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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by lapillus

  1. lapillus

    The Hanged Man

    From begining to end, sweet, musky and mild. Very calm and clean and, well, not exactly cozy – it’s not that closed in – but secure. A meditative sort of enlightenment, not a lightning bolt. A moment one would enjoy pausing in.
  2. lapillus

    The Brides of Dracula

    In bottle: sweetly floral Wet: Still sweetly floral over light musks. Very pretty and feminine. Dry: Some honey and amber and spices come out to play as well. Still lovely. Later: Becomes very unified and I think that there is some sandalwood drying the whole blend out in a very nice way. Summary: Too bad this was a LE – it’s a scent I could easily wear a lot when I want to feel pretty. (Not HOT, not girly, but pretty in a way that knows the world and still remains restrained.)
  3. lapillus

    Count Dracula

    In bottle: Not much – a tiny bit of amber. So far so good. Wet: Amber and a bit of spice. Oh there’s the patchouli and it’s the evil kind. *scrubs off* Summary: I should have known that the count would be mild mannered and sophisticated before biting me with patchouli. *drives the imp off to the swap pile with a stake in hand*
  4. lapillus

    Water of Notre Dame

    In bottle: Sweet lush green (both leaves and florals) Wet: Much as in the bottle only more open. And very, very tranquil. Dry: Getting greener and stronger and mintier as it dries. Later: Eventually becomes a damp white floral. Still lovely. Summary: *beatific smile* This is one I like a lot and will put on my big bottle list :-)
  5. lapillus

    Santa Eularia Des Riu

    In bottle: Ozone and citrus Wet: Ozone citrus and white florals in the background Dry: I’m getting the herbs and lavender and the citrus stuff but no Jasmine (which is odd, given how my skin tends to amp it to the point of downing everything else out). Later: Oh, there’s the Jasmine. Once dry this balances nicely. It’s not very strong but it is pleasant. Summary: Fresh, wet floral, rather greenish. Will enjoy, but not unique enough for me to crave a big bottle.
  6. lapillus


    In bottle: sharp spicy dark green Wet: the same on my wrist Dry: unifies and dries out – more sea spray and forested shore than underwater. It reminds me a lot of the area around my folk's cabin in Maine. Later: sour and sweet and salt, green both wet and airy. Less sweet than Maenad Lasta about five hours Summary: Very interesting. This is one I really want to wear when I can pay close attention to it. I think it would also make a really inspiring room scent for when I’m writing.
  7. lapillus


    In bottle: sour green – it must be the orange and the hibiscus. I’m not getting any strawberry. Wet: some floral sweetness shows up on top and the sweetness of the strawberry. Dry: the sour is almost completely gone Later: loses the sour becomes wet green airy florals. Lasts about five hours. Summary: Much nicer on wearing than I expected initially. Will enjoy it but probably not order a big bottle as there are other green scents I like better.
  8. lapillus


    In bottle: sweet and sharp Wet: carnation and something lighter and sweeter along with something dry and powdery. Smells very much like a late spring garden in full bloom but before the heaviness of summer flowers. Dry: Similar to the wet smell but something dry comes out from underneath keeping them from being soggy. Later: Dried flowers, pale and powdery (in a good way). A very feminine scent. Summary: So far the muses like me and I like them (although, Melpomne is perhaps more my speed both as scent and generally) and I’m definitely keeping.
  9. lapillus

    Les Fleurs du Mal

    In bottle: Roses Wet: Oh there’s the lilac (and I’m not sure if this is good… ). Dry: Lots and lots of lilac. Rather ammonia-ish lilac. Later: Given a couple of hours it calms down to something much more pleasant the rose (and maybe the wisteria, although given I’m not sure quite what wisteria smells like I’m not sure if it’s that or just a different rose). Summary: given its unpleasant start I’m not sure I want to wear this. I may see how it works as a linen spray sort of thing. The dry down is quite nice. If that doesn’t work, off to the swaps. (Too bad, I like Baudlaire)
  10. lapillus


    In bottle: Juicy, fruity sweetness Wet: The pear and the lily of the valley have blended and the rosewood is just beginning to peer out from behind. Dry: bright and sweet and clean. I like this pear Later: It stays very much the same and holds on reasonably well. Summary: bright and sweet and clean. I like this pear , enough that I might get a big bottle for summer.
  11. lapillus


    In bottle: Spicy sweetness Wet: the violet is beginning to come out and sit on the frankincense and there may be a hint of cinnamon as a distinct scent. This is the first scent I’ve had with cinnamon and so far I don’t seem to be having the problems so many others do (then again I’m used to strong liniments on a daily basis.) Dry: a lighter frankincense (my skin tends to amp it to the near exclusion of other things.) Later: scent stays the same but something in it is making me queasy. :-( Summary: Nice light incensey smell however not something my body likes. Off to trade it goes.
  12. lapillus


    In bottle: old gold, thinnish liquid. tart orange Wet: oh there’s the patchouli (it must be red since it’s not making me ill – hurray!), with some sandalwood and a bit of rose – still getting a citrusy tang, too. The scent is clear, deep, and complex. I’m liking it a lot. Dry: citrusy bits have gone and the scent has unified. It’s staying lighter and clearer than I thought it might, while still being sensual and rich. You’re someplace with rich woods, fresh roses and good ventilation Later: Once it’s unified it’s very stable. Summary: It smells like the inside of one of those tiny Indian shops full of carved boxes and quirky brasswork. I’m not sure it’s a “me” smell but it’s so evocative (and I’m so happy to find patchouli that doesn’t make me ill” that I’m going to keep and enjoy this tons
  13. lapillus


    In bottle: sharp light green with something round and fruity behind Wet: Now getting wet green florals. Very nice Head clearing (although not as much as the Carpathian Mountains.) Dry: the moistness goes away and things get rather faint. Later: but it stays nicely at the fainter level, still fruity green and pleasant. I like it on me but I suspect I’d love it as room/linen scent. Summary: Definitely a keeper, but I’m not sure about a big bottle . I like it on me but I suspect I’d love it as room/linen scent.
  14. lapillus


    In bottle: only a ghost of very faint flowers. Wet: Oh, less faint flowers over something green and woody. A very light scent. Dry: This is fun, it gets stronger and morphs again becoming juicier, although the sharp clean green remains. This is very nice – outside in a late spring field near a small copse of green trees. Later: fades some but remains very nice. Summary: Will enjoy the imp and it will be in the running for a light fresh scent for me.
  15. lapillus


    In bottle: fruity and a bit of floral Wet: considers becoming bubblegum but decides against it and turns to dried flowers and dusty woods floating in juice. Dry: Now it all turns to very complex powder. It’s not bad powder, although perhaps it’s a bad girl’s powder. Floral, dry, airy powder suspended in a three dimensional space. The power left suspended in the air of a 1940’s noire star’s room right before she goes to seduce the hero. I’m not sure it’s really me, but it’s fun and different from the other BPAL I’ve tried so far. Much more interesting than I was expecting from it wet. Later: Stays remarkably true, even through dishwashing! Summary: Fun but I’m willing to trade. I’ll probably give it one more try though.
  16. lapillus

    House of Night

    In bottle: Peaches but not cloyingly so Wet: Juicy peaches with wet green florals behind Dry: begins to dry out but otherwise similar Later: the peaches depart leaving a powdery green floral that is more comforting than sensual. Summary: Will hold on to it for the moment, but it’s not so exciting that I’m determined to keep it forever or get more.
  17. lapillus


    In bottle: bright and green Wet: Bright and green and floral sweet with lots of ozone. Dry: Oh, all of the above over dry, dry woods Later: traces of ozone and green, and a lovely tart sweetness over the faintest of woods Summary: Enjoyable to wear, but I really want to try it as a house scent - it’s the kind of thing to perk up a winter basement.
  18. lapillus

    Blood Amber

    In bottle: Yup. Dragon’s blood resin and amber. Wet: DBR and amber and maybe something else (it clears my sinuses in a way I’ve never had either of the main notes do before. So far it’s lovely. Dry: huh, dragon’s blood has faded almost out, amber has also faded leaving something like the ghost of burnt wood. Very strange. Later: Oh, it’s turned into dark spicy amber with just the barest hint of something sweet. Still much drier than I was expecting given how juicy dragons’ blood usually is, but it’s turned into something quite nice. It does make me want to play with layering it with Blood Rose. Five hours in it’s even better balanced. This is a fun one to track how it changes. Summary: Definitely keeping it, will consider a big bottle.
  19. lapillus

    Lucy's Kiss

    In bottle: Pears and wet florals Wet: much the same only more spread out and drying out a bit. Which is too bad, I liked the wetness (it seemed appropriate for a kiss ) Dry: the pear has receded and the florals have partially dried out but not completely. It’s settling into a very pretty feminine scent. I’m not sure it quite goes with the ratty jeans and hiking boots I have on, but it’s nice. Later: turns a bit soapy but not in a bad way – more of a freshly bathed soapy than a bitter-washed-your-mouth-out-with-soap soapy. Summary: Nice enough to keep for the moment, not nice enough to crave a big bottle.
  20. lapillus

    The Castle

    In bottle: brown, both color and scent Wet: spicy and resin sweet. I think it may have some red patchouli. Dry: The patchouli is taking over, and is sitting on top of some woods. Later: Moderates to a nicely balanced dark brown blend, sweet and spicy that fades faster than I’d have expected. Is gone within about six hours, which given how resiny it smelled is about half the life I was expecting. Summary: Will keep but won’t hunt for more.
  21. lapillus

    Wilhelmina Murray

    In bottle: Citrus moderated by florals Wet: Light florals on top of musk and woods, oh and there’s the myrrh, drying everything out. Dry: The myrrh recedes a bit and everything balances out. Later: stays much the same, decent lasting power (6 hours or so). Summary: Pleasant. Will keep for the moment, but won’t worry about tracking down a bottle.
  22. lapillus

    Quincey Morris

    In bottle: pale and thin. Clean over light fruit. Wet: cliean over light sweetness with a hint of musk. Dry: Oh, ho, there’s the leather, and It’s very dry (needs some oil) along with the clean. The musk stays in the background. Later: much the same with the leather strongest. I think I want leather with either more musk or something like amber or dragon’s blood resin. Summary: Not something I need more of but I’ll hold onto the imp for the moment.
  23. lapillus

    Lucy Westenra

    In bottle: yellow and thick, rather bubblegummy. Wet: more of a balance between floral and bubblegum. Dry: more floral but nothing particularly striking Later: fades rapidly, leaving very faint floral sweetness behind. Summary: Not exciting enough to look for more. May trade.
  24. lapillus


    In bottle: pale brown medium, sweet and round Wet: sweet (not what I think of as fruity, not foody, not even particularly floral) and round with something dry underneath a a few floralish top notes Dry: Hmm, fruitier with a nicely tart edge. Later: Stays about the same and hangs on well. 13 hours later I can still catch its ghost. Summary: Not blown away by it but will definitely enjoy the imp.
  25. lapillus


    In bottle: pinky brown, medium thick. Sweet and perfume-y Wet: not sweet at all – leather and something dry and whatever note it is that makes me taste salt (myrrh?). It smells a bit like a burning log that has been doused with a bucket of water. Only dry. Dry: Now the amber and the musk come out to play and things balance out a bit. But something is really getting my sinuses. Ok, rinsing seems to have helped. Maybe I won’t have to swap it. Later: The myrrh has gone and left a softer leather, sweetened and mellowed by the amber and musk (much more like my leather coat). 13 hours in and it’s still there. Summary: I love the old, dry version of it, but new it’s a bit much. Will try again before deciding.