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Posts posted by freyasfae

  1. Pretty sweet with the peach at first which is what I was worried about, but on the drydown the peach gets much softer and the white musk comes into play, the bergamot is there, too, though not the oakmoss, and I really have no idea what heliotrope smells like though finally some green and floral comes in, but it's still mostly peach. I was hoping the bergamot and oakmoss would be a little more prominent.

  2. Oh, yes, this is a lovely mint julep with an oak-y, smokey bourbon. Being that my guy is a bourbon lover, we both tried this. While my skin tends to turn scents sweeter, his usually emphasizes the spices. So there was some minor differences here, but it still smelled like a mint julep - just on me the sweet mint was more prominent with bourbon lurking right behind and his was more balanced with the sweet mint and bourbon. Either way, we both loved it, and he demanded a bottle. :D

  3. Even if this wasn't too my liking, I would have liked it in some way. This is one of my favorite quotes from my favorites books, and thank Anne, that it smells just divine, like goddess of autumn divine, on me. In the bottle and wet, it's fall leaves and maple, but as it dries down it gets spicier and smokier - and a little caramel - like getting overly excited when the first autumn winds blow in and you go out and get a caramel latte even though it's not quite cold enough yet. I love this so, so, so much.

  4. I tried this a few times before deciding how I felt about it. At first, I thought, I like it, but I have similar scents I like more and it doesn't have a lot of throw. But then the second time I wore it, it was done in less than an hour, but I had been cleaning the garage that morning, so I reapplied, and then I couldn't stop sniffing my wrists. You still had to get up close and personal to it, but slathering helped the throw. I only had a little left in the bottle that I bought off SnowWhiteMoon, so I decided to try the rest in a roller bottle that I got from the store, and I think it will use it up as a post bath-time/pre-bedtime scent.


    Subtle, but just really lovely, the epitome of a beautiful moonflower: pale, tall, romantic, and blossoming in the moon. This just kept growing on me, and I am debating over buying a bottle for the next CP release.

  5. The citrusy bergamot is strong when I sniff in the imp, but only lurks in the background once it dries on my skin and the florals come forward, the florals are a touch powdery in the throw, but not up close on my skin - where the bergamot and amber cyphre are more noticeable. I keep sniffing my wrists so clearly I like it. It is feminine, yet sophisticated and old-fashioned in the movie Crimson Peak is - a period piece interpreted through today's eyes.


    I don't think I will be getting a bottle of this as the powdery throw is not my favorite, but I still think it is a gorgeous scent. I have yet to find a CP scent that is not at least a 4 on my 1-5 BPAL scale (that I use on my dorky BPAL spreadsheet to sort my scents).

  6. Icy mint in the bottle. When wet, the sweeter snow scent starts to come out, and it is the lovely sweet, snow note of BPAL with mint - the mint isn't too sharp, nor candy. As it dries down, it stays mainly the same on me, but does get a little sweeter (which my skin tends to do). I like this a lot, and am glad I bought a bottle. I think I will save this for those hot, humid Texas summers - it will make them more bearable.

  7. Oh, sharp like the description. Too sharp honestly. Though I adore mint and pennyroyal is supposed to smell similar to spearmint, this was not a good mint on me. On my notes, I just wrote down "nope." Medicinal - though I imagine good for a headache like many other reviewers have said. I think I may try Envy instead for the mint and lavender with green notes that LizziesLuck mentions.

  8. 2015 Version


    Initial review on 1/21/2015: Beautiful wet and in bottle - ozony, minty, and floral, but within minutes on my skin, the mint starts to overwhelm everything else. After that, it settles down into just a sort of perfumy scent. Bizarre.


    Second review 1/25/2016: I was really on the fence about this scent so I had to try it again. Overall, this time, it still has the same ozony, minty, hint of floral touch to it, but this time it settled down into this mintyness that just swirls around you, it's a mint on the verge of harshness, but sneaky florals creep in and prevent that. Sometimes I smell it, and it's pleasant, other times it's incredibly chilly. Quite the experience! I think I would like this more in summer than winter, actually. But, I plan on keeping it.

  9. In my quest for the perfect BPAL snow, I bought a bottle of this from a forum member - I think they bought it as a part of decant circle that they ran. Anyway, I got it yesterday, let it calm and slathered it on this morning. In the bottle, it is a lovely snow with a bite of neroli - as I found many of the other snows too sweet, this had promise. Unfortunately, once it settles into my skin, it's just kind of powdery with the neroli no longer discernible. Bummer. I will probably revisit just in case, but I don't think it's the snow for me.

  10. I got this as a decant just to try out a lunacy scent as I haven't tried one yet. I am not quite sure why I picked this one as frankincense and patchouli rarely do well on me. Anyway, first one it was all sharp lavender and benzion. I generally didn't like it, but I was hoping the fig and amber would come out soon to play, but then it took a vile turn on me and started to stink, I mean stank, and I washed it off. There definitely seems to be a problem with benzoin going whack on me.

  11. The wasabi in this had me a bit concerned after my experience with Dracul where the cumin just overwhelmed my experience of the scent, but I could barely discern what could be called wasabi in this scent, but it does leave that slight burned sensation in my nostrils when I breath it in deeply, but not in a medicinal way, just a slightly sharp way. On my skin, this mainly smells like heliotrope with very little else. I think I might connect more with this scent if I felt a connection to RPGing as it is not unpleasant on me at all, but my feelings towards it are meh.

  12. Nope, not even rose once again can save my dislike of patchouli. I feel at one point in my life I liked patchouli. I'm not sure what happened. However, I did enjoy that at first, the rose, patchouli, and sandalwood are all very distinguishable from one another. I can tell the rose is the classical BPAL rose, but not even my love of BPAL rose can save patchouli for me.

  13. Liked this in the bottle - it reminded me of chocolate and mint (which I think was the combination of benzoin with bourbon and vanilla), but then the benzoin was like hahaha, I am going to ruin this party for you and get all medicinal on your ass. It's not nearly as bad as some benzoins on me, but it still gives me that nostril tinging that makes me go "benzoin, you party pooper!" The herbs come into play later, but benzoin = death note.

  14. When wet, the chocolate and mint are more prominent on me, but as it dries down, the florals take center stage, but like other reviewers have said, you can still detect each note - I keep sniffing my wrist which I am sure looks bizarre. Perhaps this is how other BPALers learn to find one another in public - gee, that person sure is sniffing their wrist a lot, are they a BPALer? You really have to dig in close to smell it on your skin, but I can smell it floating around me - not much throw, but a very delicate, misty scent that stays close. This is a sorrowful perfume much like Lady Amalthea herself, and I prefer the innocence (and coconut) of Last Unicorn to this, but that being said, I will be using this imp up.

  15. I have seen several reviews mentioning not liking the watery note, and I wondered why, but I get it now. Now, I don't hate this by any means, in fact, I have rarely found a BPAL scent I hate, this is very pretty, but it's not me - and doesn't really induce calm and fulfillment in me. It's just a watery, floral, very pretty, but that's about where it ends for me.

  16. This is all sweet, sweet apple hard candy on me - I saw hard candy because there is a slight bitter note in there that reminds me of licorice. I don't get any woods notes. It is very strong, lots of throw. I tried this after Verandi which I should not have as Verdandi is sophisticated apple and this is the sort of candied apple I would have worn as a teenager.

  17. My impressions:


    In the bottle: Holy crap, this smells like old books! This is what all the BPALers are talking about on the forum when they talk about the old books smell.


    Wet: Almost immediately, something sweet jumps in, which I think is the beeswax on me, maybe some of the incense which my skin does not hate in this because it's subtle.


    Drydown: Reading books by candlelight, not good for the eyes, but terribly romantic.


    I don't think I want to smell like old books enough to buy a bottle, but I definitely will be keeping this for the occasional moments when I do.


    Update: After a few hours, this becomes a sweet beeswax on me with a little smoke to it, almost caramel-y. This just got bumped on my list to favorites.

  18. The cumin was really pushy on this scent for me. At first, the cumin and clove was strong, but then as it dried down, the fir and balsam came forward and the clove dominated the cumin, but then cumin kept coming back like a damn jack-in-the-box - like the creepy ass melody that plays as the jack-in-the-box prepares itself to shock the crap out of you EVEN though you totally know it's coming, but it still makes you jump back! That is what the cumin does to me on this scent - it lingers, menacingly, reminding me it's going to come back and make me jump, then it pops out! I can shove it back in and try to focus on the other notes, but the cumin just starts to build back up again.


    I like cumin in my food. I do not like wearing it.

  19. This is sophisticated apple! It's apple when wet, but the herbs and amber come out to play fairly quickly. I love apple, and I admittedly loved BB&W's Country Apple growing up, so it's nice to smell apple in a sophisticated way like this. This is going in my BPAL apple collection!

  20. Opulent is right! The peach is subtle at first as the amber is pretty prominent, but it quickly starts to enter the equation. It started to get kind of perfume-y, but then the peach keeps it from becoming too much so. It is definitely stately and pretty, but I am a little too plebeian for such airs, I suppose.

  21. Oh, this is what I would imagine Baba Yaga to smell like, there's an old-fashioned perfume element, but in the midst of herbs, patchouli, and this element of decay that I think may be the moss and moth dust. Liked trying it, but won't be needing a bottle.

  22. I got this as a frimp, but even sniffing it from the imp, it's almond and rum, and all the things I can't stand. I know some scents round out, but if I can't even stand the imp smell, I don't bother. Grog was better than this for me as it didn't have my death note - almond.

  23. I had high hopes for this scent as I like old-fashion scents, particularly with notes like rose, rosemary, orange blossom, lemon peel, and mint. I adore all those notes, but alas I have learned a very important lesson today when testing. My skin amps grape, and not in a good way, I am talking amping like Dimetapp, cough syrup grape. I tried to hold out to see if the other notes would come through, but I did not last. The Dimetapp had to go, and I washed it off, hoping my lavender hand soap would conceal it.
