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Posts posted by Lucretia

  1. I wanted to love this one, I really did, but whooa! This is reeally sweet vanilla!

    It smells just like vanilla frosting with a hint of shampoo and mint tic tac (which always smells like vanilla to me) smell on my arm.

    I would have loved this about five years ago, but I really can't pull of vanilla this sweet anymore.

    alas, in the swap pile, I'm sure someone out there will love it cause it is a nice vanilla, just all too sweet for me.

  2. In the bottle i get Pepper, pepper, pepper!


    Luckily the pepper is not so strong on. I get... hmm.... vanilla, and and a hint of lemon (which I suppose would be the linen?), and something tart, which would be the tea.


    Ten minutes later, lemon is gone, but whooa there is the pepper again, it makes my nose tingle! Other than I smell like tea, with vanilla and milk in it. Really quite amazing!


    Ok, Pepper tones again and I'm left with warm vanilla chai. I've never smelled anything like this before, it smells like the taste of milk, and it also smells very formal, not in a womanly way, but in a very rabbity way. I honestly cannot think of a scent that would better embody the white rabbit.


    I like this a lot, sudha seagra with a zing of pepper and tea. Very nice! Glad I got a bottle already!


    Deep herbs and apple with black amber.


    I hadn't reread the description when I put this on, so I wasn't sure what I was expecting.

    First off I am struck by a sense of musty herbs, not really crisp like fresh crushed, but more like dried herbs. Seems almost a bit aquatic for a second.


    Then, I get apples! This is my first scent with apples and I really like it. Again, not crisp, tart or juicy apples, but a fully ripe apple. This blends wonderfully with the herbs. I can't quite put my finger on the amber, but I think it has blended in with the apple scent.

    This smells very woodsy to me, something like a walk through a forest in the fall after a really heavy downpour and all the herbs and mosses are at their most pungent. It smells, indeed, like necessity to me. The things in nature which we need.


    I dig this quite a bit. I dont know if it's a favorite, but i love how it reminds of a forest at the same time as smells musty and appley. Very nice all around, and it tones down quite softly. It reminds me of something more too, I dont know what, but it makes me feel very calm and comfortable.

  4. Out of the bottle, I know this scent! After scratching my head for a minute, it struck me.. this smells just like CK one! weird huh? I used to wear ck in middle school.

    After a few minutes the commercial smell fades and I'm left with a very mossy citrucy yet soft blend. Very masculin and crisp. Refined, but I can see how there is a twist of heartwrenching evil in it. All around, I must try this on my boyfriend and see what happens.

  5. oooh.. I am sad.. so many people like this one, and it sounds awesome, but this one is not for me. This smells sort of musty on me, like a sweet but stagnant wind. I get some peach and musk which are nice, but somehow the moss in this smells funny on me. I love the moss in hamadryad, so I'm sort of baffled as to why this one hates me, but anyway, fae gets swapped.

  6. I agree that this reminds me alot of Endymion, except I like this one better. It's just a bit juicier and sweeter. This is still a bit too young and innocent for me though, I will keep my eyes open for other sweetpea blends though, because I did enjoy that.

  7. Nice almondy scent at first, very bitter, a hint of cherry. i like it alot at this stage. However, after 20minutes or so I get some sort of fruit or floral that tones the almond way down and gives it that babypowdery scent.

    alas, this one ended up too light and sweet on me.

  8. loooovely! Smells just like those gingerbread candles, i.e. a bit too artificial to be real gingerbread, but that's just the way I like it. Very warm and spicy, makes me feel cozy and nice.

    Very glad I swapped for this!

  9. I get a very icy scent out of this actually.

    first out the bottle, oddly enough, I get cucumbers and menthol. Both things I associate with cool smells.

    It then mellows to sort of a musty, cold, floral. Except I can somehow smell leather and menthol in this. Maybe I'm craaazy, but that's what my nose is telling me. Except the leather would make sense given that dwarves are supposed to live there (nibelungen).

    I am so glad this does not smell like empyreal mist on me. I get sort of the same mist/murky sensation, but this one is not really as unpleasantly sweet.


    So, in the end I get, fog, leather, something icy (possibly menthol) and sort vague hint of flowers that i couldnt even begin to identify except to say that they are very sharp.


    I like this one quite a bit and may see myself getting a bottle when it starts getting hot outside, because this one feels very cooling to me.

  10. The Snow-Shoe Goddess, Giantess, the Norse embodiment of winter. Frost-rimed winter berries, crisp pine needle, and a slush of bright snowy notes.

    sad sad sad... not at all the wintery walk I was hoping for. First on I loved it, but after about a minute the pine lost all it's tartness and all I got was an all too sweet and sugary smell. I think in terms of pine I'll need to go for one without any florals to sweeten it up, cause my skin just blows them out of proportion.

  11. clean and dusty, dominant ylang ylang and neroli on me.

    Soft and creamy but with an edge, I'd say there was amber in it but it must just be the neroli acting curious on my skin.

    It took me a while to figure out what it reminded me of, but it's got to be silentium amoris.

    I like this one quite a bit, as it is very soft and sort of wicked all the same time, but it doesn't really feel like me. I'll keep the imp though for sure.

  12. I can't really even begin to describe this. It is... herbs.. but not green crisp herbs, but woodsy dark herbs, and yet very clean at the same time.

    The only other oil I've tried that even remotely reminds me of this is hamadryad, which makes sense, but the moss in that makes is lighter and sweeter than this.


    I'm not really sure what to make of it. Definitly herbs, and I can make out a tree, but I don't know if this is one I would wear on a daily basis just cause it's a bit too.. well.. I don't even know what... this scent was really beyond describing for me (helpful I know... sorry!)

  13. first on:violet candies, very similar to the raven

    then: clove and I guess tonka come out into a really sexy, seductive blend. Very luxurious, like silks and velvets somehow. Like a woman hidden behind scarves.

    I really like this one simply because this is the one blend with clove that has worked out for me. All the other ones end up too spicy and dry, the violets keep this one soft and toned down.

    all around a winner I say!

  14. at first I get sandalwood and lily of the valley (both of which I loove).

    Then I'm hit head on with opium and a hint of vanilla. Very light and airy, but opium make it a bit heady at the same time. I feel like I could get high just from smelling my wrist, which I seem to be unable to refrain from doing.


    I can totally see some elegant and sexed up, taudry yet glamorous, belle epoque era lady wearing this while living it up in an opium den or going to a tea party. It really has two aspects to it I think. The opium and sandalwood is a bit more sinster, while the lily of the valley and vanilla are very innocent.

    I love it, I mean really, this would be a perfect straight out of the shower scent for everyday use.

  15. Stately, bold, aristocratic and cruel. Opulent galbanum and amber, glistening peach, and a bouquet of French florals, with a merciless undertone of jonquil and heartless vetiver.

    My first first review!

    this my friends is awesome. If a peach could be the devil, this would be it. This is a juicy peach, not too sweet but just right, which a floral undertone and notes of vetiver. I for one have been waiting for a floral with vetiver for a long time, because it's one of my favorite combinations.
    Out of the bottle, alcohol and peaches, smells like peach schnapps or something.
    On it smells juicy, very peachy, with very regal, sophisticated florals. I don't know what a jonquil smells like, but I get sort of a lily scent. And then of course the vetiver which adds a hint of evil.

    These peaches will suck your soul out!
    I need a 5ml... !

    edit to say that I got a bottle, and it's much less peachy, much more galbanum. Still fabulous, in fact possibly even better.

    ETA: I still have this bottle almost 4 years later and it still smells awesome. It's aged beautifully. Especially the amber and the vetiver.

  16. mmm mmm, I'm glad I overcame my fear of this being too masculine and swapped for it. It smells wonderfully cedary and peppery on me, which just a hint of citrus to lighten it up. It reminds of pencil sharpenings, and old musty school rooms for some reason. I, thank goodness, can't really notice the patchouli at all.

    I really like it, but then I liked Goneril too, I'm not sure what it is about cedar but it makes me feel relaxed and safe.

  17. I was hoping this would be more earthy, but instead I get sort of a mossy and musty dried rose smell. I recognize some of the moss from hamadryad, but mainly it smells a bit like seance to me, very sad and lingering, but honestly this is not one of my favorite rose scents at all. I'm going to have to say I prefer London when it comes to a soft rose.

  18. This smells like I wanted gluttony to smell on me. This one is a yummy butterscotchy caramel on me. Very warm and sticky smelling.

    I like it quite a bit, although I'm not sure I'd ever wear such a foody scent outside of the house cause it would make me hungry, plus it's a little too rich.

  19. I like the honey note in here, it reminds me of alice and jezebel which I both like.. the amber however.. leaves me a bit iffy.. I sort of like, and I can sort of smell the "sex" of it. But honestly the amber smells sort of hard on me, like a hard liquer or something. I think for me, honey needs some sort of floral to tone it down, cause the amber just isn't really working for me.

    I like O, but on my skin I can't really see what all the fuss is about.

  20. amaaaazingly beautiful... I put this one on my wishlist due to the name more than the notes, as nothing really caught my eye, but this is wonderful. At first warm dry cinnamon and then some sort of soft woody floral that reminds me of something that I have no clue what it is, but I love it! Sweet and soft and woodsy. I wish I knew what the floral notes in here were.

    Lasted me almost all day too.

    Definitly goes on the 5ml list!

  21. obviously this reminds me of oneroi, except this one is a bit more tart and herby. I don't really get any jasmine, but lots of lavander and crisp. A little bit acrid maybe... Does it work? I put this on and at first whiff of it started feeling really relaxed and sleepy. I put on some more before I went to bed and I was out pretty quickly and slept deeply. I did have sort of crazy dreams though, same thing seems to happen with oneroi. Maybe I need to try the one that counters bad dreams...hmm..

  22. i loved this one wet, sweet yummy caramel and chocolate and all things sticky and tasty! I smelled like a bakery or something, but sadly the dry down leaves me with only chocolate. I mean, I like it, it's a sweet friendly chocolate (not like kali), but it's not what I was looking for, especially after being tempted by all the glory of gluttony when it was wet.

    a good scent, but my skin seemed to eat everything but the chocolate :P
