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Posts posted by ImpImpImp

  1. I was very kindly frimped this from a generous and lovely forumite. The year isn't labeled.


    This is much nicer than I expected: a dark core of clove and tobacco and amber, with a wafting sweetness from blood orange, lime and bay. Death can't be too fearsome if it smells as enticing as this does! I could see myself wearing this often, but as it's likely near-impossible to find, I'll pass on the hunt for more. Love that I got to try it though!

  2. 2015:


    This is so, so pretty. Has aged beautifully.


    It morphs a good deal - the first couple of times I tested it, I wasn't sure about the initial wet phase. Too many notes competing at once, too much going on: darkness, sweetness, sharp and heady and deep all at once. But then it mellows out to the most beautiful black musk, clove and frankincense, with just a bit of the sandalwood and honeycomb coming through. It's a strong scent and somehow dark and a little heady at the same time - the inspiration is well represented! So glad I didn't swap this one...I see a lot of wear in its future, through several different seasons.

  3. Finally I tried Embalming Fluid! This isn't my typical scent family, but after such rave reviews I wanted so much to join in on the love for this one. Unfortunately something goes badly off on me - I suspect it's the aloe. Not for me, but glad to know it now.

  4. Oh NOOO! Now I'm going to spend $1mil on a bottle of Adam. I just know it :P That being said, I've noticed that it seems somewhat similar to Jareth in notes... have either of you been able to sniff both of them? I'm wondering if Jareth would lay well with a woodsy scent to create something like Adam... a poor-man's version, maybe, haha.


    And aw! If only that coffee note were something else. Coffee and other foody stuff usually smells strange on my skin, plus I'm not a huge coffee fan in the first place. But it definitely seems to have the feeling I'm looking for... I might have to snag an imp just to see if maybe the stars will align and coffee would work well for once :o


    Unfortunately I already gifted my bottle, or you could have had it!

    Jareth is gorgeous, but nothing like Adam. Mmmmaybe Crowley or Leopold freiherr might be close, but Adam is just different. Some of the more nefarious gaiman characters might work: croup or vandemeer, maybe kroenen from Hellboy. But Adam is so clearly that scent. That plasticity tech scent...

    Sadly for your purposes, I have to agree with annemathematics - Jareth is very different in scent and overall feel (but fantastic and worth trying on his own merits, though!). Adam is entirely unique as far as my BPAL experience goes.

  5. Yeah, I tested Adam on a guy and when he learned the notes, he said "that's IT, it's reel-to-reel EXACTLY."


    As far as the nostalgic & dusty but in the modern world part of your request, what about Miskatonic University? I got very dusty coffee from it.

  6. Hands down, this is one of the most beautiful scents I've ever smelled from the Lab. I wore only this pretty much exclusively when the Plagues came out and just got it out again today, and it's somehow even more beautiful than I remember.


    This doesn't morph on my skin - it starts out a gorgeously blended vanilla sandalwood with a deepened richness from balsam and cedar, and it stays that way until it fades out. In my perfect world, all vanilla would smell like this! There's something peaceful and a little meditative about it, and my partner LOVES it on me - no other scent has ever provoked quite the reaction this one gets. It's light so does require slathering, and doesn't stay around as long as I'd like (forever?) - definitely a re-applier.

  7. "I suppose that I am commuting a felony, but it is just possible that I am saving a soul. This fellow will not go wrong again; he is too terribly frightened. Send him to gaol now, and you make him a gaol-bird for life. Besides, it is the season of forgiveness. Chance has put in our way a most singular and whimsical problem, and its solution is its own reward."

    White clove, bright carnation, labdanum, sweet patchouli, Terebinth pine, warm sandalwood, and a drop of Ceylon cinnamon.

    I'm intimidated to be first, but this scent is so truly lovely.

    I love each of the notes in the description, so had high hopes for loving this. And I do! I'm surprised by how well blended it is though, and how well each of the scents work together. Really, this is such a masterful example of a brilliant blend. If I concentrate I can identify each note, but they're complimented by the others, not pure.

    It feels mainly brown and comforting and fuzzy, sometimes white and pure. It's grace, a clean slate. It's like getting a fierce warm embrace from someone when you don't quite deserve it.

    Update: A month later, I love this scent even more. It's just such an excellent, comforting blend of notes - when I wear it, I can't stop sniffing myself. Beautiful waft and solid wear length - a good 5 hours until it becomes faint and barely noticeable. Though I'm trying to cull my collection, I'm still considering a back up bottle.

  8. This is UNBELIEVABLY beautiful. I just received a bottle and since the day I received it, haven't been able to wear anything else. The motor oil in bottle/wet is fascinating (how does Beth do it??), as is how it changes and blends with the myrrh and musk into something just unbelievably beautiful. I find myself smelling my wrist for hours: I don't have words to really review it properly, but it might be the best scent I've ever smelled from the lab. Decent throw and long stay, which is great, because I both can't stop wearing it and can't imagine running out of this scent. Tragically, it's now out of stock - or I would have bought 10 bottles.

  9. What a beautiful description Beth has for this scent! I've been searching for a strong lab tuberose scent, so couldn't wait to try this.


    Wet: ...not good on me. At all. Strong mugwort, but with some sort of evil mugwort twist. This stage lasted a while, and had I not gotten caught up in other pressing things, I might have considered washing it off, something I never do.


    Three hours in I remembered to pay attention: Peppermint candy cane, but muted, almost heathered somehow. Throw not very strong at this point (I'd forgotten I was wearing it, despite having accidentally slathered it on)


    3.5 hours in: If I concentrate very hard I can pick out the tuberose, among the opium and a couple other notes I can't identify. No more mint. Vanilla's buried super deep in there. It's pretty now, feminine, a little oriental. I feel like I'm in ancient Arabia, subtly trying to seduce a sultan.


    4 hours in: Really pretty. Light. Hazy. Hard to describe. Reminds me a little of Death Shall Come in with Thee.

    Stays this way throughout now - no more morphing.


    6 hours in: Opium at the forefront.


    I would love to find a scent with more true tuberose (and would just die over a tuberose single note, should we ever be so lucky!). This is beautiful once it dries - but it's not that scent.

  10. Why oh why can't this be a GC scent??


    Edith is UNBELIEVABLY gorgeous. White sandalwood, musk, amber, true vanilla. This isn't a very foodie scent on my skin. The notes blend beautifully with a lovely waft. I'm intrigued by how it plays with Sir Thomas Sharpe: Beth is a genius to have created these in such complimentary blends!


    Back up bottle worthy!

  11. 2015 version:


    This is unbelievably beautiful. Arguably even more beautiful than Dorian and Jareth together, and I'm a huge fan of both! This is complex and elegant and welcoming on me, and somehow even more complex and lovely and deep on my partner. Tea, vanilla, sheer musk, fougere. Wafts flirtatiously, disappearing and suddenly reappearing. Impressive stay. This is currently my very favorite scent!
