Pink Moon 07, 13 (April 07), Fairy Market, Hetairae, Alice, The Doormouse, Mictecahuatl
Love Notes: carnation, honey, amber, sandalwood, pepper, violet, orchid, jasmine, copal, frankincense, pumpkin, beeswax, heliotrope
Do Not Want: cherry, grapefruit, wine, red musk, cedar
Profile Information
A few of my favorite things: bees, crows, Faerie, Alice, Gaiman/Stardust, LUSH, the Armana period in Egypt, mermaids, knitting, Harry Potter, painting, BPAL, pomegranates, octopodes, cuttlefish, Charmed, Supernatural, things that are green, handmade things, ee cummings, the story of Angus and Caer, silence, fog, museums, and knitting.