.  I also have last year's Alleviate the Frenzy, and I can say that it has mellowed delightfully.  So if this is too strong for you, put it away for a while and re-discover it later!

  4. Ok, so I always thought I liked oud.  I love Pumpkin Oud!  But I've noticed that in some blends, oud smells like dirty diapers to me.  My notes for this particular oud blend are:
    Muted soap.  Something funky underneath.  1/10.  No.

  5. This was initially a light smelling scent to me, but on my skin it's warm, ripe, red fruits.  There's a haze of strawberry, but not straight-up fresh strawberry.  The pink amber gives it a little bit of a soft perfume-y scent.
